$KVA Overview


Kevacoin sentiment is neutral with 0 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 13 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $KVA on social media.

Highlights about Kevacoin on social media

There is not enough data to determine the sentiment of Kevacoin. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, Kevacoin has an sentiment score of 13 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bullish about Kevacoin. Trend were neutral about Kevacoin. These sentiments are based on 7 tweets.

On Reddit, Kevacoin was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about Kevacoin. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

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Social media posts


It's so amazing to be a staker at #BPGOK in @klever_io !! (1/8 today=rewards in $KVA) Don't forget also BPGO at BSC guys! It's so undervalued! Information you can find here : @BabyPengoCoin #Staking #investing #PassiveIncome

Mr.B 🚀 #Watch2Earn

@KAVA_CHAIN $kva is doing very good in this bear market . @OfficialTravlad


Thank you! Just offered 777 $kva for this art made for Kevacoin.


It's so amazing to be a staker at #BPGOK in @klever_io !! (1/8 today=rewards in $KVA) Don't forget also BPGO at BSC guys! It's so undervalued! Information you can find here : @BabyPengoCoin #Staking #investing #PassiveIncome

Mr.B 🚀 #Watch2Earn

@KAVA_CHAIN $kva is doing very good in this bear market . @OfficialTravlad


Thank you! Just offered 777 $kva for this art made for Kevacoin.

About Kevacoin

Kevacoin claims to be a cryptocurrency used in blockchain. An easy-to-use and easy-to-use blockchain database, encrypted assets and blockchain public data storage for developers and the entire population Data storage is easy to add, update, and access; no programming skills are required, nor do smart contracts and their associated complexity and risks.

Using CPU-friendly mining algorithms, there is no mining, no founder rewards and no ICO. We developed Kevacoin as an open source project. It is not funded by any company or foundation. We invite anyone interested in the project to join us.

  • Name: Kevacoin
  • Symbol: KVA
  • Started At: 8/10/2020
  • Mineable