$COYE Overview


Coinye sentiment is neutral with 0 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 14 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $COYE on social media.

Highlights about Coinye on social media

There is not enough data to determine the sentiment of Coinye. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, Coinye has an sentiment score of 14 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bullish about Coinye. Trend were neutral about Coinye. These sentiments are based on 27 tweets.

On Reddit, Coinye was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about Coinye. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

Related topics: kanye west, in, for, $coinye, be, hours, #crypto, crypto, crypto currency, brad, not, hip hop, ethereum, kanye, cryptocurrency, do, $koi, koi, so, gm, degen, coinye west, acquisition, reserve, eth, tax bracket, devs, us, been, onboard, telegram, or, ico, dogecoin, doge

Social media posts


@ElonMuskPDA the ticker is $COINYE revival of the 2014 $COYE chain


Finally, $COINYE is a revival of the 2014 ‘statement cryptocurrency’ $COYE. The second memecoin ever created. Only 3 weeks behind $DOGE. This is far and above the best narrative of any token on base right now. Legendary. (3/4)

Coinye West

Something big will happens! Working for some good stuff and kanye will like it 👀 #COYE $COYE #KanyeWest #ERC20 #erc20gem

Coinye West

TO THE MOOON!!! #COYE $COYE #KanyeWest #ERC20 #erc20gem

Coinye West

$COYE FOR FUTURE! LFG!! 🔥 #COYE $COYE #KanyeWest #ERC20 #erc20gem

Coinye West

Back to ATH $COYE Who faded Mr. West #KanyeWestERC

Coinye West

Who got sued? $COYE #KanyeWestERC

Coinye West


Coinye West

We Bringing back mascot of American HipHop and relaunched on Ethereum. The previous project was abandoned by the original developers following lawsuit from West's in 2014. $COYE #KanyeWestERC

Coinye West

Renounce Ownership! #COYE $COYE #KanyeWest #ERC20 #erc20gem

Coinye West


Coinye West

Liquidity Locked! #COYE $COYE #KanyeWest #ERC20 #erc20gem

Coinye West

We sended 6,666,666,666 $COYE to reserveforye.eth before open trade 5% of token supply, in case we got sued by West's #KanyeWestERC

Coinye West

Initial LP = 1 ETH Total = 133,333,333,333 COYE Tax 2/2 for marketing expenses Still not deploy any CA, Deploy and Live in next 9-10 hours. Devs = coyedevs.eth Kanye = reserveforye.eth $COYE #KanyeWest

Coinye West

The previous project was abandoned by the original developers following West's sued in 2014 $COYE #KanyeWestERC

Coinye West

5% of reserve token can be seeing at reserveforye.eth $COYE #KanyeWestERC

Coinye West

$COYE is community takeover project No team tokens 2% Max wallet for community 5% reserved for West's (in case we got sued by him🙃) #KanyeWest

Coinye West

We Bringing back mascot of American HipHop and relaunched on Ethereum. The previous project was abandoned by the original developers following West's sued in 2014. $COYE #KanyeWest

Coinye West

GM Degen☀️ $COYE #CoinyeWest

Brad 🧙‍♂️

@gayfishpool wow so $coye is indeed not dead

Brad 🧙‍♂️

$coye **


Someone mentioned it to me earlier, but today i have managed to sync my old coinye wallet again 🚀🚀🚀 Now what to do with it? 🤷🏻‍♂️ #crypto #Coinye $KOI $Coye $coinye #kanyewest

Coinye West

Initial LP = 1 ETH Total = 133,333,333,333 COYE Tax 2/2 for marketing expenses Still not deploy any CA, Deploy and Live in next 9-10 hours. Devs = coyedevs.eth Kanye = reserveforye.eth $COYE #KanyeWest

Coinye West

We Bringing back mascot of American HipHop and relaunched on Ethereum. The previous project was abandoned by the original developers following West's sued in 2014. $COYE #KanyeWest


Finally, $COINYE is a revival of the 2014 ‘statement cryptocurrency’ $COYE. The second memecoin ever created. Only 3 weeks behind $DOGE. This is far and above the best narrative of any token on base right now. Legendary. (3/4)

Coinye West

Back to ATH $COYE Who faded Mr. West #KanyeWestERC

Coinye West

We Bringing back mascot of American HipHop and relaunched on Ethereum. The previous project was abandoned by the original developers following lawsuit from West's in 2014. $COYE #KanyeWestERC

Coinye West

The previous project was abandoned by the original developers following West's sued in 2014 $COYE #KanyeWestERC

Coinye West

$COYE is community takeover project No team tokens 2% Max wallet for community 5% reserved for West's (in case we got sued by him🙃) #KanyeWest


@ElonMuskPDA the ticker is $COINYE revival of the 2014 $COYE chain

Coinye West

$COYE FOR FUTURE! LFG!! 🔥 #COYE $COYE #KanyeWest #ERC20 #erc20gem

Coinye West


Coinye West

Liquidity Locked! #COYE $COYE #KanyeWest #ERC20 #erc20gem

Coinye West

We sended 6,666,666,666 $COYE to reserveforye.eth before open trade 5% of token supply, in case we got sued by West's #KanyeWestERC

Brad 🧙‍♂️

$coye **

Coinye West

Something big will happens! Working for some good stuff and kanye will like it 👀 #COYE $COYE #KanyeWest #ERC20 #erc20gem

Coinye West

Renounce Ownership! #COYE $COYE #KanyeWest #ERC20 #erc20gem

Coinye West

GM Degen☀️ $COYE #CoinyeWest

Brad 🧙‍♂️

@gayfishpool wow so $coye is indeed not dead

Coinye West

TO THE MOOON!!! #COYE $COYE #KanyeWest #ERC20 #erc20gem

Coinye West


Coinye West

Who got sued? $COYE #KanyeWestERC


Someone mentioned it to me earlier, but today i have managed to sync my old coinye wallet again 🚀🚀🚀 Now what to do with it? 🤷🏻‍♂️ #crypto #Coinye $KOI $Coye $coinye #kanyewest

Coinye West

5% of reserve token can be seeing at reserveforye.eth $COYE #KanyeWestERC