$TEQ Overview


Tequichain sentiment is down with 1333 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 21 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $TEQ on social media.

Highlights about Tequichain on social media

1333 unique individuals are talking about Tequichain and it is in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, Tequichain has an sentiment score of 21 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bearish about Tequichain. Trend were down about Tequichain. These sentiments are based on 33 tweets.

On Reddit, Tequichain was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about Tequichain. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

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Social media posts

Ricardo HL

@LionCubsFund My pick is $TEQ

⚡ Román GJ ₿

Teqnion $TEQ $TEQ.ST

Inver ⚡️

#omaha $TEQ teqnion AB $EVO evolution AB $KPG kelly patners $DNP dino polska .... living a unique experience!! $brk Berkshire Hathaway $CSU.TO constellatio $TOI.V topicus $LMN.V lumine ... and more .... greatttt


1// Another core holdings where I currently sit on the sideline/do not own any shares is $TEQ. From my perspective I’ve not sold as “given up” on this business. It’s just that the outlook is a bit uncertain in the near term due to impact from weak economy, following closely


$EVO 1/3 of my Swedish Trio🇸🇪 delivered numbers today. ( $TEQ & $PDX the two others). Evolution AB Q2: - Revenue: €508m +15% YoY (Largest pay-out ever in online casino affected revenue negative in the short term.) - EPS: 1.28 +3% YoY (higher taxes in 2024 vs. 2023). - Buy-back program of up to...

Lion-Cubs | Small-Cap Stocks

Yes I think that is a fair point. For the smaller acquirers, they may be more relaint on a small team / single person. I’m long $TEQ, $MMGR and $MCAP myself.

SamurAI Bot

With an average of only 8 calls per day, our entry tier was served with some nice signals. Last week's Dojo highlights: $TEQ 67x - (219k > 14.8mil) $INFRA 39x - (86k > 3.4mil) $NPU 41x - (114k > 4.7mil) $GAMBIT 58x - (281k > 16.5mil) #BABYFLOKI 66x - (91k > 6mil)

Andrew Brown

For those that missed it, $TEQ Teqnion have a merch store now. It was designed by a friend of mine. Check it out

Lion-Cubs | Small-Cap Stocks

My 10 Holdings as of today: 🇸🇪 Lifco $LIFCO 5.17% 🇸🇪 AddTech $ADDT 4.74% 🇸🇪 Lagercrantz $LAGR 4.59% 🇬🇧 Cerillion $CER 4.49% 🇸🇪 Fortnox $FNOX 4.42% 🇸🇪 Teqnion $TEQ 3.95% 🇩🇰 ChemoMetec $CHEMM 3.82% 🇸🇪 HMS Networks $HMS 3.26% 🇨🇦 Topicus $TOI 3.17% 🇬🇧 Judges Scientific $JDG 3.00%

Pedro León García

I feel like adressing some points regarding $TEQ Teqnion. 1. Q2 results were bad: + Excluding re-evaluation of earn outs they would have had 24% less op.income BUT they have moved 2 companies to new facilities. Easy to understand they are underearning a lot on those one offs.👇👇


Making crypto moves like Elon Musk 🚀


Portfolio with the position sizing and percentage gain/loss so far: $TEQ - 11.9% (gain +45%) $BRO - 11.2% (loss -0.15%) $EVO - 16.1% (gain +38%) $KWS.L - 11.3% (gain +4%) $RCS.MI - 12.6% (gain +18%) $SDI.L - 7.0% (loss -8%) $WSO - 11.3% (gain +25%) $WWE - 18.2% (gain +49%)


Teqnion $TEQ.ST is no longer in my portfolio. Their small team is now focused on topics other than systematic acquisitions. I wish them all the luck. May they come out of the recession stronger.

Small Cap Quality

@Peak_Ado Came across this searching for $TEQ related tweets - great thread!


"Buy right, sit tight" $EVO $TEQ $DNP


@crypto_popseye @peaqnetwork $TEQ @TeqNTWRK can be included in that category too: Depin and under 40 Mil MC

The Dutch Investors 🦁

$TEQ is down less than 1% today after Q3 numbers. Interested in reading our full analysis on $TEQ? You can do so here for free:

Kip Johann-Berkel

A bit more macro than I like but... Overall $TEQ has a fair bit of cyclical exposure to the Swedish industrial economy which has been in contraction (ISM <50) since Aug '22 but recently has gone into modest expansion (ISM >50) starting in Mar '24:

Kip Johann-Berkel

In terms of valuation (ttm), $TEQ is at 2.2x EV/S, 21.7x EV/EBITA (adj. for change in contingent considerations) and 29x P/E. At these levels I think you need to believe: 1) they can right the ship at the money-losing businesses, and 2) they can deploy capital at high ROIC...

Kip Johann-Berkel

Teqnion $TEQ.ST / $TEQ reported mixed 3Q24 results this morning. Overall, their 2 homebuilders continue to be a major drag but the 2nd derivative in a lot of the company KPIs is positive including organic sales growth which was +2% yoy this qtr vs. -6% last qtr. More below...

The Dutch Investors 🦁

To add: here another indication that recent acquisitions perform better. Half of the profits come from businesses outside of Sweden. Also interesting, maybe a bit alarming: 30% of the $TEQ companies is running at a loss..!

The Dutch Investors 🦁

7. Cash and equivelants now 174 million SEK. Balance sheet remains healthy, although net debt/EBITDA is up to 1.2. 8. These are hard times for Teqnion $TEQ investors. Although this year is tough, we can see that recent acquisitions are proven to be of higher quality and robustness. It all depends on...

The Dutch Investors 🦁

6. $TEQ becoming closer and closer in not reaching their EPS doubling every 5 years. We still expect Teqnion to reach their goals for the coming years, as the market cycle will eventually turn and $TEQ keeps adding quality businesses to its portfolio.

The Dutch Investors 🦁

5. Interesting to see: 2/3 of the $TEQ companies make up for at least 137% of the total profit before taxes. We could argue that most of the companies are less cyclical and stable businesses. Hopefully $TEQ can add more companies in this category in their next acquisitions.

The Dutch Investors 🦁

3. The order backlog of $TEQ is around 8% lower than in the previous quarter. 4. Next to Avelair, also UK-based company Lanyard was acquired in the previous quarter.

The Dutch Investors 🦁

More patience needed for $TEQ shareholders. Q3 results were published this morning, and this are the highlights: 1. Revenue up 12%, EBITA up 4%, but EPS down 10%. 2. We notice a big gap between increased revenue and EBITA. It basically means that profitability of (some of the) underlying companies...

Mexican Investor | Inversión en Bolsa

I've never invested in $TEQ but what do you think about this? Is not common but at the same time I don't know how this could be harming to investors or the company

The Dutch Investors 🦁

Some of the interesting quarterly updates we'll be covering this month: 16-10: $ASML 17-10: $TSM 18-10: $NEDAP 19-10: $TEQ 24-10: $AMZN 24-10: $EVO


$VHI.TO might prove to be a mistake sell in the future due to their high organic growth, the IRR was dropping quite fast due to valuation. I will follow closely. $TEQ - I miscalculated the amount of earnings that builders were bringing in past years.

North Bluff Capital



@IcebergInvest @LionCubsFund Important upcoming quarters for $TEQ... Acquisitions of cyclical companies is "against" the model that $ADDT, $LIFC etc. employs

Iceberg Invest - Long Only Equity - Quality Focus

@LionCubsFund 💯A key ingredient for a serial acquirer, especially in the early days is the dedicated owner/operator. You need to know that they are in it for the long haul and are going to strive for perfection. Any changes here can be damaging. I feel $TEQ is a good one here, early days.


Price is what you pay, value is what you get $BATS $TEQ Teqnion People paid multiples too high on one hand. BATS had bad results but was too cheap. Value investing 2


@ShadOnTheBeat @haoeeicc I was also scammed with the $Teq token and can't sell it. What can I do? I saw you told someone to DM you. Can you help?

Seoshin (The Seafarer Investor)

@IrrationalMrkts What happened to your $TEQ?


Tequila shots are coming soon 🥃 I'll share my bottles with you by giving you $TEQ coins! follow and share! @TequilaMemeSol

Oscar 100%

New Teqnion acquisition (not a meme) $TEQ >£1.3m revenue (1% of teqnion revenues) >price not disclosed I just don't get this company but maybe Im missing something


Better than expected numbers from $BERG, especially comparing to $TEQ and $LIFCO. Magnus the GOAT 🐐

Lion-Cubs | Small-Cap Stocks

Teqnion share price largely unmoved as of now after the mixed earnings report released over the weekend. My take is the drag from its cyclical component (house builders etc’) was already priced in. Meanwhile, the market still has faith in its leadership. Onwards and upwards. $TEQ


🇸🇪 Teqnion AB $TEQ reported Q3 results today, they're still fighting with a tough environment👀 🟡Revenue +12% (organic +2%) 🟡EBITA +4% -> EBITA margin decreased to 10.9% 🔴Dil. EPS -10% ➡️Order backlog down ~8% vs Q2 ➡️Around 3/10 companies are currently running at a loss

Lion-Cubs | Small-Cap Stocks

Yes I think that is a fair point. For the smaller acquirers, they may be more relaint on a small team / single person. I’m long $TEQ, $MMGR and $MCAP myself.

Lion-Cubs | Small-Cap Stocks

Nice thread on the $TEQ results which came out this morning. In summary, the current poor macro is still hurting results, but should be well positioned when the cycle inevitably turns. 🇸🇪

⚡ Román GJ ₿

Teqnion $TEQ $TEQ.ST

Lion-Cubs | Small-Cap Stocks

X-Ray of Magnificent Seven 🇸🇪- Teqnion $TEQ 🇸🇪- HMS Networks $HMS 🇸🇪- Lifco $LIFCO 🇸🇪- Addtech $ADDT 🇸🇪- Lagercrantz $LAGR 🇸🇪- Vitec Software $VIT 🇸🇪- Indutrade $INDT FCF Yld: 2.58% Rev CAGR 5yr: 19.36% EPS CAGR 5yr: 20.04% ROCE 5y: 19.11% Op Margin: 16.88% Gross Margin: 44.34%


I sold $TEQ / $TEQ.ST to add even more to my $SUP.L position, as well as another new holding (will announce once I’m fully invested). I still like Teqnion long term but I feel there’s still some headwinds in the short term.

Kip Johann-Berkel

Biggest takeaways for me: 1) Aftermarket focus helps with $MMGR's organic growth (+3% during qtr & YTD) slightly better than the other Swedish serial acquirers that have reported: $LIFCO & $TEQ both +2% in 3Q24 and negative YTD

The Dutch Investors 🦁

Apparently, Teqnion $TEQ started their own merchandise webshop. They are even asking for donations, once you reach the check-out phase. What do you think about this? I've some mixed feelings about it.

Lion-Cubs | Small-Cap Stocks

My top-10 holdings as of today: 🇸🇪- Lifco $LIFCO 5.29% 🇬🇧- Cerillion $CER 4.99% 🇸🇪- Addtech $ADDT 4.98% 🇸🇪- Lagercrantz $LAGR 4.45% 🇩🇰- ChemoMetec $CHEMM 4.05% 🇸🇪- Teqnion $TEQ 4.03% 🇸🇪- Fortnox $FNOX 3.79% 🇸🇪- HMS Networks $HMS 3.58% 🇨🇦- Topicus $TOI 3.37% 🇬🇧- Calnex $CLX 3.11%

⚡ Román GJ ₿

Teqnion $TEQ $TEQ.ST

Ricardo HL

@LionCubsFund My pick is $TEQ


Teqnion $TEQ.ST is no longer in my portfolio. Their small team is now focused on topics other than systematic acquisitions. I wish them all the luck. May they come out of the recession stronger.

The Dutch Investors 🦁

$TEQ is down less than 1% today after Q3 numbers. Interested in reading our full analysis on $TEQ? You can do so here for free:

Kip Johann-Berkel

A bit more macro than I like but... Overall $TEQ has a fair bit of cyclical exposure to the Swedish industrial economy which has been in contraction (ISM <50) since Aug '22 but recently has gone into modest expansion (ISM >50) starting in Mar '24:

Kip Johann-Berkel

In terms of valuation (ttm), $TEQ is at 2.2x EV/S, 21.7x EV/EBITA (adj. for change in contingent considerations) and 29x P/E. At these levels I think you need to believe: 1) they can right the ship at the money-losing businesses, and 2) they can deploy capital at high ROIC...

Kip Johann-Berkel

Teqnion $TEQ.ST / $TEQ reported mixed 3Q24 results this morning. Overall, their 2 homebuilders continue to be a major drag but the 2nd derivative in a lot of the company KPIs is positive including organic sales growth which was +2% yoy this qtr vs. -6% last qtr. More below...

The Dutch Investors 🦁

To add: here another indication that recent acquisitions perform better. Half of the profits come from businesses outside of Sweden. Also interesting, maybe a bit alarming: 30% of the $TEQ companies is running at a loss..!

The Dutch Investors 🦁

7. Cash and equivelants now 174 million SEK. Balance sheet remains healthy, although net debt/EBITDA is up to 1.2. 8. These are hard times for Teqnion $TEQ investors. Although this year is tough, we can see that recent acquisitions are proven to be of higher quality and robustness. It all depends on...

The Dutch Investors 🦁

6. $TEQ becoming closer and closer in not reaching their EPS doubling every 5 years. We still expect Teqnion to reach their goals for the coming years, as the market cycle will eventually turn and $TEQ keeps adding quality businesses to its portfolio.

The Dutch Investors 🦁

5. Interesting to see: 2/3 of the $TEQ companies make up for at least 137% of the total profit before taxes. We could argue that most of the companies are less cyclical and stable businesses. Hopefully $TEQ can add more companies in this category in their next acquisitions.

The Dutch Investors 🦁

3. The order backlog of $TEQ is around 8% lower than in the previous quarter. 4. Next to Avelair, also UK-based company Lanyard was acquired in the previous quarter.

The Dutch Investors 🦁

More patience needed for $TEQ shareholders. Q3 results were published this morning, and this are the highlights: 1. Revenue up 12%, EBITA up 4%, but EPS down 10%. 2. We notice a big gap between increased revenue and EBITA. It basically means that profitability of (some of the) underlying companies...

Mexican Investor | Inversión en Bolsa

I've never invested in $TEQ but what do you think about this? Is not common but at the same time I don't know how this could be harming to investors or the company

The Dutch Investors 🦁

Some of the interesting quarterly updates we'll be covering this month: 16-10: $ASML 17-10: $TSM 18-10: $NEDAP 19-10: $TEQ 24-10: $AMZN 24-10: $EVO


$VHI.TO might prove to be a mistake sell in the future due to their high organic growth, the IRR was dropping quite fast due to valuation. I will follow closely. $TEQ - I miscalculated the amount of earnings that builders were bringing in past years.

North Bluff Capital



@IcebergInvest @LionCubsFund Important upcoming quarters for $TEQ... Acquisitions of cyclical companies is "against" the model that $ADDT, $LIFC etc. employs

Iceberg Invest - Long Only Equity - Quality Focus

@LionCubsFund 💯A key ingredient for a serial acquirer, especially in the early days is the dedicated owner/operator. You need to know that they are in it for the long haul and are going to strive for perfection. Any changes here can be damaging. I feel $TEQ is a good one here, early days.


Price is what you pay, value is what you get $BATS $TEQ Teqnion People paid multiples too high on one hand. BATS had bad results but was too cheap. Value investing 2


@ShadOnTheBeat @haoeeicc I was also scammed with the $Teq token and can't sell it. What can I do? I saw you told someone to DM you. Can you help?

Seoshin (The Seafarer Investor)

@IrrationalMrkts What happened to your $TEQ?


Tequila shots are coming soon 🥃 I'll share my bottles with you by giving you $TEQ coins! follow and share! @TequilaMemeSol

Oscar 100%

New Teqnion acquisition (not a meme) $TEQ >£1.3m revenue (1% of teqnion revenues) >price not disclosed I just don't get this company but maybe Im missing something


Better than expected numbers from $BERG, especially comparing to $TEQ and $LIFCO. Magnus the GOAT 🐐

Lion-Cubs | Small-Cap Stocks

Teqnion share price largely unmoved as of now after the mixed earnings report released over the weekend. My take is the drag from its cyclical component (house builders etc’) was already priced in. Meanwhile, the market still has faith in its leadership. Onwards and upwards. $TEQ


🇸🇪 Teqnion AB $TEQ reported Q3 results today, they're still fighting with a tough environment👀 🟡Revenue +12% (organic +2%) 🟡EBITA +4% -> EBITA margin decreased to 10.9% 🔴Dil. EPS -10% ➡️Order backlog down ~8% vs Q2 ➡️Around 3/10 companies are currently running at a loss

Lion-Cubs | Small-Cap Stocks

Yes I think that is a fair point. For the smaller acquirers, they may be more relaint on a small team / single person. I’m long $TEQ, $MMGR and $MCAP myself.

Lion-Cubs | Small-Cap Stocks

Nice thread on the $TEQ results which came out this morning. In summary, the current poor macro is still hurting results, but should be well positioned when the cycle inevitably turns. 🇸🇪

⚡ Román GJ ₿

Teqnion $TEQ $TEQ.ST

Lion-Cubs | Small-Cap Stocks

X-Ray of Magnificent Seven 🇸🇪- Teqnion $TEQ 🇸🇪- HMS Networks $HMS 🇸🇪- Lifco $LIFCO 🇸🇪- Addtech $ADDT 🇸🇪- Lagercrantz $LAGR 🇸🇪- Vitec Software $VIT 🇸🇪- Indutrade $INDT FCF Yld: 2.58% Rev CAGR 5yr: 19.36% EPS CAGR 5yr: 20.04% ROCE 5y: 19.11% Op Margin: 16.88% Gross Margin: 44.34%


I sold $TEQ / $TEQ.ST to add even more to my $SUP.L position, as well as another new holding (will announce once I’m fully invested). I still like Teqnion long term but I feel there’s still some headwinds in the short term.