$SCHO Overview

Scholarship Coin

Scholarship Coin sentiment is down with 792 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 13 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $SCHO on social media.

Highlights about Scholarship Coin on social media

792 unique individuals are talking about Scholarship Coin and it is in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, Scholarship Coin has an sentiment score of 13 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bearish about Scholarship Coin. Trend were down about Scholarship Coin. These sentiments are based on 12 tweets.

On Reddit, Scholarship Coin was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about Scholarship Coin. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

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Social media posts


Schwab Short-Term U.S. Treasury ETF: $SCHO #SCHO

Market Vice

Always look at the 30 day yield on income ETFs It's reflects current positions & yields $JEPI $JEPQ $SPHY $SCHO etc.

CWN Media

BREAKING NEWS: $SCHG 3 Magnificent Growth ETFs to Buy Before 2025 #StockMarket #News $SCHM $ZENA $SCHO $SCHR via @marketwirenews

Trade Alerts, Trade Ideas and Crypto πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

πŸ”Ž Trending Stocks : $SCHO Schwab ShortTerm US Treasury #TrendingStocks September 25, 2024 03:03:00 pm

Parker Evans, CFA, CFP

@B2Balzer @TicTocTick Our top picks for taxable bond ETFs include $STIP, $BSV, $AGG, $BND, $SCHO, $VGIT, and $VGLT or $TLT. The latter two may be the way to play a deflationary bust in the global economy, which is not our base case scenario, the free fall in oil prices notwithstanding.

Seeking Alpha

$SCHO - SCHO ETF: Best-In-Class Features And Active Return Prospects. #economy #markets #stockmarket

Buying Income

πŸ’°Solid Schwab ETF'sπŸ“ˆ $SCHO Short-Term U.S. Treasury $SCHD U.S. Dividend Equity $SCHB U.S. Stock Market $SCHE Emerging Markets $SCHX U.S. Large-Cap $SCHA U.S. Small-Cap $SCHM U.S. Mid-Cap $SCHF International $SCHH U.S. REITs What your top pick?

Chaz Ruffin Finance

Looking to add bonds to your portfolio? There are ETFs for every duration of treasury bonds you could want: Short, Intermediate, or Long Term. Short: $VGSH or $SCHO Intermediate: $VGIT or $SCHR Long: $VGLT or $EDV Bonus: Ultra Short (1-3 month) $SGOV or $BIL

Scott's Critical Mass

@GeneInvesting With that in mind, I just added to my newish short & long term treasury positions ( $SCHO & $SCHQ )... Strangely enough, since L/T Bond's peak price in July 2020, $SCHQ (-48%) has underperformed $BEAM (10%) and $NTLA (+30%) by wide margins. Who saw l/t bonds dropping by...

Parker Evans, CFA, CFP

Year-over-year total returns for Agg Bonds, T-notes, and T-bills. $GBIL $SGOV $BIL $SCHO $BND #ETF


Schwab Short-Term U.S. Treasury ETF: $SCHO #SCHO

Parker Evans, CFA, CFP

πŸ“Š Year-over-year returns on short-term U.S. Treasury ETFs πŸ’Ό Which one stands out to you? πŸ“ˆ The outperformance of $BSV with a 7.77% return is noteworthy. πŸ† With a slightly longer 2.6-year duration and 30% exposure to corporate bonds, can it sustain this performance in the current rate environment...

Market Prophit

Top Buzzing Cryptos: CROWD 🟩 $SCHO πŸŸ₯ $MATIC 🟩 $ZAZA Check out sentiment and other crypto stats at #crypto #cryptotrading #CryptoX

Trade Alerts, Trade Ideas and Crypto πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

πŸ”Ž Trending Stocks : $SCHO Schwab ShortTerm US Treasury #TrendingStocks September 25, 2024 03:03:00 pm

Parker Evans, CFA, CFP

πŸ“Š Year-over-year returns on short-term U.S. Treasury ETFs πŸ’Ό Which one stands out to you? πŸ“ˆ The outperformance of $BSV with a 7.77% return is noteworthy. πŸ† With a slightly longer 2.6-year duration and 30% exposure to corporate bonds, can it sustain this performance in the current rate environment...


Schwab Short-Term U.S. Treasury ETF: $SCHO #SCHO

Parker Evans, CFA, CFP

@B2Balzer @TicTocTick Our top picks for taxable bond ETFs include $STIP, $BSV, $AGG, $BND, $SCHO, $VGIT, and $VGLT or $TLT. The latter two may be the way to play a deflationary bust in the global economy, which is not our base case scenario, the free fall in oil prices notwithstanding.

Parker Evans, CFA, CFP

Key Bond Market YTD Returns as of 07/03/2024 πŸ“‰ Schwab Short-Term U.S. Treasury ETF $SCHO πŸ“‰ Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF $BND πŸ“‰ iShares National Muni Bond ETF $MUB πŸ“‰ iShares MBS ETF ($MBB πŸ“ˆ iShares 0-5 Year TIPS Bond ETF $STIP πŸ“‰ Vanguard Short-Term Bond ETF $BSV #BondMarket #ETFs #Investing...

Market Wire News

Breaking News: $AVGO Should You Forget Nvidia and Buy These 2 Other Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks Right Now? #StockMarket #News $SCHR $SCHM $ZENA $SCHO

Market Prophit

Top Buzzing Cryptos: CROWD 🟩 $SCHO πŸŸ₯ $MATIC 🟩 $ZAZA Check out sentiment and other crypto stats at #crypto #cryptotrading #CryptoX

Trade Alerts, Trade Ideas and Crypto πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

πŸ”Ž Trending Stocks : $SCHO Schwab ShortTerm US Treasury #TrendingStocks September 25, 2024 03:03:00 pm

Parker Evans, CFA, CFP

πŸ“Š Year-over-year returns on short-term U.S. Treasury ETFs πŸ’Ό Which one stands out to you? πŸ“ˆ The outperformance of $BSV with a 7.77% return is noteworthy. πŸ† With a slightly longer 2.6-year duration and 30% exposure to corporate bonds, can it sustain this performance in the current rate environment...


Schwab Short-Term U.S. Treasury ETF: $SCHO #SCHO

Parker Evans, CFA, CFP

@B2Balzer @TicTocTick Our top picks for taxable bond ETFs include $STIP, $BSV, $AGG, $BND, $SCHO, $VGIT, and $VGLT or $TLT. The latter two may be the way to play a deflationary bust in the global economy, which is not our base case scenario, the free fall in oil prices notwithstanding.

Parker Evans, CFA, CFP

Key Bond Market YTD Returns as of 07/03/2024 πŸ“‰ Schwab Short-Term U.S. Treasury ETF $SCHO πŸ“‰ Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF $BND πŸ“‰ iShares National Muni Bond ETF $MUB πŸ“‰ iShares MBS ETF ($MBB πŸ“ˆ iShares 0-5 Year TIPS Bond ETF $STIP πŸ“‰ Vanguard Short-Term Bond ETF $BSV #BondMarket #ETFs #Investing...

Market Wire News

Breaking News: $AVGO Should You Forget Nvidia and Buy These 2 Other Artificial Intelligence (AI) Stocks Right Now? #StockMarket #News $SCHR $SCHM $ZENA $SCHO

Parker Evans, CFA, CFP

Year-over-year total returns for Agg Bonds, T-notes, and T-bills. $GBIL $SGOV $BIL $SCHO $BND #ETF


$SCHO in +0.24% Uptrend, rising for three consecutive days on June 1, 2023. View odds for this and other indicators: #stockmarket #fund #etf


200 DMA Support today: $MSEX $SCHO $MNP ...


200 DMA Support today: $SCHO $MFM ...


200 DMA Support today: $SCHO $PMF $HCRB ...


200 DMA Support today: $SCHO ...


200 DMA Support today: $SCHO $EMO $ONTF ...


20 DMA Support today: $BLIN $COLL $SCHO $BJRI $PSEP $BUFG ...


$SCHO in -0.19% Downtrend, falling for three consecutive days on May 9, 2023. View odds for this and other indicators: #stockmarket #fund #etf


$SCHO in +0.43% Uptrend, rising for three consecutive days on May 4, 2023. View odds for this and other indicators: #stockmarket #fund #etf


$SCHO in +0.43% Uptrend, growing for three consecutive days on May 4, 2023. View odds for this and other indicators: #stockmarket #fund #etf


Rose Above Upper Bollinger Band today: $IBDQ $SCHO $KRT ...


20 DMA Support today: $AIXI $SCHO $ROCK $CSWI $WHLM $JOBY $FISR $KN $BRC ...


Schwab Short-Term U.S. Treasury ETF: $SCHO #SCHO


$SCHO in +0.24% Uptrend, rising for three consecutive days on June 1, 2023. View odds for this and other indicators: #stockmarket #fund #etf


200 DMA Support today: $MSEX $SCHO $MNP ...


200 DMA Support today: $SCHO $MFM ...


200 DMA Support today: $SCHO $PMF $HCRB ...


200 DMA Support today: $SCHO ...


200 DMA Support today: $SCHO $EMO $ONTF ...


20 DMA Support today: $BLIN $COLL $SCHO $BJRI $PSEP $BUFG ...


$SCHO in -0.19% Downtrend, falling for three consecutive days on May 9, 2023. View odds for this and other indicators: #stockmarket #fund #etf


$SCHO in +0.43% Uptrend, rising for three consecutive days on May 4, 2023. View odds for this and other indicators: #stockmarket #fund #etf


$SCHO in +0.43% Uptrend, growing for three consecutive days on May 4, 2023. View odds for this and other indicators: #stockmarket #fund #etf


Rose Above Upper Bollinger Band today: $IBDQ $SCHO $KRT ...


20 DMA Support today: $AIXI $SCHO $ROCK $CSWI $WHLM $JOBY $FISR $KN $BRC ...


Largest dark pools today (15 min delayed): $LQD - Prem: $189,525,726. Size: 1,772,428 $LMT - Prem: $121,607,932. Size: 254,767 $SPY - Prem: $98,095,427. Size: 254,558 $SCHO - Prem: $97,719,307. Size: 2,018,160 Link (+ live flow):


Schwab Short-Term U.S. Treasury ETF: $SCHO #SCHO

Parker Evans, CFA, CFP

Year-over-year total returns for Agg Bonds, T-notes, and T-bills. $GBIL $SGOV $BIL $SCHO $BND #ETF

Market Prophit

Top Buzzing Cryptos: CROWD 🟩 $SCHO πŸŸ₯ $MATIC 🟩 $ZAZA Check out sentiment and other crypto stats at #crypto #cryptotrading #CryptoX

CWN Media

BREAKING NEWS: $SCHG 3 Magnificent Growth ETFs to Buy Before 2025 #StockMarket #News $SCHM $ZENA $SCHO $SCHR via @marketwirenews

Trade Alerts, Trade Ideas and Crypto πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

πŸ”Ž Trending Stocks : $SCHO Schwab ShortTerm US Treasury #TrendingStocks September 25, 2024 03:03:00 pm


NEWS: $SCHI SCHI announced stock split 2-1 #StockMarket #News $SCHM $SCHO $AABB $SCHR via @marketwirenews


Just In: $SCHR SCHR announced stock split 2-1 #StockMarket #News $SCHR $SCHO $AABB $SCHM via @marketwirenews

Donny Leeker

News; $SCHJ SCHJ announced stock split 2-1 #StockMarket #News $SCHM $AABB $SCHR $SCHO via @marketwirenews

Ester Limpiphiphatn

Just In: $ATIF US Companies Moving the Markets, Evening edition <br>Fri, Oct 11, 2024 as of 4:00 pm ET #StockMarket #News $SCHR $ZENA $SCHO $SCHM via @marketwirenews


Just In: $NRIX Nurix Therapeutics Reports Third Quarter Fiscal 2024 Financial Results and Provides a Corporate Update #StockMarket #News $SCHR $SCHO $SCHM $ZENA via @marketwirenews

Trade Alerts, Trade Ideas and Crypto πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡Έ

VOLUME RADAR: $SCHO Schwab ShortTerm U.S. Treasury ETF via ➑️

Buying Income

πŸ’°Solid Schwab ETF'sπŸ“ˆ $SCHO Short-Term U.S. Treasury $SCHD U.S. Dividend Equity $SCHB U.S. Stock Market $SCHE Emerging Markets $SCHX U.S. Large-Cap $SCHA U.S. Small-Cap $SCHM U.S. Mid-Cap $SCHF International $SCHH U.S. REITs What your top pick?

Parker Evans, CFA, CFP

Key Bond Market YTD Returns as of 07/03/2024 πŸ“‰ Schwab Short-Term U.S. Treasury ETF $SCHO πŸ“‰ Vanguard Total Bond Market ETF $BND πŸ“‰ iShares National Muni Bond ETF $MUB πŸ“‰ iShares MBS ETF ($MBB πŸ“ˆ iShares 0-5 Year TIPS Bond ETF $STIP πŸ“‰ Vanguard Short-Term Bond ETF $BSV #BondMarket #ETFs #Investing...

Parker Evans, CFA, CFP

πŸ“Š Year-over-year returns on short-term U.S. Treasury ETFs πŸ’Ό Which one stands out to you? πŸ“ˆ The outperformance of $BSV with a 7.77% return is noteworthy. πŸ† With a slightly longer 2.6-year duration and 30% exposure to corporate bonds, can it sustain this performance in the current rate environment...


Short sale vol (not short interest) for $SCHO on 2023-03-31 is 78%. $SUMO 64% $CNK 39% $OKTA 46% $VNQ 52%

Calls Calling

Aktieselskabet Schouw & Co. $SCHO had an unusually high call volume of 170 this is 21.3K% of the 30d avg call volume of 0.8


Nice print for $SCHO Size: 138900 Price: 48.69 Amount: $6,763,041.00 Time: 1136 See more: Join to get REAL TIME prints. Runners πŸ“ˆ: Losers πŸ“‰: Gappers πŸͺœ:


2023-03-24 Short sale volume (not short interest) for $SCHO is 65%. $RUN 63% $PBR.A 79% $AULT 56% $CRK 67%


2023-03-24 Short sale volume (not short interest) for $RKLB is 60%. $SCHO 65% $AES 51% $KOS 63% $DRH 65%


$SCHO in +0.74% Uptrend, advancing for three consecutive days on March 23, 2023. View odds for this and other indicators: #stockmarket #fund #etf


$SHY YTM Net of Fees : 3.92% $SCHO YTM Net of Fees : 4.02% Money Market Yield : 4.75%


2023-03-22 Short sale volume (not short interest) for $QTT is 53%. $COTY 71% $STNE 44% $SCHO 37% $RITM 52%


@SpecialSitsNews $HZO $ONEW - overearning, boat sales rolling, levered up, ests silly - catalyst through summer $SCHO (formerly $MCG) - decades of cash burn (accel), lotta debt, cash obligations N18M $CJT_CN - perpetually -ve FCF cargo airline at crazy mult into cycl peak, misunderstood unit econ

Mike Zaccardi, CFA, CMT πŸ–

@mrcharlesfry 4.02% on $SCHO

Charles Fry

@MikeZaccardi Use $SCHO.


Nice print for $SCHO Size: 178582 Price: 48.6101 Amount: $8,680,888.88 Time: 1147 See more: Join to get REAL TIME prints. Runners πŸ“ˆ: Losers πŸ“‰: Gappers πŸͺœ:


Short sale vol (not short interest) for $IBN on 2023-03-17 is 76%. $SCHO 72% $LUMN 45% $PSQ 36% $BX 75%

About Scholarship Coin

What is SCHO? Scholarship Coin (SCHO) is a decentralized peer-to-peer electronic cryptocurrency that has been created by the World Scholarship Foundation with the ambition to power a scholarship system that will incentivize students based on their academic performance.

How Many SCHO Coins Are There in Circulation? SCHO has a limited supply of 20 million coins that can be mined via an hybrid mining system operated by Proof of Work (POW) and Proof of Stake (POS) before being brought into circulation.

Usage: SCHO will be used to operate the Scholarship Reward System (SRS) and to reward students based on their academic performance.

What is the Role of the Foundation? The World Scholarship Foundation will participate in the mining process of SCHO and other cryptocurrencies to fund its operations and purchase more SCHO as required over time to maintain operational requirements of the SRS.

NFT’s NFT’s will play an integral part of the SRS. As soon as a student registers an account with the SRS, they will be able to MINT their Scholaroid avatar. The Scholaroids will evolve throughout the educational path of the student as they pass their school year and will become a valuable asset over time.

Who are the Founders of the Scholarship Coin? The Scholarship Coin and its economic scholarship system was designed and created by the World Scholarship Foundation, a non-profit organisation that is managing the continued support of the Scholarship Coin infrastructure and SRS.

The founders of the project have a good understanding of cryptocurrency economics. Their strong points are project management, programming, development and strategic communications.

What is the purpose of the project? It is an opportunity to demonstrate real case usage of blockchain technology to leverage social development and wealth by tackling the issues which revolve around access to proper education, an area that needs strong support across the world.

Where Can I Exchange Scholarship Coins (SCHO)? SCHO is available for trading on Dex-Trade.com, Finexbox.com and Vindax.com.

  • Name: Scholarship Coin
  • Symbol: SCHO
  • Started At: 3/16/2021