$XVP Overview


VirtacoinPlus sentiment is neutral with 0 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 13 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $XVP on social media.

Highlights about VirtacoinPlus on social media

There is not enough data to determine the sentiment of VirtacoinPlus. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, VirtacoinPlus has an sentiment score of 13 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bullish about VirtacoinPlus. Trend were neutral about VirtacoinPlus. These sentiments are based on 11 tweets.

On Reddit, VirtacoinPlus was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about VirtacoinPlus. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

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Social media posts

Chris Altrader - $XBG presale investor

$XLM $XVP $XRP pump time.

Crypto Psalm

@binance Virtacoin $VTA now VirtacoinPlus $XVP

Edmond of Web3

@bruiserscalls Too many currencies that would help make some tons, especially in the #Futures market. $PEPE, $ETH, $XVP & $BTC are a few tokens with potential profit PNL. These tokens currently have events ongoing on Mexc worth $10k.


@davidgokhshtein Forget ftx..You mustdefinitely buy @vortex_protocol ETH gem with so much amazing utilities, ready to go the moon so as dev and dex keeps working tirelessly every day... #ETH $xvp #vortexprotocol


@MrRealWhale Will definitely buy @VortexProtocol ETH gem with so much amazing utilities, ready to go the moon so as dev and dex keeps working tirelessly every day... #ETH $xvp #vortexprotocol


@Mark_Crypto_off Will definitely buy @VortexProtocol ETH gem with so much amazing utilities, ready to go the moon so as dev and dex keeps working tirelessly every da.. #ETH $xvp


We're now accepting @virtaplusxvp. Trade $XVP today on Kompler!

Chris Altrader - $XBG presale investor

$XLM $XVP $XRP pump time.

Crypto Psalm

@binance Virtacoin $VTA now VirtacoinPlus $XVP

Edmond of Web3

@bruiserscalls Too many currencies that would help make some tons, especially in the #Futures market. $PEPE, $ETH, $XVP & $BTC are a few tokens with potential profit PNL. These tokens currently have events ongoing on Mexc worth $10k.


@davidgokhshtein Forget ftx..You mustdefinitely buy @vortex_protocol ETH gem with so much amazing utilities, ready to go the moon so as dev and dex keeps working tirelessly every day... #ETH $xvp #vortexprotocol


@MrRealWhale Will definitely buy @VortexProtocol ETH gem with so much amazing utilities, ready to go the moon so as dev and dex keeps working tirelessly every day... #ETH $xvp #vortexprotocol


@Mark_Crypto_off Will definitely buy @VortexProtocol ETH gem with so much amazing utilities, ready to go the moon so as dev and dex keeps working tirelessly every da.. #ETH $xvp


We're now accepting @virtaplusxvp. Trade $XVP today on Kompler!

Crypto Breaking NEWS

VirtacoinPlus $XVP Soared 101% During the Past Day

Crypto Breaking NEWS

VirtacoinPlus $XVP Rises 56% Over the Past Day

Crypto Psalm

@binance Virtacoin $VTA now VirtacoinPlus $XVP


@MrRealWhale Will definitely buy @VortexProtocol ETH gem with so much amazing utilities, ready to go the moon so as dev and dex keeps working tirelessly every day... #ETH $xvp #vortexprotocol

Chris Altrader - $XBG presale investor

$XLM $XVP $XRP pump time.


@Mark_Crypto_off Will definitely buy @VortexProtocol ETH gem with so much amazing utilities, ready to go the moon so as dev and dex keeps working tirelessly every da.. #ETH $xvp

Edmond of Web3

@bruiserscalls Too many currencies that would help make some tons, especially in the #Futures market. $PEPE, $ETH, $XVP & $BTC are a few tokens with potential profit PNL. These tokens currently have events ongoing on Mexc worth $10k.


@davidgokhshtein Forget ftx..You mustdefinitely buy @vortex_protocol ETH gem with so much amazing utilities, ready to go the moon so as dev and dex keeps working tirelessly every day... #ETH $xvp #vortexprotocol


We're now accepting @virtaplusxvp. Trade $XVP today on Kompler!

Crypto Breaking NEWS

VirtacoinPlus $XVP Soared 101% During the Past Day

Crypto Breaking NEWS

VirtacoinPlus $XVP Rises 56% Over the Past Day

Chris Altrader

$XLM $XVP $XRP pump time.

Chris Altrader

$XLM $XVP $XRP pump time.

About VirtacoinPlus

Virtacoinplus (XVP) is a cryptocurrency . Users are able to generate XVP through the process of mining. Virtacoinplus has a current supply of 10,928,643. The last known price of Virtacoinplus is 0.01385633 USD and is up 0.00 over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://www.virtacoin.plus/.

  • Name: Virtacoinplus
  • Symbol: XVP
  • Started At: 3/14/2017
  • Mineable