$CIRQ Overview


Cirquity sentiment is neutral with 0 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 13 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $CIRQ on social media.

Highlights about Cirquity on social media

There is not enough data to determine the sentiment of Cirquity. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, Cirquity has an sentiment score of 13 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bullish about Cirquity. Trend were neutral about Cirquity. These sentiments are based on 26 tweets.

On Reddit, Cirquity was mentioned in 0 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about Cirquity. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

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Social media posts

CoinLore Press

Cirquity $CIRQ coin price and stats are now live on CoinLore @cirquity


TOP 6 #COIN VOTE 1⃣ $HXN 1459 2⃣ $FYP 717 3⃣ $CIRQ 591 4⃣ $GHD 556 5⃣ $STORJ 180 6⃣ $CBE 141 Buy $XLR and vote for your favorite project and let it win a listing on Txbit!


🗳️ Coin Vote Update 🗳️ $HXN takes over the lead with 716 votes. In second place $FYP, followed by $GHD. In fourth $CIRQ followed by $STORJ. How to vote? 1⃣ Go to 2⃣ Log in or create an account 3⃣ Buy $XLR 4⃣ #Vote for your favorite project


🗳️ #Txbit #Coin Voting 🗳️ #X42 is still taking the lead with 1384 votes. In 2nd place, $FYP, in 3rd place $GHD followed by #CBE. New in the top 5 is $CIRQ. 👉 Do you own or know a project that you want to add to our voting list?

CoinLore Press

Cirquity $CIRQ coin price and stats are now live on CoinLore @cirquity


TOP 6 #COIN VOTE 1⃣ $HXN 1459 2⃣ $FYP 717 3⃣ $CIRQ 591 4⃣ $GHD 556 5⃣ $STORJ 180 6⃣ $CBE 141 Buy $XLR and vote for your favorite project and let it win a listing on Txbit!


🗳️ Coin Vote Update 🗳️ $HXN takes over the lead with 716 votes. In second place $FYP, followed by $GHD. In fourth $CIRQ followed by $STORJ. How to vote? 1⃣ Go to 2⃣ Log in or create an account 3⃣ Buy $XLR 4⃣ #Vote for your favorite project


🗳️ #Txbit #Coin Voting 🗳️ #X42 is still taking the lead with 1384 votes. In 2nd place, $FYP, in 3rd place $GHD followed by #CBE. New in the top 5 is $CIRQ. 👉 Do you own or know a project that you want to add to our voting list?

CoinLore Press

Cirquity $CIRQ coin price and stats are now live on CoinLore @cirquity


🗳️ Coin Vote Update 🗳️ $HXN takes over the lead with 716 votes. In second place $FYP, followed by $GHD. In fourth $CIRQ followed by $STORJ. How to vote? 1⃣ Go to 2⃣ Log in or create an account 3⃣ Buy $XLR 4⃣ #Vote for your favorite project


🗳️ #Txbit #Coin Voting 🗳️ #X42 is still taking the lead with 1384 votes. In 2nd place, $FYP, in 3rd place $GHD followed by #CBE. New in the top 5 is $CIRQ. 👉 Do you own or know a project that you want to add to our voting list?


TOP 6 #COIN VOTE 1⃣ $HXN 1459 2⃣ $FYP 717 3⃣ $CIRQ 591 4⃣ $GHD 556 5⃣ $STORJ 180 6⃣ $CBE 141 Buy $XLR and vote for your favorite project and let it win a listing on Txbit!


TOP 6 #COIN VOTE 1⃣ $HXN 1459 2⃣ $FYP 717 3⃣ $CIRQ 591 4⃣ $GHD 556 5⃣ $STORJ 180 6⃣ $CBE 141 Buy $XLR and vote for your favorite project and let it win a listing on Txbit!

About Cirquity

Cirquity is a private, fast, secure and easy way to send money to friends and businesses. Allowing you to be your own bank.

Launched on 01/01/2020 by a team based in Italy, CIRQ has been created mainly because there are many limits when sending money, making transactions in different currencies or different banks and countries.

  • Name: Cirquity
  • Symbol: CIRQ
  • Started At: 5/25/2020