$VBK Overview


VeriBlock sentiment is down with 2562 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 37 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $VBK on social media.

Highlights about VeriBlock on social media

2562 unique individuals are talking about VeriBlock and it is in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, VeriBlock has an sentiment score of 37 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bearish about VeriBlock. Trend were down about VeriBlock. These sentiments are based on 92 tweets.

On Reddit, VeriBlock was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about VeriBlock. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

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Social media posts

CryptoHotep.base.eth 🛡️

In dividend investing, every penny counts and I love seeing these amounts increase with every pay out. 🧱 Vanguard paying the bills in the ROTH IRA. $VOE $VTV $VBK $VOT $VO $VBR $VUG

The Deep Value ETF Investor

5 Best U.S. Small Cap Growth ETFs to Own Long Term #1 $IJT iShares S&P Small-Cap 600 Growth ETF #2 $SLYG SPDR® S&P 600 Small Cap Growth ETF #3 $VBK Vanguard Small-Cap Growth Index Fund ETF Shares #4 $ISCG iShares Morningstar Small-Cap Growth ETF #5 $IWO iShares Russell 2000 Growth ETF

The Deep Value ETF Investor

5 Best U.S. Small Cap Growth ETFs to Own Long Term #1 $IJT iShares S&P Small-Cap 600 Growth ETF #2 $SLYG SPDR® S&P 600 Small Cap Growth ETF #3 $VBK Vanguard Small-Cap Growth Index Fund ETF Shares #4 $ISCG iShares Morningstar Small-Cap Growth ETF #5 $IWO iShares Russell 2000 Growth ETF


Over the past 12 months, $SMCI SuperMicroComputer is +1,154%. It's now #1 in the Vanguard Small Cap Growth #ETF $VBK, despite its market cap of $65 billion, 3x larger than the 2nd biggest holding ($PTC).


I've added $VBK to my investments on @EasyEquities! Join me and 2 million other investors #equities #property #crypto #managed #DIY #ETFs

ETF Investments

Equity Style Box with Vanguard’s list of ETFs $VOO $VTV $VUG $VO $VB $VOT $VBK $VOE $VBR

King Investing 👑

Morning #DivX! Wishing everyone a great day!  👌 $VBK will be the recurring buy for today!😉

CentralCharts EN

🤖 $VBK #VERBIO - Daily: Has the basic bearish trend slowed or is it lacking in power? The short term does not yet offer any information that would allow us to... @Londinia_IA

Scott's Critical Mass

I found this fascinating... Are small-caps undervalued or are large-caps overvalued or is it a bit of both combined? 🤔 Or could both be overvalued, which is scary to think about? 😱 $SCHA, $IJR, $IJT, $VBK, $VBR, $VIOO

🐎 ~Painfully Loud Leo~ 🐎

@zerohedge Great, looks like I need to sell my $vbk



Chaz Ruffin Finance

@Rawk_FI Haha $VBR isn’t my favorite, but I’ll take it over funds like $VB or $VBK. If the newness of $AVUV scares you there’s also $DFSV from Dimensional, which has 30 years of history. Avantis was founded by former Dimensional employees so they have a very similar approach.

The Market Arbitrageur

Bromfield Sneider Wealth Advis 13F-HR #SEC filing $VUG VANGUARD INDEX 19.61% $SPY SPDR S&P 500 ET 18.04% $VCSH VANGUARD SCOTTS 11.18% $VBK VANGUARD INDEX 9.28% $SUB ISHARES TR 4.75% 2024-01-05 08:43:03

Seeking Alpha

$VBK - VBK: The Case For Small Cap Growth Heading Into 2024. #stockmarket #economy #markets

Ben Nobel Winning Bronanke

@GuyTalksFinance $VBK needs to be on here

Poor Loonie 🇨🇦

Last shopping of this year 🛍️ Bought $TMF, $VBK, and $CRWD today 💸


$vbk In Germany looks bullish here buy for a good run higher #verbio

Market Vice

$IWM $RUT $IWO $VBK Russell 2000 is down 11% from the July peak!


What are the hottest stocks right now? Pick the best $IWP vs. $VBK vs. $VO.


What are the most profitable stocks right now? Pick the best $IWM vs. $VBK vs. $VBR.


$DODGX vs. $VBK: which stock is the best to buy?


$DODGX vs. $VBK: what is the best stock to add to your portfolio?


$IWM vs. $VBK vs. $VBR: what will be the best investment?

ETF Hunter

🤖Hunting #ETF by key word Key word: #Growth $VBK Vanguard Small-Cap Growth Index Fund ETF Shares 💰Last 24H [$] 1.04 13:22


Which stock is the best to invest? Compare $IWP vs. $VBK vs. $VO.


What are the hottest stocks right now? Pick the best $IJT vs. $SLYG vs. $VBK.


What are the most profitable stocks right now? Pick the best $IJT vs. $SLYG vs. $VBK.


What are the most profitable stocks right now? Pick the best $IJT vs. $SLYG vs. $VBK.


Which stock is the best to invest? Compare $DVY vs. $SPY vs. $VBK.


How to make the right investment? Compare $IVW vs. $VBK.


Which stock is the best to invest? Compare $IWM vs. $VBK vs. $VBR.


$DVY vs. $SPY vs. $VBK: what is the best stock to add to your portfolio?


What stocks might make more money? Pick the best $IJR vs. $VBK vs. $VOO.


$IWM vs. $VBK vs. $VTI: what is the best stock to add to your portfolio?


Nice print for $VBK Size: 489714 Price: 215.8957 Amount: $105,727,146.83 Time: 1355 See more: Join to get REAL TIME prints. Runners 📈: Losers 📉: Gappers 🪜:


Nice print for $VBK Size: 131847 Price: 207.91 Amount: $27,412,309.77 Time: 1429 See more: Join to get REAL TIME prints. Runners 📈: Losers 📉: Gappers 🪜:


Nice print for $VBK Size: 120567 Price: 207.74 Amount: $25,046,588.58 Time: 1425 See more: Join to get REAL TIME prints. Runners 📈: Losers 📉: Gappers 🪜:

₡rypto Ma₡h ®

Same, same and same! 💪 $PHL, $BITC and $VBK


Best Growth ETFs to increase Income and Wealth $QQQ $IWF $VUG $SPYG $VBK

Trade Alerts, Trade Ideas and Crypto 🇺🇸

UPSIDE MOMO: $VBK Vanguard SmallCap Growth ETF via ➡️

rrando 🇺🇸

For these Vanguard ETFs, size does matter. It seems that bigger is better since 2010. %Gain adjusted for dividends. $MGC Mega Cap $VOO S&P 500 (Large Cap) $VO Mid Cap $VBK Small Cap Growth $VBR Small Cap Value $VTWO Russel 2000 (Micro Cap) YMMV. Not Investment Advice.

Emir | The Millennial Finance

Assuming all other aspects are covered and this is purely for investment. 300k to ASB to secure the bag 25k crypto in case it moons Rest in a mixture of ETF’s that cover US $SPY, emerging markets $VWO, small caps $VBK, and world $VT


$VBK ETF - Vanguard Small Cap Growth ETF #VBK

Broadcast Dividends 🎙️

Today’s portfolio update. Top 3 positions: 🟢$VBK +1.06% 🟢$V +0.87% 🟢$AAPL +0.86% Overall: 🟢 +0.27% DOW. 🟢+0.65% S&P 🟢 +0.27 NASDAQ 🟢 +0.26 Today’s buys: $AAPL, $V and $CVX. On to Tuesday 😎

₡rypto Ma₡h ®

I get asked daily over discord what I'm up to lately so thought i'd share it with CT: Mined & sold big bags of $beam Mining & selling big bags of $grin Mining buying & hodling $bitc $vbk & $phl Buying moaarr $veo $xhv & $rvn dips Keeping tabs on $mrt Scouting for...


@CryptoJimboh $BIS $SEM $ARO $SNOW $VBK


Basic blockchain notarization > SafeNodes ( $SAFE ) vs Komodo ( $KMD ) vs VeriBloc ( $VBK ) - Featuring SafeCoin team member Cam. Watch the video > @SafeCoins main website > Trade $SAFE > #Bitcoin


Currently mining: $DGB on SHA256, Skein $GIO on Scrypt $VBK on GPU Nothing on X11, D3's are turned off. $LBC on Giant-B


What are the most profitable stocks right now? Pick the best $VBK vs. $VIOG vs. $VSGAX.


Grabbed some $NANO - tho I feel a little dirty buying alts on Binance Trying to accumulate $BITC (under 1300) and $PHL (under 4k) Bought some $KCS since exchange tokens seems to be all the rage (still have $BIX obv) Still love $NYZO and $VBK the most Update complete


What is the best stock to buy right now? Pick the best $VBK vs. $VOO vs. $VSS.


What is the best stock to buy right now? Pick the best $VBK vs. $VXF vs. $VXUS.


Recent buys: $AERGO $EGEM $PHL Positions I have added to recently: $BIS $HYDRO $FTM Obligatory, gratuitous mentions: $NYZO $VBK $VEO


Sharing my short-term $crypto investment strategy with you. Reduce my $BTC allocation and scale into these alts between 8k-12k Bitcoin levels; • $ETH • $VBK • $VET • $XHV • $TUBE • $XTZ • $KMD • $QSP Want to keep exposure level <10 alts. This increases manageability.


So I have bags of all of $VEO $BIS $NYZO $PHL $ARO $MCM $VEIL $VBK $LOKI $NIM now.


4) $VUG - Vanguard Growth Index fund $VOT - Vanguard mid-cap growth $VBK - Vanguard small-cap growth If you liked this thread, take a minute & retweet it for benefit of others

Riccardo Spagni

ICOs are better than VC because it gives everyone an equal opportunity to invest and there’s no way it can be gamed by thieving VC firms. Totes fair.


$VBK ETF - Vanguard Small Cap Growth ETF #VBK


$VBK ETF - Vanguard Small Cap Growth ETF #VBK


$VBK ETF - Vanguard Small Cap Growth ETF #VBK

What The Finance⁉️

HOW TO GET RICH: Step 1: Always be buying Step 2: Never be selling I add contributions almost every day of the week. My growth portfolio receives $400 a month. This is an important allocation in a portfolio if you’re young. No tax drag, all gains Buys: $SCHG $VBK $VOT $QQQJ

Brian G

Small-cap growth is just now coming out of 2-year bases. $VBK $WCLD $ARKW $XRT If you have struggled in the past few months, don't fret! Head up.

The Deep Value ETF Investor

5 Best U.S. Small Cap Growth ETFs to Own Long Term #1 $IJT iShares S&P Small-Cap 600 Growth ETF #2 $SLYG SPDR® S&P 600 Small Cap Growth ETF #3 $VBK Vanguard Small-Cap Growth Index Fund ETF Shares #4 $ISCG iShares Morningstar Small-Cap Growth ETF #5 $IWO iShares Russell 2000 Growth ETF


Over the past 12 months, $SMCI SuperMicroComputer is +1,154%. It's now #1 in the Vanguard Small Cap Growth #ETF $VBK, despite its market cap of $65 billion, 3x larger than the 2nd biggest holding ($PTC).

ETF Investments

Equity Style Box with Vanguard’s list of ETFs $VOO $VTV $VUG $VO $VB $VOT $VBK $VOE $VBR


Verbio great long setup here should start rally soon $vbk #vbk

What The Finance⁉️

Another day, another automated investment. Happened before I woke up! Set everything on AutoPilot, watch your account grow and you can focus on your life⏰ $100 a week into my growth fund EVERY TUESDAY💰 $SCHG $VBK $VOT $QQQJ $MSFT


$VBK ETF - Vanguard Small Cap Growth ETF #VBK

Wall Street Waves

$VBK $COUR $BBIO 📰 Concise daily market recap (no Fluff+free) 〰

Brian G

Small-cap growth is just now coming out of 2-year bases. $VBK $WCLD $ARKW $XRT If you have struggled in the past few months, don't fret! Head up.


Verbio great long setup here should start rally soon $vbk #vbk

CryptoHotep.base.eth 🛡️

In dividend investing, every penny counts and I love seeing these amounts increase with every pay out. 🧱 Vanguard paying the bills in the ROTH IRA. $VOE $VTV $VBK $VOT $VO $VBR $VUG

ETF Investments

Equity Style Box with Vanguard’s list of ETFs $VOO $VTV $VUG $VO $VB $VOT $VBK $VOE $VBR

What The Finance⁉️

Happy Halloween 🎃 Buying stocks when the market is bleeding is the scariest thing you can do! Growth is getting hit, but I’m getting Lit Morning buys today: $VOT $QQQJ $SCHG $VBK

What The Finance⁉️

Another day, another automated investment. Happened before I woke up! Set everything on AutoPilot, watch your account grow and you can focus on your life⏰ $100 a week into my growth fund EVERY TUESDAY💰 $SCHG $VBK $VOT $QQQJ $MSFT

Jan Kučera

$BIS #Bismuth has node majority rules and anomaly detection to cope with 51% attacks on the network. Proving concepts is more important than adhering to conformity, especially when a third party like $VBK is involved.


@saxena_puru It has been a horrible year for growth stocks. $VBK Value $VTV gold $GLD and defensives $XLU $XLP $BRK.B have outperformed by a WIDE margin. Your thoughts?


@saxena_puru Value $VTV $BRK.B continues to lead growth $QQQ $VBK Not a bullish sign. The “AI” peak could be in for many months. $NVDA $SMH $SPY $QQQ

Calls Calling

Vanguard Small Cap Growth Index Fund $VBK had an unusualy high call volume of 228 this is 1.5K% of the 30d avg call volume of 15.15


$VBK trimming a little here.

About VeriBlock

VeriBlock (VBK) is a cryptocurrency . Users are able to generate VBK through the process of mining. VeriBlock has a current supply of 1,110,487,249.5487878 with 0 in circulation. The last known price of VeriBlock is 0.00410365 USD and is up 2.25 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 1 active market(s) with $5,031.16 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at https://www.veriblock.org/.

  • Name: VeriBlock
  • Symbol: VBK
  • Started At: 4/5/2019
  • Mineable