1802 unique individuals are talking about Zero and it is in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, Zero has an sentiment score of 34 out of 100.
On Twitter, people are mostly bearish about Zero. Trend were down about Zero. These sentiments are based on 208 tweets.
On Reddit, Zero was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about Zero. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.
Zero claims to offer total payment confidentiality, while still maintaining a decentralized network using a public Blockchain. Zero aims to combine Bitcoin’s security with Zcash’s anonymity and privacy.
At the core of Zero technology is zero-knowledge proofs, which allows transaction data to be validated without revealing information about the amount and the parties involved. Zero uses specific zero-knowledge proofs called zk-SNARKs (zero-knowledge succinct non-interactive arguments of knowledge).
Zero claims to be built on strong science and audited meticulously by third parties. It is an open-source protocol, built by a security-specialized engineering team, and based on Bitcoin Core’s battle-tested codebase.