$DIMI Overview

Diminutive Coin

Diminutive Coin sentiment is down with 100 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 13 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $DIMI on social media.

Highlights about Diminutive Coin on social media

100 unique individuals are talking about Diminutive Coin and it is in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, Diminutive Coin has an sentiment score of 13 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bearish about Diminutive Coin. Trend were down about Diminutive Coin. These sentiments are based on 10 tweets.

On Reddit, Diminutive Coin was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about Diminutive Coin. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

Related topics: digitalnote, lanacoin, $xec, xec, dogecash, $usdt, usdt

Social media posts

DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝


🤘yeey #eCash

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝


Thank all those who are voting for eCash 🙏


Thank all those who are voting for eCash 🙏

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝


Thank all those who are voting for eCash 🙏

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange

Alita XEC🌸


DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇺 Jardine.🌐Xㅌㄷ🇪🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange

Alita XEC🌸


🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇺 Jardine.🌐Xㅌㄷ🇪🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

Alita XEC🌸


Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇺 Jardine.🌐Xㅌㄷ🇪🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿


Alita XEC🌸


DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange

Alita XEC🌸


DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

Alita XEC🌸


Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝


$DIMI just went from pumpfun to 4.5M down to 50k after dev clipped 642 sol in one shot…

DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝


$DIMI just went from pumpfun to 4.5M down to 50k after dev clipped 642 sol in one shot…

DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange

Alita XEC🌸


Alita XEC🌸


Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

Alita XEC🌸


Alita XEC🌸


Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿🇪🇺 Jardine.🌐Xㅌㄷ🇪🇺🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿

#eCash $XEC @CML_Crypto 😅😅 Lets gooo

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange

DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝


@CML_Crypto @DigitalNoteXDN @coin_dimi @LanaCoin @reaction_core @fsocietychain $DIMI Max Coin Supply 200k ! @coin_dimi

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝


@CML_Crypto @DigitalNoteXDN @coin_dimi @LanaCoin @reaction_core @fsocietychain $DIMI Max Coin Supply 200k ! @coin_dimi

Hussayn 🧑‍💻

To be honest, not all channels trades the way we do, but the accuracy is unmatched! Can only be GOD🤝 $book 6.5x $orange cat 4.5x $whisker’s 3x $md 2x $gang 2x $joever rugged $dimi 5x Total Xs done (23x) 🧑‍🍳🤝


$DIMI just went from pumpfun to 4.5M down to 50k after dev clipped 642 sol in one shot…


$DIMI just went from pumpfun to 4.5M down to 50k after dev clipped 642 sol in one shot…


$DIMI just went from pumpfun to 4.5M down to 50k after dev clipped 642 sol in one shot…

DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange


$DIMI just went from pumpfun to 4.5M down to 50k after dev clipped 642 sol in one shot…

DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange


$DIMI just went from pumpfun to 4.5M down to 50k after dev clipped 642 sol in one shot…

DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange

DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange

DogeCash App

We are pleased to announce that DiminutiveCoin @coin_dimi has been listed and is ready for trading on the DogeCash Spot Exchange. $DIMI $USDT #Dogecash #exchange