$LCN Overview


Lyncoin sentiment is neutral with 97 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 13 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $LCN on social media.

Highlights about Lyncoin on social media

97 unique individuals are talking about Lyncoin and it is in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, Lyncoin has an sentiment score of 13 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bullish about Lyncoin. Trend were neutral about Lyncoin. These sentiments are based on 15 tweets.

On Reddit, Lyncoin was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about Lyncoin. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

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Social media posts

Mr. Ullebust

@AltsDaddycom $LCN $BTCW and $FNNC βœ…

Mr. Ullebust

Good night #crypto friends πŸ’€ We are getting closer to #altcoinseason for every day that goes by πŸ”₯πŸ‘€ #DYOR, #DCA and #HODL πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ $FNNC $BTCW $LCN $KCN

Mr. Ullebust

New day, new opportunities! Good morning and have a great Thursday β˜€οΈπŸ˜Ž It’s #DCA time 🧨 $LCN $BTCW $FNNC

Mr. Ullebust

@misterrcrypto Yup, and so will $LCN πŸ†

Mr. Ullebust

@AltsDaddycom $LCN $BTCW and $FNNC βœ…

Mr. Ullebust

Good night #crypto friends πŸ’€ We are getting closer to #altcoinseason for every day that goes by πŸ”₯πŸ‘€ #DYOR, #DCA and #HODL πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ $FNNC $BTCW $LCN $KCN

Mr. Ullebust

New day, new opportunities! Good morning and have a great Thursday β˜€οΈπŸ˜Ž It’s #DCA time 🧨 $LCN $BTCW $FNNC

Mr. Ullebust

Go buy some more.., it’s still early! πŸ”₯πŸ‘€ $LCN $KCN $FNNC 🧨 #DYOR πŸ’ͺ

Mr. Ullebust

@EzMoneyGems $LCN @lyncoin1 $KCN @kylacoin $FNNC @Fennec_Crypto $BTCW @bitcoin_pow

Mr. Ullebust

@el_crypto_prof #DYOR and #HODL πŸ’ͺ $FNNC and $LCN πŸ†

Chinh Duong

@ton_blockchain $LCN, $KCN

Mr. Ullebust

@AltsDaddycom $LCN $BTCW and $FNNC βœ…

Mr. Ullebust

New day, new opportunities! Good morning and have a great Thursday β˜€οΈπŸ˜Ž It’s #DCA time 🧨 $LCN $BTCW $FNNC

Chinh Duong

@ton_blockchain $LCN, $KCN

Mr. Ullebust

@AuroraXrypt @iSafePal @KaspaCurrency πŸ™ŒπŸ˜Ž Thanks I will stick to my existing portfolio 🫠 $LCN $KCN $FNNC $BTCW

Mr. Ullebust

Feeling bullish 😁 #HODL $FNNC $LCN $KCN $BTCW πŸ”₯ #Altcoinseason2024 just started ✨

Mr. Ullebust

Good night #crypto friends πŸ’€ We are getting closer to #altcoinseason for every day that goes by πŸ”₯πŸ‘€ #DYOR, #DCA and #HODL πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ $FNNC $BTCW $LCN $KCN

Mr. Ullebust

Good morning #crypto β˜•οΈβ˜€οΈ Hope you’re doing well and staying prepared for the upcoming #altcoinseason πŸ”₯😎 #DYOR #DCA #HODL πŸ’ͺ $BTCW $FNNC $LCN $KCN πŸ†

Mr. Ullebust

@EzMoneyGems $LCN @lyncoin1 $KCN @kylacoin $FNNC @Fennec_Crypto $BTCW @bitcoin_pow

Mr. Ullebust

Go buy some more.., it’s still early! πŸ”₯πŸ‘€ $LCN $KCN $FNNC 🧨 #DYOR πŸ’ͺ

Mr. Ullebust

@el_crypto_prof #DYOR and #HODL πŸ’ͺ $FNNC and $LCN πŸ†

Mr. Ullebust

@AltsDaddycom $LCN $BTCW and $FNNC βœ…

Mr. Ullebust

@AuroraXrypt @iSafePal @KaspaCurrency πŸ™ŒπŸ˜Ž Thanks I will stick to my existing portfolio 🫠 $LCN $KCN $FNNC $BTCW

Mr. Ullebust

Good night #crypto friends πŸ’€ We are getting closer to #altcoinseason for every day that goes by πŸ”₯πŸ‘€ #DYOR, #DCA and #HODL πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ $FNNC $BTCW $LCN $KCN

Mr. Ullebust

Feeling bullish 😁 #HODL $FNNC $LCN $KCN $BTCW πŸ”₯ #Altcoinseason2024 just started ✨

Mr. Ullebust

Good morning #crypto β˜•οΈβ˜€οΈ Hope you’re doing well and staying prepared for the upcoming #altcoinseason πŸ”₯😎 #DYOR #DCA #HODL πŸ’ͺ $BTCW $FNNC $LCN $KCN πŸ†

Chinh Duong

@ton_blockchain $LCN, $KCN

Mr. Ullebust

@EzMoneyGems $LCN @lyncoin1 $KCN @kylacoin $FNNC @Fennec_Crypto $BTCW @bitcoin_pow

Mr. Ullebust

@el_crypto_prof #DYOR and #HODL πŸ’ͺ $FNNC and $LCN πŸ†

Mr. Ullebust

Go buy some more.., it’s still early! πŸ”₯πŸ‘€ $LCN $KCN $FNNC 🧨 #DYOR πŸ’ͺ

Mr. Ullebust

@EzMoneyGems $LCN @lyncoin1 $KCN @kylacoin $FNNC @Fennec_Crypto $BTCW @bitcoin_pow

Mr. Ullebust

Good morning #crypto β˜•οΈβ˜€οΈ Hope you’re doing well and staying prepared for the upcoming #altcoinseason πŸ”₯😎 #DYOR #DCA #HODL πŸ’ͺ $BTCW $FNNC $LCN $KCN πŸ†

Mr. Ullebust

#BTC is breaking out on the upside, next is #altcoins - this will be big πŸ”₯😎 #DYOR on the emerging and prominent newcomer $LCN @lyncoin1 πŸ’Ž Next level #decentralized with #FlexAlgo ✨ More energy friendly without compromising security or hash, by its unique #auxPoW algorithm βœ… Know your time, get ...

Mr. Ullebust

Feeling bullish 😁 #HODL $FNNC $LCN $KCN $BTCW πŸ”₯ #Altcoinseason2024 just started ✨

Mr. Ullebust

@AltsDaddycom $LCN $BTCW and $FNNC βœ…

Mr. Ullebust

Go buy some more.., it’s still early! πŸ”₯πŸ‘€ $LCN $KCN $FNNC 🧨 #DYOR πŸ’ͺ

Mr. Ullebust

@el_crypto_prof #DYOR and #HODL πŸ’ͺ $FNNC and $LCN πŸ†

Mr. Ullebust

@AltsDaddycom $LCN $BTCW and $FNNC βœ…

Mr. Ullebust

@AuroraXrypt @iSafePal @KaspaCurrency πŸ™ŒπŸ˜Ž Thanks I will stick to my existing portfolio 🫠 $LCN $KCN $FNNC $BTCW

Mr. Ullebust

Good night #crypto friends πŸ’€ We are getting closer to #altcoinseason for every day that goes by πŸ”₯πŸ‘€ #DYOR, #DCA and #HODL πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ $FNNC $BTCW $LCN $KCN

Mr. Ullebust

Good morning #crypto β˜•οΈβ˜€οΈ Hope you’re doing well and staying prepared for the upcoming #altcoinseason πŸ”₯😎 #DYOR #DCA #HODL πŸ’ͺ $BTCW $FNNC $LCN $KCN πŸ†

Mr. Ullebust

@EzMoneyGems $LCN @lyncoin1 $KCN @kylacoin $FNNC @Fennec_Crypto $BTCW @bitcoin_pow

Mr. Ullebust

#BTC is breaking out on the upside, next is #altcoins - this will be big πŸ”₯😎 #DYOR on the emerging and prominent newcomer $LCN @lyncoin1 πŸ’Ž Next level #decentralized with #FlexAlgo ✨ More energy friendly without compromising security or hash, by its unique #auxPoW algorithm βœ… Know your time, get ...

Mr. Ullebust

Feeling bullish 😁 #HODL $FNNC $LCN $KCN $BTCW πŸ”₯ #Altcoinseason2024 just started ✨

Mr. Ullebust

Good night #crypto friends πŸ’€ We are getting closer to #altcoinseason for every day that goes by πŸ”₯πŸ‘€ #DYOR, #DCA and #HODL πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ $FNNC $BTCW $LCN $KCN

Mr. Ullebust

@AuroraXrypt @iSafePal @KaspaCurrency πŸ™ŒπŸ˜Ž Thanks I will stick to my existing portfolio 🫠 $LCN $KCN $FNNC $BTCW

Mr. Ullebust

Good morning #crypto β˜•οΈβ˜€οΈ Hope you’re doing well and staying prepared for the upcoming #altcoinseason πŸ”₯😎 #DYOR #DCA #HODL πŸ’ͺ $BTCW $FNNC $LCN $KCN πŸ†

Mr. Ullebust

@AltsDaddycom $LCN $BTCW and $FNNC βœ…

Mr. Ullebust

Feeling bullish 😁 #HODL $FNNC $LCN $KCN $BTCW πŸ”₯ #Altcoinseason2024 just started ✨

Mr. Ullebust

#BTC is breaking out on the upside, next is #altcoins - this will be big πŸ”₯😎 #DYOR on the emerging and prominent newcomer $LCN @lyncoin1 πŸ’Ž Next level #decentralized with #FlexAlgo ✨ More energy friendly without compromising security or hash, by its unique #auxPoW algorithm βœ… Know your time, get ...

Mr. Ullebust

@EzMoneyGems $LCN @lyncoin1 $KCN @kylacoin $FNNC @Fennec_Crypto $BTCW @bitcoin_pow

Mr. Ullebust

@Eljaboom #HODL your #altcoingems $FNNC $KCN $LCN $BTCW $BLOCX $RXD $RTM πŸ”₯😎

Mr. Ullebust

@AuroraXrypt @iSafePal @KaspaCurrency πŸ™ŒπŸ˜Ž Thanks I will stick to my existing portfolio 🫠 $LCN $KCN $FNNC $BTCW

Mr. Ullebust

@100xAltcoinGems $BTCW and $LCN πŸ†

Mr. Ullebust

@MrBarryCrypto $BLOCX $RXD $BTCW $FNNC $LCN πŸ†

Mr. Ullebust

@100xAltcoinGems $LCN and $BTCW πŸ†

Mr. Ullebust

Good night #crypto friends πŸ’€ We are getting closer to #altcoinseason for every day that goes by πŸ”₯πŸ‘€ #DYOR, #DCA and #HODL πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ $FNNC $BTCW $LCN $KCN

Mr. Ullebust

Good morning #crypto β˜•οΈβ˜€οΈ Hope you’re doing well and staying prepared for the upcoming #altcoinseason πŸ”₯😎 #DYOR #DCA #HODL πŸ’ͺ $BTCW $FNNC $LCN $KCN πŸ†

Mr. Ullebust

@AltsDaddycom $LCN $BTCW and $FNNC βœ…

Mr. Ullebust

Feeling bullish 😁 #HODL $FNNC $LCN $KCN $BTCW πŸ”₯ #Altcoinseason2024 just started ✨

Mr. Ullebust

#BTC is breaking out on the upside, next is #altcoins - this will be big πŸ”₯😎 #DYOR on the emerging and prominent newcomer $LCN @lyncoin1 πŸ’Ž Next level #decentralized with #FlexAlgo ✨ More energy friendly without compromising security or hash, by its unique #auxPoW algorithm βœ… Know your time, get ...

Mr. Ullebust

@AuroraXrypt @iSafePal @KaspaCurrency πŸ™ŒπŸ˜Ž Thanks I will stick to my existing portfolio 🫠 $LCN $KCN $FNNC $BTCW

Mr. Ullebust

Good morning #crypto β˜•οΈβ˜€οΈ Hope you’re doing well and staying prepared for the upcoming #altcoinseason πŸ”₯😎 #DYOR #DCA #HODL πŸ’ͺ $BTCW $FNNC $LCN $KCN πŸ†

Mr. Ullebust

Feeling bullish 😁 #HODL $FNNC $LCN $KCN $BTCW πŸ”₯ #Altcoinseason2024 just started ✨

Mr. Ullebust

@Eljaboom #HODL your #altcoingems $FNNC $KCN $LCN $BTCW $BLOCX $RXD $RTM πŸ”₯😎

Mr. Ullebust

@AltsDaddycom $LCN $BTCW and $FNNC βœ…

Mr. Ullebust

#BTC is breaking out on the upside, next is #altcoins - this will be big πŸ”₯😎 #DYOR on the emerging and prominent newcomer $LCN @lyncoin1 πŸ’Ž Next level #decentralized with #FlexAlgo ✨ More energy friendly without compromising security or hash, by its unique #auxPoW algorithm βœ… Know your time, get ...

Mr. Ullebust

@AuroraXrypt @iSafePal @KaspaCurrency πŸ™ŒπŸ˜Ž Thanks I will stick to my existing portfolio 🫠 $LCN $KCN $FNNC $BTCW

Mr. Ullebust

Good morning #crypto β˜•οΈβ˜€οΈ Hope you’re doing well and staying prepared for the upcoming #altcoinseason πŸ”₯😎 #DYOR #DCA #HODL πŸ’ͺ $BTCW $FNNC $LCN $KCN πŸ†

Mr. Ullebust

@Eljaboom #HODL your #altcoingems $FNNC $KCN $LCN $BTCW $BLOCX $RXD $RTM πŸ”₯😎

Mr. Ullebust

Feeling bullish 😁 #HODL $FNNC $LCN $KCN $BTCW πŸ”₯ #Altcoinseason2024 just started ✨

Mr. Ullebust

#BTC is breaking out on the upside, next is #altcoins - this will be big πŸ”₯😎 #DYOR on the emerging and prominent newcomer $LCN @lyncoin1 πŸ’Ž Next level #decentralized with #FlexAlgo ✨ More energy friendly without compromising security or hash, by its unique #auxPoW algorithm βœ… Know your time, get ...

Mr. Ullebust

@AltsDaddycom $LCN $BTCW and $FNNC βœ…

Mr. Ullebust

Good night #crypto friends πŸ’€ We are getting closer to #altcoinseason for every day that goes by πŸ”₯πŸ‘€ #DYOR, #DCA and #HODL πŸ’ŽπŸ™Œ $FNNC $BTCW $LCN $KCN

Mr. Ullebust

@AuroraXrypt @iSafePal @KaspaCurrency πŸ™ŒπŸ˜Ž Thanks I will stick to my existing portfolio 🫠 $LCN $KCN $FNNC $BTCW

Mr. Ullebust

@Eljaboom #HODL your #altcoingems $FNNC $KCN $LCN $BTCW $BLOCX $RXD $RTM πŸ”₯😎

Mr. Ullebust

@cryptocom $LCN πŸ†

Mr. Ullebust

#BTC is breaking out on the upside, next is #altcoins - this will be big πŸ”₯😎 #DYOR on the emerging and prominent newcomer $LCN @lyncoin1 πŸ’Ž Next level #decentralized with #FlexAlgo ✨ More energy friendly without compromising security or hash, by its unique #auxPoW algorithm βœ… Know your time, get ...

Mr. Ullebust

Good morning #crypto β˜•οΈβ˜€οΈ Hope you’re doing well and staying prepared for the upcoming #altcoinseason πŸ”₯😎 #DYOR #DCA #HODL πŸ’ͺ $BTCW $FNNC $LCN $KCN πŸ†

Mr. Ullebust

Feeling bullish 😁 #HODL $FNNC $LCN $KCN $BTCW πŸ”₯ #Altcoinseason2024 just started ✨