$DGC Overview


DigitalCoin sentiment is neutral with 1687 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 24 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $DGC on social media.

Highlights about DigitalCoin on social media

1687 unique individuals are talking about DigitalCoin and it is in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, DigitalCoin has an sentiment score of 24 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bullish about DigitalCoin. Trend were neutral about DigitalCoin. These sentiments are based on 95 tweets.

On Reddit, DigitalCoin was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about DigitalCoin. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

Related topics: $xrd, radix, $cnc, $doga, doga dogita, $cta, $caga, $cair, cair, $ever, $cirus, bruh, $drink, deez nuts, air drop, bitcoin, dogita, $dfyn, dfyn, $dmck, $cwar, block blockasset, catscoinbsc, cere network, nfts, $exfi, $cata, nft, $astrl, $cgg, emerson electric co, avax, $early, phoenixdao, $bist, $bvm, $fast, $cvtx, $doai, $frgx, $babybnb, baby bnb, $befi, $elix, radix dlt, defi, #crypto, telegram, solana, $bbf, $del, $ego, ego, money, $usdt, bnb, $shib, sol, $fls, $argy, $blastup, blastup, cat i, cati, $fu, fu, $bomb, $fomo, $creo, creo, $dan, swap, altcoins, $spume, $bxen, $deso, $dana, #memecoin, crypto currency, cryptonews, blockchain, avalanche, $ida, ida, liquidity, dogecoin, $exrd, exrd, ethereum, $ciri, $galaxis, $gkappa, $hefi, $hibs, $kine, hefi, hibs, $avg, escoin token, $app

Social media posts


Vote $DGC and join #DGC


Revolutionize your transactions with $DGC 🥂 📜 DGC is a decentralized cryptocurrency. 📜 DGC is a medium of exchange for everyone. ≠ Decentralized Global Currency ≠ 💵💵💵 💴💴💴 💶💶💶 💷💷💷


xoxo, Grandma 👵❤️ DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #runes #btc @McDonalds

🔥 Nono_X | 🔥

🚨 Vote $PHNX and enjoys 🔥 $XRD @Phoenix_XRD @radixdlt @fuserleer

Andrew Salmi



Dope Grandma makes her Official Introduction! #DopeGrandma #Bitcoin #Runes DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN (Bitcoin Rune #115) @DopeGrandmaCoin Sassy and Classy. 👑 Repost and Reply with "Sassy" or "Classy" to be entered to win 100 $DGC tonight!


Don't sleep on the #Radix ecosystem. FD MC's ($): $HUG - 800k $DGC - 400k $EARLY - 250k $MNI - 50k $IDA - 12mil $OCI - 6.8 $FLOOP - 6.2mil When $XRD booms, the most successful alts could go to unfathomable values. Whether they exist yet or not, who knows. But here's some...


Amazing live in Brazilian community! 🇧🇷🇵🇹 The best tips about @radixdlt ecosystem (altcoins and NFTs) @WLupercinio @GuilhermeMV28 $XRD $OCI $DGC $CAVIAR


Another #Digitalcoin $DGC #fullnode thanks to #rokos #RaspberryPi @OKCashCrypto

Thomas George

Stock selection lives 🔥 Detour Gold has been THE stock to own in the gold sector for 2019. Why it was my top 2019 gold pick: long reserve life, big discount to NAV, safe mining jurisdiction. $DGC $GDX $GDXJ $GLD #gold


Friend Tech + Pump Fun = My favourite at around 700k is $DGC


$Ntrn go to the moon with 600% today My next target is 10.000 satoshi Buy now and thank me later 😘 $dips $adc $dgc

Roidboiz Clubhouse

Here’s to the man with a license to shill @radixdlt. @rogermoonCrypto #RadixNFTs $XRD $DGC #LimitedEdition #RadixLegends #NFTs

Winkie Jr

Cool! 🔥 $XRD $IDA $XSE $OCI $ASTRL $DGC #Radix #XidarWallet #Crypto


Congrats @BuyXRD and @Doge3_cerby for another Radix success story! $XRD $DGC


@RadBullXRD Pls vote $DGC 🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶🐶


@RadBullXRD $DGC deserves to win

Tomas Hegedus

Wen people selling they grandma for 35 sats. 🫣 DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC


@RadBullXRD @Radix_ecosystem Vote $DGC #DGC we are still early🛫

iSucceed (♙,♙) 🐕🌖

#E4C Diamond hands Staked to receive $DGC


Congrats @holmsey29 on winning $100 in $DGC tokens for guessing my literature and inspiring our next DOPE or NOPE granny poll featuring @MarthaStewart . Would have given bonus tokens if you called it GRANnibis but this will do. DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN


Added 1M #DogeCube today! LFG! @Doge3_cerby $xrd $dgc


Send it higher guys ~ NOT LESS THAN 3X $NPICK $PIZA $DGC $IMX


Radix $XRD Token Battle Quarter Finals COMPLETE! Semi-Final Battles: $DGC vs $ASTRL $WOWO vs $DFP 2 Semi-Finals start tomorrow.


The final will be $DGC vs $WOWO on Sunday!

AJ | 007.xrd

Best investment for the next 5 years?? Radix fam give me a retweet please. 🙏🏻🔥 #RadixMemesJuly #Scrypto $XRD $OCI $DGC @RadixDLT @ociswap

Roidboiz Clubhouse

Just a couple of bros hanging out on the @radixdlt shardspace. @radical_robos #Radix #NFTs #NFTCommunity $XRD $DGC #ETH #SOL

Thomas George

No better night to debut Lambo & Grizzle than the Oscars! Haha We talk market outlook and why 2019 is poised to be great year for gold equities. Traders need a barbell strategy: mkt insurance (#gold) + high growth (#potstocks & #tech). $GUY $ALO $DGC

🔥 Nono_X | 🔥

🚨 Vote $PHNX and enjoys 🔥 $XRD @Phoenix_XRD @radixdlt @fuserleer


Lol HoneyDAO is voting for $DGC, they are offering money to vote $DGC, 6k vs 115k market cap We still at >30%


Lol they are offering $DGC to people that vote for them against $HNY 😁 Please vote for $DGC and use their money to buyback $HNY 🍯 6k vs 116k market cap 😁 $EARLY is going to win this tournament anyway 😅 #Radix $XRD


Welcome to the world of Crypto💫 $DGC ≠ Decentralized Global Currency ≠ 💵💵💵 💴💴💴 💶💶💶 💷💷💷 💵💵💵 💴💴💴 💶💶💶 💷💷💷 💵💵💵 💴💴💴 💶💶💶 💷💷💷


@ociswap $XRD $DGC $OCI


Dumping prenup money straight into #btc DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #runes


“You do not need to be a Grandma to get a Grandma McFlurry.” Nor do you need to be a Grandma to get some DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN 👵🏻 @DopeGrandmaCoin $DGC #Dope #McFlurry #McDonalds


Anyone saying #Runes are dead doesn’t see the kind of buys that granny bot does. No big players would ever put an $18k buy into a “dead” market. Granny bot is dope. DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #btc

Dragon Gold Coin🐉

Unleashing the power of the Dragon In a digital age dominated by fleeting trends and transient technologies, $DGC emerges as a beacon of enduring strength and prosperity. Inspired by the legendary power and wisdom of the dragon, DGC is more than just another cryptocurrency #DGC

Dragon Gold Coin🐉

🚀 Exciting news, noble warriors of Dragon Gold Coin ($DGC)! Our token has been submitted for listing on CoinMarketCap, but we need your support to make it happen. ⭐️ Rally to our cause and cast your vote for $DGC to join the ranks of the elite. Vote:


This is my logo submission for the DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN official logo competition. $DGC #runes #btc #DopeGrannyLogo


DecentralGPT CEO Jeff Introduces DeGPT Products at R3al World Depin House #Consensus Conference #DeGPT #DGC $DGC #DecentralGPT


Sell and you hate your granny. DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #runes #btc


Stop crying and just HODL pansys. DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #runes #btc


Gran never cooks with half the ingredients. GrannyBot is dope. DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #runes #btc


Can you feel it? DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #runes #btc #QueenOfMeme

Roidboiz Clubhouse

💪 Roidboiz Feature 💪 Less than 2 weeks until @radixdlt Babylon launch. Everybody get out your Licence to Shill. 1 of 1: @rogermoonCrypto Limited Edition: Radix Legends Roidboiz 2467 - Still available #NFTs #XRDegen #Layer1 $XRD $DGC #RadixNFTs

Roidboiz Clubhouse

💪 Roidboiz Feature 💪 Radix Chads where you at? 1 of 1: Chadix Limited Edition: Radix Legends #NFTs #XRDegen #Layer1 $XRD $DGC #RadixNFTs

Roidboiz Clubhouse

💪 Roidboiz Feature 💪 One of the first reveals in the collection, and still up in the favourites. “It’s time to kick ass….” 1 of 1: Duke Nukem Limited Edition: Action Heroes 56 one of ones still available #Radix #NFTs #XRDegen #Layer1 $XRD $DGC #RadixNFTs

Roidboiz Clubhouse

💪 Roidboiz Feature 💪 Possibly the most unique of the boiz. The only one in the Clubhouse that’s actually a Dolphin. 1 of 1: @CptCharles_XRD Limited Edition: Radix Legends 56 one of ones still available #Radix #NFTs #XRDegen #Layer1 $XRD $DGC


Revolutionize your transactions with $DGC 🥂 📜 DGC is a decentralized cryptocurrency. 📜 DGC is a medium of exchange for everyone. ≠ Decentralized Global Currency ≠ 💵💵💵 💴💴💴 💶💶💶 💷💷💷


Don't sleep on the #Radix ecosystem. FD MC's ($): $HUG - 800k $DGC - 400k $EARLY - 250k $MNI - 50k $IDA - 12mil $OCI - 6.8 $FLOOP - 6.2mil When $XRD booms, the most successful alts could go to unfathomable values. Whether they exist yet or not, who knows. But here's some...

Radix - Radically Different DeFi

🌐 Ecosystem Success 🌐 $DPH, $DGC, and $WEFT are now available on @BitstorageFin Congratulations to all teams @delphibets, @DogeCubed @Weft_Finance 🔥


Friend Tech + Pump Fun = My favourite at around 700k is $DGC


Radix $XRD Token Battle Quarter Finals COMPLETE! Semi-Final Battles: $DGC vs $ASTRL $WOWO vs $DFP 2 Semi-Finals start tomorrow.


Vote DGC,@DogeCubed the first ETF index on Radix.join us

The Machinist

I love Astrolescent They’re a cornerstone of the Radix ecosystem But there’s no friends in poker and no crying in baseball $DAN is coming for you, Legend 🙇 #XRD #Championship


Vote $DGC and join #DGC


My grandson can’t wait to show off his gift. Go visit him in the matrix to see what it is. DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #runes #btc


My Grandson loves GrannyBot. so will you 🤝 DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #runes #btc


@RadBullXRD $DGC


Sell and you hate your granny. DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #runes #btc


Gran loves a hot #runes Rave. Who’s coming? DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #btc


xoxo, Grandma 👵❤️ DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #runes #btc @McDonalds


@DopeGrandmaCoin @crypto_bitlord7 @KookCapitalLLC $DGC #btc          #runes


My grandson is so tech savvy so I had to call and let him know I have a surprise. 👵❤️🐸 @ DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #runes #btc @BTCPepeMatrix


@DopeGrandmaCoin This could get silly soon. AI moving so fast, awesome to see $DGC on top of it 🚀


My grandson is most dope. 👵❤️ @shitcoin_milly DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #runes #btc


Hotter takes than my famous chili recipe. How are current events affecting crypto? Watch and find out. DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #runes #btc


Don't forget, Dope Grandma has a brand new Daily Show! @DopeGrandmaCoin Watch Dope Grandma Daily Bitcoin Show: $DGC #DopeGrandma #Bitcoin #Runes


Happy to support any and all communities. @consensus2024 @Bitcoin_Punks_ 🤝 DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #runes #btc




Feelin spontaneous. What kind of meme worthy mischief should I get into this weekend? Leave your Meme factory ideas 👇👇👇 DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #runes #btc


Guess I’m not retiring anymore. #btc #runes DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC


▶️🎥 Grannys nurture communities. Grannydev, with help of @MEonbtc has created the first #Bitcoin buy bot for #runes. Keep your telegram community engaged w/ GrannyBot and floor tracker. #btc What else is Granny building? -> DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC


@NFTMachinist @Hug_Radix @addix_xrd @EARLY_Radix @DANcoinXRD @FluidtokensXBT @wmtoken @IagonOfficial $DGC


Happy Mother’s Day to all the dope mothers and grandmas out there. 💐👵❤️ DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN #runes $DGC


My grandchildren have strong hands. 👵❤️@Clark10x DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN $DGC #runes


Degens at the runes casino buying $DGC when fomo kicks in. DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN #runes #btc


GM kids, can I interest you in a stack of sats? $DGC #runes DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN


When you’re in a dip but the meme is so good you don’t care. GM my boys and girls. $DGC #runes DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN


Granny needs some new dope stories for the meme factory. 🔁 & comment your wild ideas for a chance to win $100 in $DGC tokens. DOPE•GRANDMA•COIN #Runes #btc

About DigitalCoin

Digitalcoin (DGC) is a cryptocurrency . Users are able to generate DGC through the process of mining. Digitalcoin has a current supply of 43,611,205.84403641 with 0 in circulation. The last known price of Digitalcoin is 0.00008996 USD and is down -10.37 over the last 24 hours. It is currently trading on 2 active market(s) with $4,594.32 traded over the last 24 hours. More information can be found at http://digitalcoin.co.

  • Name: Digitalcoin
  • Symbol: DGC
  • Started At: 6/9/2013
  • Mineable
  • PoW
  • Scrypt