$XMV Overview


MoneroV sentiment is neutral with 0 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 13 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $XMV on social media.

Highlights about MoneroV on social media

There is not enough data to determine the sentiment of MoneroV. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, MoneroV has an sentiment score of 13 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bullish about MoneroV. Trend were neutral about MoneroV. These sentiments are based on 14 tweets.

On Reddit, MoneroV was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about MoneroV. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

Related topics: $dal, cryptos, Buzzing Cryptos, cryptos crowd, crowd $dlt, $dlt $xmv, $xmv $dal, $dal check, crypto stats, stats #cryptotrading, #cryptotrading #CryptoX, Buzzing, Cryptos, crowd, $dlt, $xmv, check, crypto, stats, #cryptotrading

Social media posts

Market Prophit

Top Buzzing Cryptos: CROWD 🟩 $DLT 🟩 $XMV 🟥 $DAL Check out sentiment and other crypto stats at #crypto #cryptotrading #CryptoX

Market Prophit

Top Buzzing Cryptos: CROWD 🟩 $DLT 🟩 $XMV 🟥 $DAL Check out sentiment and other crypto stats at #crypto #cryptotrading #CryptoX


@xmccurrency Name: $XMT monero tether, $XMV monero vision, $XMRR, @eraselas @hbar_zz @badcharley UID: 17306189 4H6kZARSRW9WAfxooKC2hkSpNf3RHo7ERBZWFdHN2BiX5BRxoiP5881EEK7P9wdzCZZmUxGWCZNuMjYdKFL1UuqdNTVYKq9tJZfNbuN4QV


@xmccurrency Name: $XMT monero tether, $XMV monero vision, $XMRR, @eraselas @hbar_zz @badcharley UID: 17306189 4H6kZARSRW9WAfxooKC2hkSpNf3RHo7ERBZWFdHN2BiX5BRxoiP5881EEK7P9wdzCZZmUxGWCZNuMjYdKFL1UuqdNTVYKq9tJZfNbuN4QV


@xmccurrency Name: $XMT monero tether, $XMV monero vision, $XMRR, @eraselas @hbar_zz @badcharley UID: 17306189 4H6kZARSRW9WAfxooKC2hkSpNf3RHo7ERBZWFdHN2BiX5BRxoiP5881EEK7P9wdzCZZmUxGWCZNuMjYdKFL1UuqdNTVYKq9tJZfNbuN4QV


If you are a holder of $XMR at block 1529810, you will be automatically credited with 10x $XMV, extractable anytime in the future. There is no rush or time frame to claim your #MoneroV coins - there is no time limit! #blockchain #altcoin #altcoins #crypto


If you are a holder of $XMR at block 1529810, you will be automatically credited with 10x $XMV, extractable anytime in the future. There is no rush or time frame to claim your #MoneroV coins - there is no time limit! #blockchain #altcoin #altcoins #crypto


MoneroV is in the spotlight of both the Monero community and #blockchain enthusiasts for good reasons. The increased attention from Monero only means this is a very significant event. Stay tuned! #MoneroV $xmv #blockchain #privacycoin #altcoins


Exciting news for MoneroV! After a long wait and many requests, here's a sneak peek of the GUI wallet soon to be available. #MoneroV $xmr $xmv #altcoins #cryptocurrency #Monero


Since the successful #Mainnet launch we are seeing tremendous support from community members, new $XMV holders, miners, and many 3rd party services already incorporating #MoneroV -


Great news! #MoneroV will be supported by @btcalpha which will list and credit $XMV to $XMR holders after the hard-fork. Stay tuned! #XMV #Monero #Cryptocurrency #Altcoins


Great news! #MoneroV will be supported by @btcalpha which will list and credit $XMV to $XMR holders after the hard-fork. Stay tuned! #XMV #Monero #Cryptocurrency #Altcoins


The monero fork #MoneroV $XMV market has been added


10 blocks to the #MoneroV snapshot! Keep your $xmr locally or with a #MoneroV supporting exchange on block height #1564965 to be credited with the new $xmv coins. Faq - Telegram -


The monero fork #MoneroV $XMV market has been added


10 blocks to the #MoneroV snapshot! Keep your $xmr locally or with a #MoneroV supporting exchange on block height #1564965 to be credited with the new $xmv coins. Faq - Telegram -


Join the English #MoneroV telegram discussion for all the latest news and updates - - 5100+ members and growing! #hardfork #cryptocurrency #monero $xmv $xmr


05/03 #MoneroV's Community Update - Multisig Arbitrary Messages, Sanity Check Crash Fixes, Debugging Information.. - #altcoins #CryptoNightV7 #hardfork $xmv $xmr #Monero #cryptocurrency


@HitBtc, the highest volume #Monero exchange is supporting the #MoneroV hard-fork split! They will be listing and crediting $xmv to $xmr holders at a 10:1 ratio after the fork is completed.


@HitBtc, the highest volume #Monero exchange is supporting the #MoneroV hard-fork split! They will be listing and crediting $xmv to $xmr holders at a 10:1 ratio after the fork is completed.


Store your $xmr locally or with a #MoneroV supporting exchange/custodian service to be credited with the new $xmv coins after the fork is completed. Get in touch with the exchange you store #Monero with for further support.


@HitBtc, the highest volume #Monero exchange is supporting the #MoneroV hard-fork split! They will be listing and crediting $xmv to $xmr holders at a 10:1 ratio after the fork is completed.


Store your $xmr locally or with a #MoneroV supporting exchange/custodian service to be credited with the new $xmv coins after the fork is completed. Get in touch with the exchange you store #Monero with for further support.


@HitBtc, the highest volume #Monero exchange is supporting the #MoneroV hard-fork split! They will be listing and crediting $xmv to $xmr holders at a 10:1 ratio after the fork is completed.


Privacy coins crystal ball showing MoneroV very dominant for 2018. What do you think? #MoneroV #cryptocurrency #altcoins $xmr $xmv #altcoins #blockchain


Some notable examples of meme tokens include Dogecoin $DOGE Shiba Inu $SHIB, Dog with hat $WIF and MoneroV $XMV.


Some notable examples of meme tokens include Dogecoin $DOGE Shiba Inu $SHIB, Dog with hat $WIF and MoneroV $XMV.


Some notable examples of meme tokens include Dogecoin $DOGE Shiba Inu $SHIB, Dog with hat $WIF and MoneroV $XMV.


Some notable examples of meme tokens include Dogecoin $DOGE Shiba Inu $SHIB, Dog with hat $WIF and MoneroV $XMV.


Some notable examples of meme tokens include Dogecoin $DOGE Shiba Inu $SHIB, Dog with hat $WIF and MoneroV $XMV.

Arthur Benta

Bank of Canada cuts its interest rate by 25 bps to 4.75% from 5%, on cooler inflation rate 2.7%, and signaled that more rate cuts will follow. $EWC $VCE $XMV $CANA

Arthur Benta

Bank of Canada cuts its interest rate by 25 bps to 4.75% from 5%, on cooler inflation rate 2.7%, and signaled that more rate cuts will follow. $EWC $VCE $XMV $CANA

Arthur Benta

Bank of Canada cuts its interest rate by 25 bps to 4.75% from 5%, on cooler inflation rate 2.7%, and signaled that more rate cuts will follow. $EWC $VCE $XMV $CANA

Arthur Benta

Bank of Canada cuts its interest rate by 25 bps to 4.75% from 5%, on cooler inflation rate 2.7%, and signaled that more rate cuts will follow. $EWC $VCE $XMV $CANA

Arthur Benta

Bank of Canada cuts its interest rate by 25 bps to 4.75% from 5%, on cooler inflation rate 2.7%, and signaled that more rate cuts will follow. $EWC $VCE $XMV $CANA