$NYC Overview


NewYorkCoin sentiment is down with 1247 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 36 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $NYC on social media.

Highlights about NewYorkCoin on social media

1247 unique individuals are talking about NewYorkCoin and it is in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, NewYorkCoin has an sentiment score of 36 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bearish about NewYorkCoin. Trend were down about NewYorkCoin. These sentiments are based on 63 tweets.

On Reddit, NewYorkCoin was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about NewYorkCoin. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

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Social media posts

New York City ($NYC)

@Grayscale @Stacks We summon Nakamoto


Ever wanted to know the largest token holders in the Stacks ecosystem? 🐳 Signal21 premium & pro users have easy access to this data. $STX $ALEX $DIKO $Velar $NYC $MIA $Welsh $Leo


1/ That’s right, we know you’ve been waiting for this one. πŸ—½ As the 1st exchange in the 🌎 to list $NYC. See what NYCCoin has to offer. πŸ‘‡ #onlyonokcoin TL;DR πŸ‘‡

New York City ($NYC)

@muneeb You summon Nakamoto this way

New York City ($NYC)

@stxcity @Stacks How to listings on stxcity?

New York City ($NYC)

Everything will be decided now at the orange point #stx #btc #stacks #bitcoin #uptober #tothemoon

New York City ($NYC)

@Stacks Who is Disco lover here?

Gabriel ”Xtafay”

πŸ’Ž Urban Dividend Legends πŸŒƒ Invest in city legends: $NYC $CHIC $LAWS $HUNT $MDC $BOST $PHIL $ATL $SFNC $RWT Which urban legend graces your dividend portfolio? πŸ™οΈπŸ“ˆ

NewYorkCoin Community

We have 3 confirm exchange listing soon P2B coinsbit dextrade which exchange should we list next!? #Cryptocurency #NewYorkCity $NYC


Just pushed support for $STSW and $ZERO in Boom. Also included is $NYC, $ALEX, $FARI, $XCK, $WSTX, and ALEX/STX LP.

New York City ($NYC)

@Stackswap_BTC Okay.

New York City ($NYC)

@XverseApp @Stacks @muneeb #btc #stx #bitcoin #stacks #layer2

New York City ($NYC)

@khoanguyen_btc Well, in the meantime, early whales are taking profits on this news

New York City ($NYC)

@Stacks You kidding me

New York City ($NYC)

We did it:

New York City ($NYC)

@_offmylawn @Stacks @ZestProtocol I would like to see that


$NYC vs. $PINK vs. $TFC: what will be the best investment? #AmericanStrategicInvestment

New York City ($NYC)

@apebayc @Stacks You are extreme bullish. I think STX will grow to $3,5 and then down to $1,5 again, like XRP going under $1 many years.

New York City ($NYC)

@muneeb Who are these people who started mass selling STX before Nakamoto's launch πŸ‘€

New York City ($NYC)

@ZestProtocol @Stacks SP6WZ56TPD7D90188P0EM8YXT5D0EAW3MV3N4J6N

Wilfred Cho

DailyUp5 $MRVL $40.25 6.99% -1.61% -11.73% -3.48% 44.96 $NCNO $23.64 6.68% -4.21% -17.26% -6.93% 39.53 $NVDA $255.50 5.46% 9.02% 17.27% 48.81% 67.64 $NYC $9.90 5.21% -10.89% -20.80% -34.00% 31.02 $OPAD $0.60 9.07% 30.41% -28.66% -13.04% 48.07

will.btc 🟧

we need a $NYC Coin pfp NFT project. proposing S T A C K S R A T Z anyone want to take the lead? i will def assist. @TO @uxceo @byzantion_xyz @MegapontNFT @STXNFTCalendar @satoshibles @ArtOnStacks

Reilly McAdams

$SI & $COIN πŸ‘€

New York City ($NYC)

@muneeb #btcc #stxx #bitcoinn #stacks #l2 #layer2 #nakamoto

New York City ($NYC)

@ZestProtocol @Stacks SP6WZ56TPD7D90188P0EM8YXT5D0EAW3MV3N4J6N


$STX #stacks and $NYC $MIA update!!! $ALEX &$DIKO update! Best crypto analyst of all time. #bitcoin

New York City ($NYC)

@Stackswap_BTC #btc #stx #bitcoin #stacks #l2 #layer2

New York City ($NYC)

@LeatherBTC @Stacks This is the way Bro

New York City ($NYC)

@reubs_btc 95k next

New York City ($NYC)

@LeatherBTC In general is much better

New York City ($NYC)

@muneeb You summon Nakamoto this way

New York City ($NYC)

@Blockworks_ Good post

New York City ($NYC)

@Grayscale @Stacks @muneeb Hello Grayscale. Have a nice day πŸ˜‰

New York City ($NYC)

@muneeb My propaganda poster

New York City ($NYC)

#btc #stx #bitcoin #stacks #l2 #layer2 #nakamoto Now is the time to withdraw most of the STX from centralized exchanges to your wallets. On October 29, 2024, Nakamoto came and we entered a new era with the finality of Bitcoin. Trading and exchange on DEX has become fast paced.

New York City ($NYC)

So. Our forecast regarding the price movement of Bitcoin came true. let's celebrate this event. let's burn some $NYC

New York City ($NYC)

@CallMeHunch Probably

New York City ($NYC)

#btc #stx #Bitcoin #stacks #l2 #layer2 Today I transferred some STX from the centralized exchange to my wallet to evaluate Nakamoto. Oh yeah baby. It was joyful. If previously you had to wait about one hour, now it took about a minute or even less.

New York City ($NYC)

#btc #stx #bitcoin #stacks #l2 #layer2 #nakamoto Next target is 95K

NewYorkCoin Community

#NewYorkCoin Community Rain Storm Event - #NYCoin Info … #cryptocurrency #discord $NYC.X $NYC

New York City ($NYC)

@Stacks @XverseApp @VelarBTC Haven't STX on swap page. Only BTC.

New York City ($NYC)

@cctvidiots Buy #STX

New York City ($NYC)

Situation: You a New Yorker, have been chosen by @elonmusk to fly to #Mars. You need to choose a food supply: one thing from the list πŸ‘‰ write your stacks wallet address in the comments to win $NYC

New York City ($NYC)

@MrStacksSTX @stxcity Hi Mr Stacks. Let's go to the $NYC

New York City ($NYC)

@x_cryptonat And $NYC

New York City ($NYC)

@rovercrc Welcome to the $NYC

New York City ($NYC)

@herogamer21btc @Welsh_Community @coingecko $NYC is comes

New York City ($NYC)

I live in New York. I must have a stash at 1 NYC. Almost 20 million people live in our city, and there are not enough $NYC tokens for all, since the issue is only 10 million. Considering future burning, well, you get the idea.


Going to $NYC for more $ICP.


Excited to announce that NewYorkCoin $NYC will be officially supported in our next release and is currently available in our latest Beta v1.8.0b3. #nycoin

New York City ($NYC)

@XverseApp Investment risks

Raised in a Middle Class Family

If true, this is incredibly damning for Dems close to Adams. $NYC #Dems #Bribes

New York City ($NYC)

@Stacks Where i can swap usdh

Market Prophit

Top 3 Bullish Sentiment Cryptos: CROWD 🟩 $PINK $LIQ $NYC Top 3 Bullish Cryptos: MP | #SmartMoney 🟩 $BTC $ROCK Check out sentiment and other crypto stats at #crypto #cryptotrading #CryptoX

New York City ($NYC)

@HermeticaFi We coming

Market Prophit

Top 3 Bullish Sentiment Cryptos: CROWD 🟩 $FTM $CHEF $NYC Top 3 Bullish Cryptos: MP | #SmartMoney 🟩 $KOI Check out sentiment and other crypto stats at #crypto #cryptotrading #CryptoX



Seeking Alpha

$NYC - American Strategic Investment Co. (NYC) Q2 2024 Earnings Call Transcript. #finance #stocks #stockmarket


$nyc #dog

New York City ($NYC)

@muneeb NEW YORK CITY is the lindy bitcoin meme coin

New York City ($NYC)

@xyzerobtc @Stacks @StacksOrg And what's block now

Crwe World

American Strategic Investment Co. Announces Release Date for Third Quarter Results $NYC


Dress light. Enjoy the tan. $NYC

New York City ($NYC)

@Stacks You kidding me

New York City ($NYC)

@okxweb3 @Stacks You summon Nakamoto this way

New York City ($NYC)

@XverseApp One question: - WHEEEEN?????

New York City ($NYC)

@godfred_xcuz Bought it already

Welshcorgicoin ($WELSH)


The Finance Cat

New York City REIT, Inc.'s quarterly revenue growth rate YoY of 0.50% ranked 2922 out of 5725 companies in our database. $NYC πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€πŸš€

New York City ($NYC)

@jsadlowe @Stacks Velar

New York City ($NYC)

@Grayscale @Stacks We summon Nakamoto

New York City ($NYC)

@muneeb #btcc #stxx #bitcoinn #stacks #l2 #layer2 #nakamoto

New York City ($NYC)

In #Stacks we trust


Also @Okcoin why can't I buy with crypto or stablecoins the $mia and $nyc coins? Tried with my @Visa card from @RevolutApp and it declined me as well. Do you have to be a local or a US citizen to buy @mineCityCoins ?

New York City ($NYC)

@stxcity @Stacks How to listings on stxcity?

New York City ($NYC)

We did it:

New York City ($NYC)

@Stackswap_BTC #btc #stx #bitcoin #stacks #l2 #layer2

New York City ($NYC)

@muneeb You summon Nakamoto this way

New York City ($NYC)

So. Our forecast regarding the price movement of Bitcoin came true. let's celebrate this event. let's burn some $NYC

New York City ($NYC)

#btc #stx #bitcoin #stacks #l2 #layer2 #nakamoto Now is the time to withdraw most of the STX from centralized exchanges to your wallets. On October 29, 2024, Nakamoto came and we entered a new era with the finality of Bitcoin. Trading and exchange on DEX has become fast paced.

About NewYorkCoin

NewYorkCoin (NYC) is "The Original Lightning-Fast, NO FEE #Payments Crypto". NewYorkCoin was launched in 2014 by an anonymous developer shortly after the announced prosecution of Charlie Shrem (BitInstant) by New York authorities. NewYorkCoin is designed for daily retail-level use with no fees and 30-second transaction confirmations. More information can be found at https://nycoin.net

  • Name: NewYorkCoin
  • Symbol: NYC
  • Started At: 5/6/2014
  • Mineable
  • PoW
  • Scrypt
  • Payments