$EGAZ Overview


Etica sentiment is down with 126 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 23 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $EGAZ on social media.

Highlights about Etica on social media

126 unique individuals are talking about Etica and it is in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, Etica has an sentiment score of 23 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bearish about Etica. Trend were down about Etica. These sentiments are based on 24 tweets.

On Reddit, Etica was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about Etica. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

Related topics: $eti, bitcoin, blockchain, $usdt, #crypto, cryptocurrency, altcoins, altcoin, nft, memecoins, hard fork, stocks, investment, evm, mainnet, $xmr

Social media posts


📢⚠️ Main dev 👨‍💻 post announcement: Release of Eticapool v4.0.14 🆕 ▫️Workers data aggregation on main address page Details: ⤵️ Code release: ⤵️ #DeSci $ETI $EGAZ

A Resolute Will

Intellectual “property” protectionism may incentivize the original creators, but it shackles scientific advancement on the whole @eticaprotocol finds a solution to incentivize researchers financially without the burdens of IP $ETI $EGAZ #DeSci

A Resolute Will

For 2000 years it was believed that heavy objects fell faster than light objects All because no one challenged it Excluding researchers from funding is no different than accepting what is false to prevail longer than it otherwise may Etica funds the Galileos of the world $ETI

A Resolute Will

Science will only progress in an environment that encourages dissenting hypotheses Researchers that wish to challenge officially accepted assumptions are often silenced and excluded from funding @eticaprotocol provides an opportunity to change the status quo $ETI $EGAZ #DeSci

Ʊɬɱʘ 🏴 a³ ɱ ᕮ 𐤊 ױ א ⛛

DECENTRALIZED Science aka #DeSci only exist on @eticaprotocol A normal PC can run a node (left image)? ✅ Can mine mainnet coin $EGAZ (GPU mined, down right image)? ✅ Can mine the token used for funding open science and open research $ETI (CPU mined, up right image)? ✅


@MartiniGuyYT That's why @eticaprotocol is the right choice! ✅ L1 PoW for funding #DeSci ✅ No premine, no VC, no ICO ✅ Community Driven project ✅ First EVM based blockchain with RandomX implementation ✅ Complete neutral protocol ✅ No patents no Intellectual property $ETI $EGAZ


Can you imagine a world where a lab is completely funded by a neutral decentralized protocol that aims to provide open research/open science the mechanisms to prevail and impact legacy science with new and revolutionary tools? Look no further ➡️ @eticaprotocol #DeSci $ETI $EGAZ


and a platform that prioritizes transparency, efficiency, and open access. It's a game-changer for medical research funding and a powerful tool for researchers looking to make a real impact in the field. #DeSci $ETI $EGAZ

A Resolute Will

Very few projects have the potential to make as big of an impact on the world as Etica Only time will tell if Etica will accomplish its mission But it is a mission worth investing in $ETI $EGAZ #DeSci


There's only 1 blockchain exclusively for funding open medical research and #DeSci. @eticaprotocol every week creates automatically and neutrally funds for scientific proposals that are submitted on the protocol. There's an opportunity to make history on science. $EGAZ $ETI

A Resolute Will

Etica protocol provides a rare opportunity to revolutionize an industry dripping in corruption What Bitcoin started in the financial industry, Etica will finish in the medical industry $ETI $EGAZ

A Resolute Will

. @eticaprotocol provides a new opportunity to fund medical research without the miss-aligned incentives and unethical behavior/outcomes of Big Pharma and State grants $ETI $EGAZ


Going home to upgrade my Eticav3 node! $ETI $EGAZ


🎉 ANNOUNCEMENT Etica Protocol's New Listing on @TradeOgre 🚀 We're thrilled to announce that Etica Protocol is now listed on @TradeOgre Exchange, empowering the #DeSci 🧬 community with a cutting-edge platform for buying, selling, and trading $EGAZ and $ETI! This partnership underscores...


Technical analysis of $ETI / $EGAZ. Bottom is in, only up we go now 🚀🌕

A Resolute Will

There is no political solution to the root cause of this issue Change the incentive structure around funding scientific research Revolutionize the industry @eticaprotocol is the the only solution going after the root of the tree $ETI $EGAZ #DeSci


Less than 24h! 🚀🧬 Guardian Hardfork 🛡️⛓️ is coming! 🎉 #DeSci $EGAZ $ETI


The true decentralization in mining now in @eticaprotocol. Everyone now can mine $ETI and start using it to vote on open source scientific research! #DeSci $EGAZ


📢⚠️ Main dev 👨‍💻 post announcement: RandomX optimizations on Eticapool v4.0.12 Eticapool can now process RandomX shares as fast as Monero pools ⚡🦾 Code from the Eticapool v4.0.12 release: #DeSci $ETI $EGAZ

A Resolute Will

Out of the aftermath of the 2008 financial “crisis” came Bitcoin that layed the foundation for Monero Out of the aftermath of the covid “crises” came Etica protocol When the State manufactures emergencies, the free market creates solutions $ETI $EGAZ $XMR

LT ᕮ

@WadKevin This is game changer for #Etica and #DeSci 🚀 LFG $ETI $EGAZ 🔥🔥🔥


One small step for @eticaprotocol , one big step for Decentralised science #DeSci #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #Ethereum #Solana #Cardano


📢⚠️ Main dev 👨‍💻 post announcement: RandomX optimizations on Eticapool v4.0.12 Eticapool can now process RandomX shares as fast as Monero pools ⚡🦾 Code from the Eticapool v4.0.12 release: #DeSci $ETI $EGAZ


The true decentralization in mining now in @eticaprotocol. Everyone now can mine $ETI and start using it to vote on open source scientific research! #DeSci $EGAZ


🎉 ANNOUNCEMENT Etica Protocol's New Listing on @TradeOgre 🚀 We're thrilled to announce that Etica Protocol is now listed on @TradeOgre Exchange, empowering the #DeSci 🧬 community with a cutting-edge platform for buying, selling, and trading $EGAZ and $ETI! This partnership underscores...

Ʊɬɱʘ 🏴 a³ ɱ ᕮ 𐤊 ױ א ⛛

I have no doubts, @eticaprotocol will be big for #DeSci $ETI $EGAZ


Etica Protocol's Exciting New Listing on @nonkyc_exchange! 🎉 We're thrilled to announce that Etica Protocol is now listed on @nonkyc_exchange, offering the #DeSci 🧬 community a cutting-edge platform to buy, sell, and trade $EGAZ and $ETI. This partnership with one of the fastest-...


@esatoshiclub Do you have any tutorial video or educational guide on how users would be able to mine $ETI and $EGAZ token?If yes,how and where can we access these educational video or guide?


$detf @detf_official This is my last warning Take your seat before it's too late. The train is about to leave. It's your last chance to jump on the train. Hybrid exchange launch is at the end of March. I won't warn again. I earned 10x from $xna, 6x from $EGAZ Another 10x coming

A Resolute Will

Out of the aftermath of the 2008 financial “crisis” came Bitcoin that layed the foundation for Monero Out of the aftermath of the covid “crises” came Etica protocol When the State manufactures emergencies, the free market creates solutions $ETI $EGAZ $XMR


One small step for @eticaprotocol , one big step for Decentralised science #DeSci #bitcoin #cryptocurrency #Ethereum #Solana #Cardano


📢⚠️ Main dev 👨‍💻 post announcement: RandomX optimizations on Eticapool v4.0.12 Eticapool can now process RandomX shares as fast as Monero pools ⚡🦾 Code from the Eticapool v4.0.12 release: #DeSci $ETI $EGAZ


The true decentralization in mining now in @eticaprotocol. Everyone now can mine $ETI and start using it to vote on open source scientific research! #DeSci $EGAZ


🎉 ANNOUNCEMENT Etica Protocol's New Listing on @TradeOgre 🚀 We're thrilled to announce that Etica Protocol is now listed on @TradeOgre Exchange, empowering the #DeSci 🧬 community with a cutting-edge platform for buying, selling, and trading $EGAZ and $ETI! This partnership underscores...

Ʊɬɱʘ 🏴 a³ ɱ ᕮ 𐤊 ױ א ⛛

I have no doubts, @eticaprotocol will be big for #DeSci $ETI $EGAZ


Etica Protocol's Exciting New Listing on @nonkyc_exchange! 🎉 We're thrilled to announce that Etica Protocol is now listed on @nonkyc_exchange, offering the #DeSci 🧬 community a cutting-edge platform to buy, sell, and trade $EGAZ and $ETI. This partnership with one of the fastest-...


@esatoshiclub Do you have any tutorial video or educational guide on how users would be able to mine $ETI and $EGAZ token?If yes,how and where can we access these educational video or guide?


$detf @detf_official This is my last warning Take your seat before it's too late. The train is about to leave. It's your last chance to jump on the train. Hybrid exchange launch is at the end of March. I won't warn again. I earned 10x from $xna, 6x from $EGAZ Another 10x coming

A Resolute Will

Out of the aftermath of the 2008 financial “crisis” came Bitcoin that layed the foundation for Monero Out of the aftermath of the covid “crises” came Etica protocol When the State manufactures emergencies, the free market creates solutions $ETI $EGAZ $XMR

LT ᕮ

@WadKevin This is game changer for #Etica and #DeSci 🚀 LFG $ETI $EGAZ 🔥🔥🔥


Awesome listing of @eticaprotocol $ETI on Tradeogre. Etica is revolutionizing the science and healthcare industry. A true POW #DeSci gem under $1mil mcap

Ʊɬɱʘ 🏴 a³ ɱ ᕮ 𐤊 ױ א ⛛

If wondering what kind of research is been funded by @eticaprotocol just check proposal paper of the Bio-Chip DAO by a group of PhD in global top-20 engineering colleges: $ETI only has 3million markcap

A Resolute Will

For 2000 years it was believed that heavy objects fell faster than light objects All because no one challenged it Excluding researchers from funding is no different than accepting what is false to prevail longer than it otherwise may Etica funds the Galileos of the world $ETI


@MartiniGuyYT That's why @eticaprotocol is the right choice! ✅ L1 PoW for funding #DeSci ✅ No premine, no VC, no ICO ✅ Community Driven project ✅ First EVM based blockchain with RandomX implementation ✅ Complete neutral protocol ✅ No patents no Intellectual property $ETI $EGAZ


Can you imagine a world where a lab is completely funded by a neutral decentralized protocol that aims to provide open research/open science the mechanisms to prevail and impact legacy science with new and revolutionary tools? Look no further ➡️ @eticaprotocol #DeSci $ETI $EGAZ


and a platform that prioritizes transparency, efficiency, and open access. It's a game-changer for medical research funding and a powerful tool for researchers looking to make a real impact in the field. #DeSci $ETI $EGAZ

A Resolute Will

Very few projects have the potential to make as big of an impact on the world as Etica Only time will tell if Etica will accomplish its mission But it is a mission worth investing in $ETI $EGAZ #DeSci

A Resolute Will

Etica protocol provides a rare opportunity to revolutionize an industry dripping in corruption What Bitcoin started in the financial industry, Etica will finish in the medical industry $ETI $EGAZ

A Resolute Will

. @eticaprotocol provides a new opportunity to fund medical research without the miss-aligned incentives and unethical behavior/outcomes of Big Pharma and State grants $ETI $EGAZ

Ʊɬɱʘ 🏴 a³ ɱ ᕮ 𐤊 ױ א ⛛

Today is the day! @eticaprotocol Great things will come in the future. Open medical research, no patents, no intellectual property is the way for #DeSci $ETI $EGAZ


@BigeriaExchange How about $EGAZ and $ETI, mainnet coin and token from the only L1 blockchain for #DeSci @eticaprotocol? Open scientific research without patents or Intellectual Property could be a game changer in Africa to permit researchers there to develop pharma products without crazy prices


Tick tack tick tack ⏱️ Guardian Hardfork of @eticaprotocol countdown 🔥🔥 $ETI $EGAZ #DeSci


Going home to upgrade my Eticav3 node! $ETI $EGAZ

A Resolute Will

@eticaprotocol provides funding in a decentralized way that could work in harmony with such technologies to still provide the necessary incentives to innovate without the intervention of Big Pharma and the State that often leads to unethical practices $ETI $EGAZ #DeSci


The best #DeSci project is making a gigantic step for decentralization, scarcity and technological advances to embrace all of open #DeSci. Open medical research and Open Science will be big on @eticaprotocol $ETI $EGAZ

Ʊɬɱʘ 🏴 a³ ɱ ᕮ 𐤊 ױ א ⛛

@1centarmy @eticaprotocol AFAIK is not possible because in this case RandomX is used to mine a smartcontract, the $ETI token. And not a mainnet coin like XMR, Tari or DRK. In Etica Protocol case the mainnet coin is $EGAZ.


20/ For $EGAZ there is a tail emission of 2 $EGAZ per block. For $ETI it will take 10 years to reach the initial supply of 21 million $ETI then there will be a fixed annual inflation of maximum 2.618 percent $ETI to finance research


19/ This is mainly for scalability issues. @eticaprotocol is scalable from day 1 because the current capacities of Ethereum blockchain are more than enough for the use case of #Etica. Both $EGAZ and $ETI can be mined but they have different issuance systems.


17/ There are two cryptocurrencies on @eticaprotocol $EGAZ is the currency that secures the blockchain and that is used to pay for transaction fees. $EGAZ is the equivalent of what ether is on ethereum.


@eticaprotocol @TradeOgre Bullish for $ETI $EGAZ

Ʊɬɱʘ 🏴 a³ ɱ ᕮ 𐤊 ױ א ⛛

Old good TradeOgre has now a #DeSci project listed! Very bullish on @eticaprotocol $ETI $EGAZ

A Resolute Will

Intellectual “property” protectionism may incentivize the original creators, but it shackles scientific advancement on the whole @eticaprotocol finds a solution to incentivize researchers financially without the burdens of IP $ETI $EGAZ #DeSci


There's only 1 blockchain exclusively for funding open medical research and #DeSci. @eticaprotocol every week creates automatically and neutrally funds for scientific proposals that are submitted on the protocol. There's an opportunity to make history on science. $EGAZ $ETI

Ʊɬɱʘ 🏴 a³ ɱ ᕮ 𐤊 ױ א ⛛

For those who believe in CPU mining through RandomX and help to create a new mechanism to fund Medical Research by making it all Open Source, no Intellectual Property, No Patents, no lobby Big Pharma, no legacy grant system. If you believe, join @eticaprotocol $ETI $EGAZ #Desci


📢⚠️ Main dev 👨‍💻 post announcement: A message for the Miners 👲⛏️ @eticaprotocol $ETI $EGAZ #DeSci


🎉 ANNOUNCEMENT Etica Protocol's New Listing on @TradeOgre 🚀 We're thrilled to announce that Etica Protocol is now listed on @TradeOgre Exchange, empowering the #DeSci 🧬 community with a cutting-edge platform for buying, selling, and trading $EGAZ and $ETI! This partnership underscores...


📢⚠️ Main dev 👨‍💻 post announcement: Release of Eticapool v4.0.14 🆕 ▫️Workers data aggregation on main address page Details: ⤵️ Code release: ⤵️ #DeSci $ETI $EGAZ

A Resolute Will

Science will only progress in an environment that encourages dissenting hypotheses Researchers that wish to challenge officially accepted assumptions are often silenced and excluded from funding @eticaprotocol provides an opportunity to change the status quo $ETI $EGAZ #DeSci

A Resolute Will

Out of the aftermath of the 2008 financial “crisis” came Bitcoin that layed the foundation for Monero Out of the aftermath of the covid “crises” came Etica protocol When the State manufactures emergencies, the free market creates solutions $ETI $EGAZ $XMR


📢⚠️ Main dev 👨‍💻 post announcement: RandomX optimizations on Eticapool v4.0.12 Eticapool can now process RandomX shares as fast as Monero pools ⚡🦾 Code from the Eticapool v4.0.12 release: #DeSci $ETI $EGAZ

Ʊɬɱʘ 🏴 a³ ɱ ᕮ 𐤊 ױ א ⛛

DECENTRALIZED Science aka #DeSci only exist on @eticaprotocol A normal PC can run a node (left image)? ✅ Can mine mainnet coin $EGAZ (GPU mined, down right image)? ✅ Can mine the token used for funding open science and open research $ETI (CPU mined, up right image)? ✅


The true decentralization in mining now in @eticaprotocol. Everyone now can mine $ETI and start using it to vote on open source scientific research! #DeSci $EGAZ


Less than 24h! 🚀🧬 Guardian Hardfork 🛡️⛓️ is coming! 🎉 #DeSci $EGAZ $ETI


Technical analysis of $ETI / $EGAZ. Bottom is in, only up we go now 🚀🌕

A Resolute Will

There is no political solution to the root cause of this issue Change the incentive structure around funding scientific research Revolutionize the industry @eticaprotocol is the the only solution going after the root of the tree $ETI $EGAZ #DeSci

LT ᕮ

@WadKevin This is game changer for #Etica and #DeSci 🚀 LFG $ETI $EGAZ 🔥🔥🔥


Awesome listing of @eticaprotocol $ETI on Tradeogre. Etica is revolutionizing the science and healthcare industry. A true POW #DeSci gem under $1mil mcap

Ʊɬɱʘ 🏴 a³ ɱ ᕮ 𐤊 ױ א ⛛

If wondering what kind of research is been funded by @eticaprotocol just check proposal paper of the Bio-Chip DAO by a group of PhD in global top-20 engineering colleges: $ETI only has 3million markcap

A Resolute Will

For 2000 years it was believed that heavy objects fell faster than light objects All because no one challenged it Excluding researchers from funding is no different than accepting what is false to prevail longer than it otherwise may Etica funds the Galileos of the world $ETI


@MartiniGuyYT That's why @eticaprotocol is the right choice! ✅ L1 PoW for funding #DeSci ✅ No premine, no VC, no ICO ✅ Community Driven project ✅ First EVM based blockchain with RandomX implementation ✅ Complete neutral protocol ✅ No patents no Intellectual property $ETI $EGAZ

About Etica

What is Etica (ETI)?

Etica is a Desci (Decentralised Science) project. It is a blockchain for Open Source medical research without intellectual property.

ETI is the cypto-currency that is used for:

  • Financing open source research
  • Reward researchers for their open source contributions
  • Used for voting on network proposals and get voting rewards
  • It allows ETI holders to orient and guide research done on Etica Protocol
  • Store of value: ETI supply will be limited by a fixed inflation of about 1% per year and it can become a store of value

What makes Etica unique?

Etica is the first blockchain for Open Source medical research without intellectual property.

How Many ETI Coins Will There be in Circulation?

It will take about 10 years to reach initial supply of 21 Million ETI, then there will be a fixed inlfation of about 1% every year to finance research. Etica blockchain started on april 17th 2022. There was no premine nor ico. Etica launched like Bitcoin and Monero with pure mining open to everyone.

Who Are the Founders of Etica Protocol?

Etica is a community driven project. There is no team nor entity behind Etica, nobody has specific rights over the network, Etica is a neutral protocol like Bitcoin and Monero. The Etica whitepaper was published and sent to Satoshi Nakomoto original mailing list in October 2019 (https://www.metzdowd.com/pipermail/cryptography/2019-September/035372.html)

  • Name: Etica
  • Symbol: ETI
  • Started At: 4/21/2023
  • DeSci