$SOH Overview

Stohn Coin

Stohn Coin sentiment is neutral with 0 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 13 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $SOH on social media.

Highlights about Stohn Coin on social media

There is not enough data to determine the sentiment of Stohn Coin. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, Stohn Coin has an sentiment score of 13 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bullish about Stohn Coin. Trend were neutral about Stohn Coin. These sentiments are based on 2 tweets.

On Reddit, Stohn Coin was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about Stohn Coin. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

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Social media posts


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH


@SpicyPeruvian_ It might be better to approach the situation with patience and open communication. Addressing issues calmly can lead to more sustainable solutions for everyone involved. $BTC $SOH


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH


$GPN $RVB $SOH don’t miss your 10x from today 🚨🚨🚨 (mark my word)🎯 #Crypto $SMH $XNA $ZEPH $QUBIC


$ETI X4 from my entry πŸ”₯πŸ”₯πŸš€πŸš€ #100xGems #Crypto $SMH $QUBIC $SOH $RTH

$bork $bork

@BiconomyCom @ssv_network @KingSGlider @aevoxyz @MetacoinNetwork @SkaleNetwork @StohnCoin $soh

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

Finally $soh @StohnCoin is listed on @xeggex .. more things lined up .. $dnx 110 mil but $soh 40 mil supply

$bork $bork

@BiconomyCom @ssv_network @KingSGlider @aevoxyz @MetacoinNetwork @SkaleNetwork @StohnCoin $soh

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

Finally $soh @StohnCoin is listed on @xeggex .. more things lined up .. $dnx 110 mil but $soh 40 mil supply

Stohn Coin

@CoinMarketCap Something is done that draws attention to #StohnCoin $Soh

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

$soh @StohnCoin is exploding .. 40 million supply .. proof of work .. for sure a bargain at this price .. we have some good competetion for $dnx $octa $mvc coming up

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

$soh @StohnCoin can be the new hidden pow narrative .. haa the potential loke $dnx and $octa

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

$soh @StohnCoin is exploding .. 40 million supply .. proof of work .. for sure a bargain at this price .. we have some good competetion for $dnx $octa $mvc coming up

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

$soh @StohnCoin can be the new hidden pow narrative .. haa the potential loke $dnx and $octa


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH

Johny Zhao

$SOH Are you preparing to set a new ATH? mcap 10M coming soon? #POW #x100 #DNX $XPB $KAS $TARA $CLORE $OCTA

Johny Zhao

$SOH x4 from my call, I hope the CEX listing will be big and the price will go up 2-5$ #x100 #hiddengem #DNX #XPB #KAS #POW #tara


@binance @StohnCoin $soh @dechat_io $dechat

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

$soh @StohnCoin is exploding .. 40 million supply .. proof of work .. for sure a bargain at this price .. we have some good competetion for $dnx $octa $mvc coming up

Johny Zhao

$SOH Are you preparing to set a new ATH? mcap 10M coming soon? #POW #x100 #DNX $XPB $KAS $TARA $CLORE $OCTA

Johny Zhao

$SOH x4 from my call, I hope the CEX listing will be big and the price will go up 2-5$ #x100 #hiddengem #DNX #XPB #KAS #POW #tara

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

$soh at 360k marketcap pow narrative .. 40 million total supply .. can surpass $dnx and $octa and $mvc

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

$soh @StohnCoin is exploding .. 40 million supply .. proof of work .. for sure a bargain at this price .. we have some good competetion for $dnx $octa $mvc coming up


@Sangita_gems @StohnCoin $SOH on Xeggex and XT

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

$soh @StohnCoin is exploding .. 40 million supply .. proof of work .. for sure a bargain at this price .. we have some good competetion for $dnx $octa $mvc coming up

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

$soh @StohnCoin is exploding .. 40 million supply .. proof of work .. for sure a bargain at this price .. we have some good competetion for $dnx $octa $mvc coming up


@Defaultplayer13 @Mobistake @NodesReward @KafenioCoin Checkout @StohnCoin $SOH 200K MC and Litecoin dev @loshan1212 involved with some of it's development


@Sangita_gems @StohnCoin $SOH on Xeggex and XT

Stohn Coin

πŸš€ Exciting News! The Wrapped Stohn Coin Bridge is Now Live on the Binance Smart Chain Mainnet! Convert your $SOH to $WSOH on the Binance network and unlock new opportunities. πŸ”— #StohnCoin #CryptoBridge #Binance #WSOH #Blockchain

Israr Crypto πŸ“Š

$SoH the new $LTC Soh is bridging to #BSC today. $BNB ready


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH

Israr Crypto πŸ“Š

$SoH the new $LTC Soh is bridging to #BSC today. $BNB ready

Stohn Coin

πŸš€ Exciting News! The Wrapped Stohn Coin Bridge is Now Live on the Binance Smart Chain Mainnet! Convert your $SOH to $WSOH on the Binance network and unlock new opportunities. πŸ”— #StohnCoin #CryptoBridge #Binance #WSOH #Blockchain


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH

πŸ•³οΈCaco ( Χ±_ Ο™_β§–)(Ξ, Ξ)

@GinoFPM And $alph $zeph $cau $soh $ixi

Israr Crypto πŸ“Š

$SoH the new $LTC Soh is bridging to #BSC today. $BNB ready

Stohn Coin

πŸš€ Exciting News! The Wrapped Stohn Coin Bridge is Now Live on the Binance Smart Chain Mainnet! Convert your $SOH to $WSOH on the Binance network and unlock new opportunities. πŸ”— #StohnCoin #CryptoBridge #Binance #WSOH #Blockchain


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH

πŸ•³οΈCaco ( Χ±_ Ο™_β§–)(Ξ, Ξ)

@GinoFPM And $alph $zeph $cau $soh $ixi

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

Finally $soh @StohnCoin is listed on @xeggex .. more things lined up .. $dnx 110 mil but $soh 40 mil supply


@xeggex The bridge connecting Stohn Coin $SOH to #Binance is ready. #WSOH


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH


@xeggex The bridge connecting Stohn Coin $SOH to #Binance is ready. #WSOH


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

Finally $soh @StohnCoin is listed on @xeggex .. more things lined up .. $dnx 110 mil but $soh 40 mil supply

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

$soh @StohnCoin is exploding .. 40 million supply .. proof of work .. for sure a bargain at this price .. we have some good competetion for $dnx $octa $mvc coming up

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

$soh at 360k marketcap pow narrative .. 40 million total supply .. can surpass $dnx and $octa and $mvc

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

Finally $soh coin on @coingecko .. market cap 210k .. POW .. available on @txbit_io .. undervalued then $kas $dnx and $octa .. a good chance to grab it .. 20x easy

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

$soh @StohnCoin is exploding .. 40 million supply .. proof of work .. for sure a bargain at this price .. we have some good competetion for $dnx $octa $mvc coming up

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

$soh at 360k marketcap pow narrative .. 40 million total supply .. can surpass $dnx and $octa and $mvc

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

Finally $soh coin on @coingecko .. market cap 210k .. POW .. available on @txbit_io .. undervalued then $kas $dnx and $octa .. a good chance to grab it .. 20x easy


@blumcrypto $SOH #StohnCoin


Oh this is amazing. The biggest growth today was for #StohnCoin with +130% This is just the beginning for Stohn $SOH #BtC #Litecoin #cryptocurrency #Crypto #CryptoNews


Oh this is amazing. The biggest growth today was for #StohnCoin with +130% This is just the beginning for Stohn $SOH #BtC #Litecoin #cryptocurrency #Crypto #CryptoNews


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

Finally $soh @StohnCoin is listed on @xeggex .. more things lined up .. $dnx 110 mil but $soh 40 mil supply


@StohnCoin At this point #StohnCoin is better than all coins. Good news will come in the near future $SOH #Crypto


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH


@xeggex #Stohn Coin ⚑ $SOH


@StohnCoin At this point #StohnCoin is better than all coins. Good news will come in the near future $SOH #Crypto


@xeggex #Stohn Coin ⚑ $SOH


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

$soh @StohnCoin is exploding .. 40 million supply .. proof of work .. for sure a bargain at this price .. we have some good competetion for $dnx $octa $mvc coming up

Johny Zhao

$SOH Are you preparing to set a new ATH? mcap 10M coming soon? #POW #x100 #DNX $XPB $KAS $TARA $CLORE $OCTA


Current positioned in $SPACE $GRAMS $P3D $SOH $NFTX $ACG $OCTA $ALPH


$GPN $RVB $SOH don’t miss your 10x from today 🚨🚨🚨 (mark my word)🎯 #Crypto $SMH $XNA $ZEPH $QUBIC

jagveerdao β™Ÿ

$soh @StohnCoin is exploding .. 40 million supply .. proof of work .. for sure a bargain at this price .. we have some good competetion for $dnx $octa $mvc coming up

Johny Zhao

$SOH Are you preparing to set a new ATH? mcap 10M coming soon? #POW #x100 #DNX $XPB $KAS $TARA $CLORE $OCTA

About Stohn Coin

Stohn Coin is a peer-to-peer digital currency that leverages a decentralized, community-driven blockchain. Operating with a Script-based mining algorithm, it embraces the traditional proof-of-work (PoW) model to secure its network, ensuring full decentralization without pre-mined coins or distribution. The SOH coin is mined with the aid of the LWMA3 mining difficulty algorithm, which is designed to adjust the mining difficulty to maintain consistent block times and network stability.

SOH is the native utility coin that is used for:

Rewards for mining new blocks and securing the blockchain. Transaction fees incurred when transferring SOH between users. Incentive for users to maintain the network's integrity and contribute to its decentralization.

Stohn Coin's infrastructure includes:

An open-source mining community, where miners can contribute to network security and block verification.

A blockchain explorer to track transactions and analyze the overall health of the network.

Mining pools that allow for collaboration among miners to increase their chances of earning mining rewards.

Command Line Interface (CLI) tools for miners to interact with the Stohn network and manage their mining operations.

How Many Stohn Coins Are There in Circulation?

Stohn Coin has been entirely mined by the community with a current circulating supply of 15,000,000+ SOH, and it is designed with a maximum supply cap of 40,000,000 SOH. Miners receive a reward of 100 SOH for each new block, which is generated approximately every 5 minutes. To promote a sustainable and enduring economy for the coin, the mining reward is programmed to halve every 200,000 blocks, effectively tapering the influx of new SOH over time.

Where Can I Mine Stohn Coin (SOH)?

SOH can be mined on various platforms that support the Script mining algorithm. Miners are encouraged to join the network and contribute to its security and decentralization. For those interested in mining Stohn Coin, research on compatible mining pools or solo mining setups would be necessary.

As the mining and trading landscape for cryptocurrencies is always evolving, prospective miners and traders should conduct their own research to find the most up-to-date information on where and how to mine Stohn Coin.

  • Name: Stohn Coin
  • Symbol: SOH
  • Started At: 11/17/2023