$HTA Overview


Historia sentiment is down with 33 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 13 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $HTA on social media.

Highlights about Historia on social media

33 unique individuals are talking about Historia and it is in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, Historia has an sentiment score of 13 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bearish about Historia. Trend were down about Historia. These sentiments are based on 8 tweets.

On Reddit, Historia was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about Historia. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

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Social media posts


Elliott Management (Paul Singer) discloses updated portfolio positions in 13F filing: New $SC $APA positions, confirms new $HTA $CTXS positions

Julia Lee

Ouch! $TPG $HTA and rest of telco sector tanks after ACCC concerns over TPG/Vodafone merger


Top stock option open interest changes $F $AAPL $UBER $ZNGA $MKC $QS $HTA


Top stock option open interest changes $F $AAPL $UBER $ZNGA $MKC $QS $HTA


Top stock option open interest changes $F $AAPL $UBER $ZNGA $MKC $QS $HTA


@KarlosLMarshall Facts I agree nba is too easy to make Hof! The guidelines gotta change for that! Not being biased But I think once bron kd & Steph retires the torch is passed to Tatum Luka & joker


Belt to ass ☘️☘️ Banner 18!


@KarlosLMarshall Facts I agree nba is too easy to make Hof! The guidelines gotta change for that! Not being biased But I think once bron kd & Steph retires the torch is passed to Tatum Luka & joker


Belt to ass ☘️☘️ Banner 18!


Belt to ass ☘️☘️ Banner 18!


@KarlosLMarshall Facts I agree nba is too easy to make Hof! The guidelines gotta change for that! Not being biased But I think once bron kd & Steph retires the torch is passed to Tatum Luka & joker


Belt to ass ☘️☘️ Banner 18!


@KarlosLMarshall Facts I agree nba is too easy to make Hof! The guidelines gotta change for that! Not being biased But I think once bron kd & Steph retires the torch is passed to Tatum Luka & joker

Haroon Rashy

@lleony dont be a $h!ta$$ around here.....speak for yourself.

Haroon Rashy

@lleony dont be a $h!ta$$ around here.....speak for yourself.

Haroon Rashy

@lleony dont be a $h!ta$$ around here.....speak for yourself.

Market Newswire

$HTA SEC Filing: 8-K Earnings Reg FD - Healthcare Realty Trust Inc (0001360604) May 09

Market Newswire

$HTA SEC Filing: 8-K Earnings Reg FD - Healthcare Realty Trust Inc (0001360604) March 01

Market Newswire

$HTA SEC Filing: 8-K Earnings - Healthcare Realty Trust Inc (0001360604) February 24

Market Newswire

$HTA SEC Filing: 8-K Earnings Reg FD - Healthcare Realty Trust Inc (0001360604) May 09

Market Newswire

$HTA SEC Filing: 8-K Earnings Reg FD - Healthcare Realty Trust Inc (0001360604) March 01

Market Newswire

$HTA SEC Filing: 8-K Earnings - Healthcare Realty Trust Inc (0001360604) February 24

Market Newswire

$HTA SEC Filing: 8-K Earnings - Healthcare Realty Trust Inc (0001360604) February 24

Market Newswire

$HTA SEC Filing: 8-K Earnings Reg FD - Healthcare Realty Trust Inc (0001360604) March 01

Market Newswire

$HTA SEC Filing: 8-K Earnings Reg FD - Healthcare Realty Trust Inc (0001360604) May 09

About Historia

Launched on 23/09/2018, Historia aims to keep records of current events for future history with an emphasis on absolute accuracy and seeks to prevent all assimilation of falsehoods into the historical record. Historia ties together IPFS and blockchain to address revisionist history via the immutability of submitted records via a consensus of voting nodes based on accuracy determined by the users of the network.

  • Name: Historia
  • Symbol: HTA
  • Started At: 3/24/2020