$LTZ Overview


LitecoinZ sentiment is neutral with 0 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 13 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $LTZ on social media.

Highlights about LitecoinZ on social media

There is not enough data to determine the sentiment of LitecoinZ. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, LitecoinZ has an sentiment score of 13 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bullish about LitecoinZ. Trend were neutral about LitecoinZ. These sentiments are based on 1 tweets.

On Reddit, LitecoinZ was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about LitecoinZ. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

Related topics: $zcn, coins, smallcap coins, $ltz $zcn, $zcn $genix, smallcap, $ltz, $genix

Social media posts


Found some smallcap coins that could get big in the next years. @LitecoinzTeam @ZugCoiN @GenixEcosystem $LTZ $ZCN $GENIX I got my bags. ✌️

About LitecoinZ

LitecoinZ has been Developed by experienced Network engineers with Knowledge in Computer Engineering/Computer Science and communication technologies such as Enterprise Systems, Databases, Network Security, Encryption. LTZ-TEAM Developed LitecoinZ to be based on bitcoin code and compatible on the Zcash core. LitecoinZ utilizes the Equihash algorithm with ZK-snarks, T-addresses and anonymous Z-addresses. By combining the technologies, LitecoinZ is able to operate with high network performance with low fees and fast transaction to people worldwide, making LitecoinZ a highly scalable cryptocurrency for corporations and small or big businesses to incorporate into their Networks.

Built from the ground up and operating on its own Ledger it utilizes cryptographic zk-snarks with equihash 144-5 algorithm enabling fast transactions throughout the network.

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  • Name: LitecoinZ
  • Symbol: LTZ
  • Started At: 8/3/2020
  • Mineable
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