$VRM Overview


VeriumReserve sentiment is down with 5055 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 35 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $VRM on social media.

Highlights about VeriumReserve on social media

5055 unique individuals are talking about VeriumReserve and it is in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, VeriumReserve has an sentiment score of 35 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bearish about VeriumReserve. Trend were down about VeriumReserve. These sentiments are based on 551 tweets.

On Reddit, VeriumReserve was mentioned in 1 Reddit posts and there were 3 interactions about VeriumReserve. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

Related topics: $amzn, $tsla, tsla, $nkla, blnk, spirit airlines, $free, free freerossdao, $spy, spy, bitcoin, apple inc, aapl, $vrc, $baba, $gns, netflix inc, $cvna, stocks, $asts, djt trump media technology group, ispo, $tpx, discord, wilfred, #bitcoin, fintech, $qqq, blockchain, $hapi, hapi, atra, $nvda, investment, $ssg, maps, realtime, $amc, $upst, $xpp, cnxt, microsoft corp, gamestop corp, bldp, cryptocurrencies, $googl, $onon, $len, $phun, crgo, allg, $vir, ddd, glto, $woof, jabil inc, phun, sofi technologies, faraday future, $path, ulta beauty inc, dollar tree inc, $zim, vail resorts inc, $bird, $ftre, $smar, $wsm, williamssonoma inc, jbl, chad, meta platforms, zoom video communications inc, #crypto, msft, adobe inc, $dg, dollar general corp, $kss, $dks, dks dicks sporting goods inc, arco, nrgv, $orcl, archer daniels midland co, $asan, $casy, dks, $dkng, $roku, leju, alim, nvda, sofi, $wpm, amc, $igt, $usa, amzn, $we

Social media posts

sports n trades

$GRTX $VRM cook

Trimomdas Hamilopas

$VRM New alerts have been posted in the last hours:-

Olivia Brooks

FDA submission news could send $MYNZ soaring – keep an eye on this stock 🚀💼 $VIR $YSG $GPRO $VRM $INFN $PBI #Debate2024 #MinHeeJinOut #JACKANDJOKEREP2

CRYPTO 101 Podcast

#crypto101 #matthewaaron interview with @effectsToCause Doug Pike of @VeriumReserve @VeriCoin #vrm #vrc coming soon

Socal Crypto, Secessio plebis

$MSP, $EDG, $DNR, $ZEC, $DCR, $VIA, and $VRM are what I'm looking at right now. I am/will be accumulating all of them. #DYOR


another company out of Europe. First year sells 10000 Used cars online and is valued at $2.6 Billion!! $pbx $pbx.v $lotz $cvna $sft $vrm @pbsolutions_ca PBX will be facilitating 40000 cars/year Market Cap: $70 Million!



bikul mishra



$VRM if $33 holds, double bottom and strong reversal. No reason for selling off this much as it’s down over 60% from highs. Looking for a run back to $40 in the next couple weeks. I’m in 11/20 $35 calls for a quick swing

Verium Reserve

The VeriCoin and Verium Wiki is Live.


$VRM *Top analyst target price for next week::.:~


$RLX *Top analyst target price for next week::.:~ $VRM *Top analyst target price for next week::.:~

Wilfred Cho

Above5DaysMA $VRM $1.12 6.13% 15.71% 27.84% 12.85% 59.53


2018 is a going to be a great year for the #VeriConomy. $VRM $VRC


@Quantum_Si nobody cares unless YOUR employee @effectstocause who used his @vericoin shitcoin iou ponzi and @veriumreserve illegal security ico fraud to defraud hundreds of bitcoin to pretend to be a "professional health investor" with my bitcoin instead of paying his shitcoin ious for BTC

Caroline Patterson

After recovering from a recent dip, $MYNZ is back on track. How do you view stocks that show quick recovery? $GPRO $VRM $INFN #रामचरितमानसअनुसारमोक्षकैसेहो


$VRM above 1.1

Socal Crypto, Secessio plebis

If you are a GPU miner you should be looking at $ZEC, $DCR, or $DNR. CPU miners should be looking at $VRM. Enjoy.


people who confuse PX with value....check out the move in $VRM and then the big return of shares at $1.06 and tell me this market move in PX has nothing to do with the "value" of the @vroomcars company :)

Wilfred Cho

Above5DaysMA $UFI $9.90 12.24% 18.71% 14.98% 6.22% 69.99 $UPST $22.50 11.39% 29.09% 70.20% -3.64% 72.09 $VRM $1.38 8.66% 43.75% 35.29% 32.69% 72.76 $WE $2.16 20.00% 43.05% 51.05% -19.70% 63.79 $YELL $4.00 12.04% 39.37% 59.36% -3.15% 78.15


$VRM they won’t @ us


Been so lazy with Twitter lately.. another cracking day though. Just been cruising in @smallcaproom where i usually share my trades. Some nice fades today. $EVAX $VRM $VTNR $CYN

The Inner Circle Trading Group DP David Prince

I had losers this year. Its part of the business. I'm constantly reminded the longer you recognize you were wrong the larger a loss it becomes. $VRM was a notable one. I finally said I'm wrong at $5. Looking back even late was a good decision.


$vrm Top analyst price target for next week...

Penny Stocks (PennyStocks.com)

well then.... $TTCF $VRM NHOD

Zee C O N T R A R I A N

New positions for me: $PLTR $HIMS $ADT $SFTW $GHVI $FUBO Money came from selling: $VRCA $VRM

Verium Reserve

From the VeriCoin and Verium Development Team we want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! $VRC $VRM

Crypto Gems Finder 💎

Hey everyone, big things happening on @vrmarsio! Their main token $VRM is launching on 15th! Meanwhile, they have pretty good contests on discord. Do not forget to join! 🚀 #vrmars

Laziest of Dans

Coming to a $CVNA (and $VRM) near you.


From the VeriCoin and Verium Development Team we want to wish everyone a Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year! $VRC $VRM

Wilfred Cho

Above5DaysMA $REAL $1.75 0.29% 15.46% 51.29% 33.97% 65.12 $SOFI $6.73 13.30% 14.65% 53.30% 30.17% 78.66 $VRM $1.13 6.60% 16.22% 28.41% 13.35% 59.85


Come join us in our new VeriCoin and Verium Bitcointalk forum Join us and learn what we are working on! $VRC $VRM $BTC #btc #blockchain #fintech #cryptocurrency

Wilfred Cho

DailyDown5 $VERV $19.72 -6.54% -6.72% -5.28% -25.16% 40.70 $VFC $25.50 -5.52% -5.94% -10.27% -22.98% 33.93 $VRM $1.03 -6.36% -4.63% 12.01% -1.90% 45.03 $VRSN $191.14 -6.63% -10.21% -9.69% 0.36% 27.70 $VRTV $129.31 -7.00% -3.20% 8.83% 3.15% 48.45


The divergence between Carvana $CVNA and Vroom $VRM post-IPO is so stark. $CVNA in blue $VRM is orange


Tomorrow VeriCoin and Verium Live AMA January 26th 5pm EST - Lead Developers Douglas Pike (@effectsToCause) and Patrick Nosker (@pnosker) will be live streaming an AMA on Youtube (Post your questions on Reddit for AMA) $VRC $VRM #VeriConomy #BinaryChain

SNR Stonks

@jk_capital Huge insider BUY on $VRM

Shortable Stocks

$VRM is short sale restricted for 2023-05-11.


The first New Year Event on Mars was a huge success! Over 3.5K players joined us and we distributed $2500 worth of $VRM tokens and more than 200 NFTs as rewards 🎁 Keep an eye on your emails in the coming days to see if you won a reward 👀


VeriCoin and Verium Supply over 50 years VS Bitcoin VS VertCoin $VRC $VRM $BTC $VTC #btc #bitcoin #blockchain #fintech #cryptocurrencies

stock scope

- $VRM - Vroom Announces Second Quarter 2024 Results -

Philip Calrissian

The day begins.... #earnings $ORCL $ADBE

Wilfred Cho

DailyUp5 $TELL $2.08 7.22% 8.90% 16.85% -15.79% 54.39 $VRM $1.13 6.27% 15.86% 28.01% 13.00% 59.63


$VRM calls about +50% here


$VRM *Top analyst target price for next week--->🚀

Wilfred Cho

Above5DaysMA $OPEN $2.06 1.72% 18.68% 112.86% -12.50% 67.84 $RDFN $7.37 1.24% 17.17% 88.97% 87.06% 69.97 $REAL $1.76 0.57% 15.79% 51.72% 34.35% 65.28 $SOFI $6.74 13.38% 14.74% 53.42% 30.27% 78.70 $VRM $1.12 6.13% 15.71% 27.84% 12.85% 59.53


In $VRM we trust


Mark your calendars everyone.🗓️ VRMARS Twitter Space is scheduled for Thursday, Make sure you don’t miss out! #VRMARS #Web3 #Metaverse #MarsMission #BSC $VRM

Wilfred Cho

DailyUp5 $U $40.10 9.74% 17.35% 40.26% 43.83% 66.66 $UPST $21.68 7.33% 24.38% 63.99% -7.15% 70.12 $VRM $1.37 7.69% 42.46% 34.08% 31.50% 72.31 $WISH $0.77 6.98% 20.53% 56.86% 3.25% 66.26 $ZS $138.11 5.01% 10.32% 23.42% -10.18% 68.73

Wilfred Cho

DailyDown5 $UFI $7.50 -5.37% -3.04% -24.90% -12.44% 39.05 $UP $0.49 -11.45% -26.10% -56.57% -52.31% 13.47 $UPWK $10.21 -7.05% -5.42% -14.38% -2.44% 39.42 $VORB $0.12 -17.18% -69.53% -89.89% -92.99% 24.57 $VRM $0.85 -6.66% -4.24% -7.73% -14.69% 42.25

Penny Stocks (PennyStocks.com)

Penny Stocks To Buy: 5 Short Interest Stocks To Watch Now $TTCF $AMTX $APRN $VRM $BIOR

Unicorn Trading Empire

$VRM $VRM $VRM .96 to $1.30 in 3 weeks

Wilfred Cho

DailyDown5 $VRM $1.20 -5.18% 4.71% 12.54% 9.47% 56.36 $WE $1.83 -5.18% 15.09% 2.81% -32.47% 52.38 $WKHS $2.08 -5.66% -5.66% 28.70% -23.06% 49.94 $WRBY $14.53 -10.53% -10.03% -3.71% -8.96% 38.94 $X $28.46 -5.40% -0.12% 11.81% 38.07% 53.14

LargeVoid Bot

13:52 Pops: $HARP +4.6%, $BZFD +4.1%, $WE +3.9%, $VRM +3.9%

Wilfred Cho

DailyDown5 $UFI $8.89 -5.47% 9.14% 2.01% -2.47% 53.48 $UPST $20.77 -6.02% 10.71% 49.75% -10.40% 59.90 $VCSA $1.77 -5.35% 5.99% 27.34% -51.51% 56.51 $VRM $1.27 -7.97% 17.59% 18.69% 22.12% 61.27 $VRTV $137.41 -6.35% 15.45% 18.47% 18.19% 62.05

Wilfred Cho

Above5DaysMA $OTRK $1.13 13.00% 35.33% 206.65% 209.25% 69.86 $RDFN $7.17 -1.51% 13.99% 83.85% 81.98% 67.66 $SOFI $6.63 11.62% 12.95% 51.03% 28.24% 77.79 $VRM $1.10 4.25% 13.65% 25.57% 10.84% 58.21

Mark Evans

The question is—will you be ready when the tides change? $MYNZ is building momentum, and soon, the full force will be felt $YSG $DDD $PEB $GPRO $VRM $INFN $PBI

The Finance Cat

Vroom, Inc's quarterly revenue growth rate YoY of -62.00% ranked 3967 out of 5733 companies in our database. $VRM 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀


$CVNA $DJIA $SPY $VRM 📢Bill Bill Bill

Reckless Trading LLP

@JaguarAnalytics $CVNA announced that their EBITDA profit will be better then expected, of course they will still lose 1B for the year, yet the stock went up 50%, because of this most stocks with high short interest rallied: $BYND $UPST $W $VRM $AFRM Who are the funds who do this against retail

Wilfred Cho

Above5DaysMA $TDUP $2.18 -4.80% 24.57% 84.75% 73.02% 62.76 $TSP $2.64 -3.47% 25.71% 70.32% -58.16% 65.15 $VRM $1.39 -1.42% 31.13% 44.79% 33.65% 71.83 $ZIM $22.84 3.82% 22.73% 34.67% -1.04% 76.67

The Finance Cat

Vroom, Inc's quarterly revenue growth rate YoY of -77.60% ranked 4059 out of 5747 companies in our database. $VRM 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

Parabolic Scan

$VRM was added to Parabolic Scan Tier III. 🚀 Price: 1.04 💵 Shares: 138.83M Float: 128.54M Float Short: 14.18% Parabolic conditions have been met 🔥 These are volatile plays by nature 🍃 Be mindful of your R:R and have a plan 📝 Timestamp: Jun-08-23 • 10:24 AM EST 🔴

Shay- Humbled Trader

“Regardless of how confident you are, there is a high probability of being wrong hence risk should be a vital part of planning your trades” $IMRN $APDN $IDEX $VRM $IZEA $NAKD $NKLA $PLM


Top decreases in stock option open interest $VRM $PFE $CLF $META $XPEV $INTC $SOFI $PTON $CCJ

JeffTheOmega1(Jack Of All Trades)

$CVNA $VRM We going to get a merger here? Would be smart thing for both companies IMHO. Used car market going to heat up soon.

The Finance Cat

Vroom, Inc's quarterly revenue growth rate YoY of -62.00% ranked 3958 out of 5732 companies in our database. $VRM 🚀🚀🚀🚀🚀

Wilfred Cho

DailyDown5 $UFI $8.77 -6.80% 7.61% 0.57% -3.84% 51.90 $UPST $20.95 -5.20% 11.67% 51.05% -9.62% 60.64 $VCSA $1.75 -6.42% 4.79% 25.90% -52.05% 55.47 $VFC $28.86 -5.75% -4.18% -2.24% 2.16% 44.27 $VRM $1.27 -7.97% 17.59% 18.69% 22.12% 61.27


$VRM could be beneficiary if $CVNA keeps going $VRM short interest around 20% $CVNA 50%

Wilfred Cho

Above5DaysMA $U $40.38 10.51% 18.17% 41.24% 44.84% 67.06 $UFI $9.90 12.24% 18.71% 14.98% 6.22% 69.99 $VRM $1.45 14.17% 51.04% 42.16% 39.42% 75.09 $W $71.45 7.43% 27.14% 117.24% 102.75% 75.23 $WISH $0.78 9.51% 23.38% 60.57% 5.70% 67.57

Wilfred Cho

DailyUp5 $UP $0.52 5.26% -20.32% -55.17% -49.51% 18.73 $VRM $0.91 6.77% 1.07% -1.68% -10.82% 49.79 $WISH $0.41 5.97% 4.62% -14.39% -15.93% 44.52 $YELL $1.88 5.47% -6.13% -27.79% -25.20% 35.94

Wilfred Cho

DailyDown5 $UPWK $10.15 -7.64% -6.02% -14.92% -3.06% 38.85 $VRM $0.85 -6.14% -3.70% -7.21% -14.21% 42.72 $VSCO $32.35 -5.35% -2.35% -6.31% -11.37% 41.90 $WKHS $1.11 -9.35% -14.89% -41.01% -25.67% 26.27 $WW $4.21 -6.14% 8.10% 8.66% 9.22% 48.88

Crypto Pillage NFT Games Feed 🍥

New Game Alert! 🎮 🚨 VRMARS is now on the Crypto Pillage #NFTGaming #metaverse list! 🎉 🪙 $VRM is the project token 🐦 Project Twitter: @vrmarsio 🔗 Running on Bitcicoin ℹ️ More Details:

JK Capital

$VRM surging new highs on volume following $CVNA 1.60s next

Dylan O’Reilly

$FUBO $PACB $VRM all moving the way they did before January 2021. The started to move around September 2020. It’s like the jigsaw puzzle got broke and they’re putting it back together. Hopefully this time they frame and make sure it never breaks again.

Seeking Alpha Market News

$VRM - Vroom Q2 2023 Earnings Preview


$CVNA vs. $VRM: what will be the best investment? #Carvana

Chris Kelly

It would be nice if Vericoin and Verium would get listed on exchanges. #Verium $VRM #vericoin $VRC check out the discussion about Vericoin and Verium at : : website Join in the fun. Help develop the crypto. #Crypto #Cryptocurency


Bill Gates' portfolio didn't see much movement. $CVNA was sold, $MSFT was reduced, and $BRK.B was added to.


$VRM next multibagger?

Wilfred Cho

Above5DaysMA $TSP $2.63 10.50% 28.92% 60.37% -56.67% 66.78 $UFI $9.90 12.24% 18.71% 14.98% 6.22% 69.99 $UPST $23.00 13.86% 31.96% 73.98% -1.50% 73.17 $VRM $1.38 8.66% 43.75% 35.29% 32.69% 72.76 $W $70.60 6.15% 25.62% 114.65% 100.34% 74.76

About VeriumReserve

Verium Reserve (VRM) was created to support the VeriCoin blockchain and serve as an independent store of value asset.

Verium's protocol PoWT (Proof-of-Work-Time) aims to address blockchain scaling issues by introducing a new variable block-time paradigm that speeds up network transactions with increases to mining power. The team claims that variable block-times allow Verium to scale automatically while enhancing transaction speeds and network capacity to ensure high levels of network security at any level of mining throughput. By linking the binary chain and Verium’s auxiliary mining protocol (AuxPOW), Verium will also process VeriCoin blocks. This protocol reportedly speeds up VeriCoin’s block-time to less than 30 seconds. These technologies reportedly enable VeriCoin’s network to provide an efficient and scalable system for consumer transactions.

The Dual Blockchain (or Binary-Chain) pairs a digital currency (VeriCoin) with a digital reserve (Verium). It aims to secure and accelerate transactions by leveraging complementary protocol technologies (Proof-of-Stake-Time and Proof-of-Work-Time) into a blockchain system. The goal is to offer a comprehensive solution to ensure low cost, secure, fast, and scalable digital transactions.

  • Name: VeriumReserve
  • Symbol: VRM
  • Started At: 9/17/2016
  • Mineable
  • PoWT