$NENG Overview


NewEnglandCoin sentiment is down with 17 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 13 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $NENG on social media.

Highlights about NewEnglandCoin on social media

17 unique individuals are talking about NewEnglandCoin and it is in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, NewEnglandCoin has an sentiment score of 13 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bearish about NewEnglandCoin. Trend were down about NewEnglandCoin. These sentiments are based on 1 tweets.

On Reddit, NewEnglandCoin was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about NewEnglandCoin. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

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Social media posts


You can trade $DOGE directly for $WOW on @nonkyc_exchange here:

Edge Wood

@digitalspaz So you not mining $NENG or $CHTA ? USB ASIC block eruptors do the trick quite well on a low latency internet feed and a Intel i3 laptop. Both cryptos give you anon hard wallets that you can then trade up for $DOGE which can then be exchanged for a variety of services.

SWFT Blockchain

@nengcoindev We would like to invite your team to list $NENG on our crosschain bridge and payments app. Dm for more details. -AllanBD

Lucky Dog Pool

New coin added: Nengcoin @newenglandcoin is a Bitcoin based Android mineable cryptocurrency with a supply cap of 84 billion. Check it out, they're an amazing project : $NENG. #altcoin #Crypto #cryptocurrency #nengcoin #coin #cryptocurrencies

SWFT Blockchain

@nengcoindev We would like to invite your team to list $NENG on our crosschain bridge and payments app. Dm for more details. -AllanBD

Lucky Dog Pool

New coin added: Nengcoin @newenglandcoin is a Bitcoin based Android mineable cryptocurrency with a supply cap of 84 billion. Check it out, they're an amazing project : $NENG. #altcoin #Crypto #cryptocurrency #nengcoin #coin #cryptocurrencies

Edge Wood

@digitalspaz So you not mining $NENG or $CHTA ? USB ASIC block eruptors do the trick quite well on a low latency internet feed and a Intel i3 laptop. Both cryptos give you anon hard wallets that you can then trade up for $DOGE which can then be exchanged for a variety of services.


You can trade $DOGE directly for $WOW on @nonkyc_exchange here:


You can trade $DOGE directly for $WOW on @nonkyc_exchange here:

Edge Wood

@digitalspaz So you not mining $NENG or $CHTA ? USB ASIC block eruptors do the trick quite well on a low latency internet feed and a Intel i3 laptop. Both cryptos give you anon hard wallets that you can then trade up for $DOGE which can then be exchanged for a variety of services.

Edge Wood

@digitalspaz So you not mining $NENG or $CHTA ? USB ASIC block eruptors do the trick quite well on a low latency internet feed and a Intel i3 laptop. Both cryptos give you anon hard wallets that you can then trade up for $DOGE which can then be exchanged for a variety of services.