$BTCZ Overview


BitcoinZ sentiment is down with 1930 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 33 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $BTCZ on social media.

Highlights about BitcoinZ on social media

1930 unique individuals are talking about BitcoinZ and it is in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, BitcoinZ has an sentiment score of 33 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bearish about BitcoinZ. Trend were down about BitcoinZ. These sentiments are based on 283 tweets.

On Reddit, BitcoinZ was mentioned in 3 Reddit posts and there were 0 interactions about BitcoinZ. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

Related topics: bitcoin, $zer, ethereum, #crypto, bitcoinz, zcash, dogecash, #bitcoin, rtm, $epic, $rtm, $xec, mimblewimblecoin, mobile world congress, xec, zclassic, $xmr, blockchain, $pac, $zerc, $kmd, hush, $prcy, $veil, bitcoin palladium, bnb, litecoin, digitalnote, $cns, phantasma, ravencoin, cryptocurrency, discord, crypto currency, $intx, phx, $zano, defi, money, bitcoin cash, dogecoin, stocks, zano, $cdp, fund manager, veil, $firo, $avn, $plsr, $xvg, altcoins, investment, doge, coins, solana, binance coin, hummingbird finance, hmng, $jav, javsphere, concealnetwork, ccx, $ibit, hodl vaneck btc trust, $hush, safecoin, xvg, cryptocurency, rvn, $xdag, chainlink, coti, $mewc, mewc, $inj, layer 2, nakamoto, cryptonews, defichain, $trx, proshares, trx, $usdt, swap, $dot, dot, stacks ecosystem, $frts, hth, $ccx, $beth, $bito, $maxi, $gbtc, $fbtc, $arkb, $bitb, $brrr, $btco, franklin bitcoin

Social media posts


Hello #BTCZ community! Can you please help us wrap #BitcoinZ into wBTCZ? ๐ŸŒ Target: 10,000 wBTCZ holders for Trust Wallet listing. ๐Ÿ’ผ Currently at 900 holders. Let's work together to secure the listing before ๐Ÿ’ช #CryptoNews #wBTCZ #TrustWalletListing $BTCZ


Join the financial revolution with BitcoinZ (BTCZ): A mineable, privacy-focused crypto for the people! ๐Ÿš€ ๐ŸŒ #FinancialRevolution #MineBTCZ $BTCZ #BTCZ #BitcoinZ

ETF Tracker

NEW: 2X BITCOIN $BTC ETF JUST LAUNCHED T-Rex today launched both a 2x long and 2x short Bitcoin ETF 2x long - $BTCL, 2x short - $BTCZ


Holding these microcap gems, some of it is from buy back after selling the top last year Only got cg ss because i canโ€™t combine it together like i got btcz and avn on komodo, unix on unielon, novo on paragon, vdl on keplr n grum on bitmart. $UNIX $BTCZ $AVN $NOVO $VDL $GRUM

MeanHash โ‚ฟ โœช

Alright who was that? What big farm just turned on and started mining $VLC +55% net hash, $BTG +46% net hash, $FLUX +32% net hash, and $BTCZ +36% net hash

Ragnar Pool

AMD support added on : $ltz $btcz $btc @LitecoinzTeam @chancefx_btcz @BitcoinZ_bot @FollowWings8


@DeepWhale_ Probably #BTCZ BitcoinZ or #DGB Digibyte $BTCZ $DGB


Let's keep voting for $XDAG, the first #mineable #DAG. @XDAG_Community


@Cetoex @cryptowallcity @www @TechTreesTTC @TechTreesSDG @BTCZOfficial well done @BTCZOfficial #BTCZ $BTCZ

BitcoinZ Whales (BTCZ)

๐Ÿšจ 2,915,202 BitcoinZ ($306) from t1KBbbYYwFuuSuxoigQrdtkLD6BQvASMAtU to t1RcSMGq1Y2bpVguW4WJJs1WkzD6dtTkATP +1 #BTCZ $BTCZ #Business #CryptoNews #BitcoinZ #Investment #BitcoinNews #BTC

iiaonฮž // 1%. ๐Ÿง™๐Ÿฟโ€โ™‚๏ธ

>> ZestProtocol launches a new yield-changer with BTCz:

EzzyG โ„ค

Enjoy zero-fee transactions with $BTCZ! ๐Ÿ”ฅ Say goodbye to extra costs. #Crypto #BitcoinZ


BitcoinZ Discord server reached 10k members, and more news are following #BitcoinZ #BTCZ $BTCZ


$BTCZ The third biggest Gainer in social media activity among all #Crypto ! Soon in the very top... :) What an amazing start for 2023 Congratulations #BTCZ Community!

EzzyG โ„ค



BitcoinZ Discord server reached 10k members, and more news are following #BitcoinZ #BTCZ $BTCZ

offmylawn.btc ๐ŸŠ

who let the intern give early access to BTCz to everyone that replies with their $STX address on this thread?

coti ๐Ÿ

What Is BitcoinZ $BTCZ? How To Start Mining BitcoinZ?


@Cetoex $BTCZ

Flux-Web3 Cloud

#zeltrez encrypts your entire wallet for both lightweight and full-node addresses. Everything is stored locally on your machine, nothing stored on external servers, providing upmost security for your coin. Releasing May 31 $zel $btcz $zec $hush $btc $ltc $eth $rvn


@Cetoex $BTCZ


Massive adoption is coming! Send $btcz anywhere you want with any phones not just smartphone! I mean any phones available!


$btcz#altcoin Vote for BTCZ


Welcome to the future of #crypto - where privacy, decentralization, and community are at the forefront. Join us on this thrilling ride as we shape the landscape of digital currency. Stay tuned for exciting updates and let's make the $BTCZ journey together! #BitcoinZ #Blockchain ๐Ÿš€ #BTCZ


@rokmikuz @i7Bir So nice to see that #BitcoinZ is being used โค๏ธ $BTCZ #BTCZ

coti ๐Ÿ

On Route to #london $BTCz #privacycoin $STAK


๐Ÿš€ If $BTCZ reaches $BCH's current market cap, its price would be $0.21. That makes 1426x! You can now compare BitcoinZ and Bitcoin Cash with over 3500 coins at #crypto #btcz #bitcoinz #comparemarketcap

Polarexpress Mai

$BTCZ @btczofficial #2mars What can I say... I love BTCZ!


11. PirateChain $ARRR +4 12. BurstCoin $BURST ๐Ÿ” 13. Litecoin $LTC 14. Firo $FIRO -4 15. Arweave $AR ๐Ÿ” 16. Turtlecoin $TRTL -8 17. BitcoinZ $BTCZ ๐Ÿ” 18. LitecoinHD $LHD ๐Ÿ” 19. Digibyte $DGB +1 20. Conflux $CFX -11 Ranking based on Unique PageViews stats.


go $btcz go @Rizzman3 go go go !

BitcoinZ Community (NOT GIVING AWAY ETH)

#bitcoinz $btcz had a fair launch!


$BTCZ wings.... Did you buy a ticket ?

coti ๐Ÿ

Went down to #CamdenMarket yesterday in #London. A bit disappointed that I couldn't find one stall or shop that accepted #Crypto. We need this to change with #BitcoinZ #BTCZ $BTCz. #cryptocurrency #blockchain #Camden


miner and dont know how to mine BitcoinZ $BTCZ , please follow the

Doktor Grav

This is the best choice because it consumes less energy and has a future plan. $BTCZ #BTCZ #ArmyZ #BitcoinZ #cryptocurrecy #DigitalAssets #BTC #Bitcoin


Guess where partial profits from $BTC drama goes into? Alts. $DNR $ADC $INSN $HOLD $BTCZ $GNT

Polarexpress Mai

$BTCZ @btczofficial #2mars #cetoEX #BitcoinZ Gotta love the privacy... BTCZ for the future!


@BTCZOfficial @xeggex @gate_io @HuobiGlobal @binance @kucoincom you are next 6 years old community #crypto gem $BTCZ #BTCZ


@cryptomanran Take a look at $BTCZ

CoinMarketCal Bot

๐Ÿ†• New BitcoinZ $BTCZ event! 21 July 2019 New Dynamic Roadmap Source:


$zel and $btcz in a multi coin wallet called zeltrez. Check the video below for more details. Good job seeing other coins are teaminf up with #btcz. Props to #zel team.

Polarexpress Mai

$BTCZ @btczofficial #2mars To the future with BTCZ!!!

coti ๐Ÿ

$BTCZ is the number 1 crypto on @TradeSatoshi - this was #DOGE a week ago! Go onto the exchange vote and let's get #BTCZ listed on @Coinrail_Korea, it has 10 times the volume of @TradeSatoshi

chancefx ๐Ÿ‡บ๐Ÿ‡ฆ

#BTCZ #btczteam #bitcoinz #BTCz #zkSNARKs #BitcoinZ2018 another one batch of free $BTCZ coins, dont forget to follow @BitcoinZTeam ๐Ÿค‘ GO GO GO!


Another #cryptocurrency has just been listed on @CryptoBridge #DEX $BTCZ #BitcoinZ So to all you #BTCZ community members come over to #BridgeCoin & start trading! @BitcoinZTeam @elizeucima

The Mental Nomad

Nicely done - Android & iOS Copay-based wallets supporting SafeCoin, Bitcoin, Bitcoin Gold, and more. Kudos to the SafeCoin team!


Running #bitcoinz $btcz #zhash algorithm on testnet with mining enabled in wallet for testing blocks #noasics #bitcoin #cryptocurrency


๐Ÿ†New Listing! Meet @BTCZOfficial - ASIC #resistant #PoW Project! Let's vote for #BTCZ together at ๐Ÿ’Ž You can send #BitcoinZ to the top of the #Mineable ranking this week! ๐Ÿ”ฅ Follow & Support $BTCZ with CoinMarketLeague๐Ÿ’ช

BitcoinZ Community (NOT GIVING AWAY ETH)

#bitcoinz $btcz Community! *Maintenance Alert* for the block explorer located at will begin tomorrow at 6pm UTC / 1pm EST 02/06/2018. During this time you may still use or #equihash #community


BitcoinZ had a 100% transparent launch , with no premine , no ICOs, no speculative halvings in the block rewards and fair rules for everyone BitcoinTalk: #bitcoinZ $BTCZ #Bitcoin

Sir Faisal Khan.

No pump n dump, Just slow progress, going up up n up. $btcz $crypto $btc @BTCZCommunity $kmd $ark $ltg $tix


Maybe people should learn about pure #crypto like $BTCZ in this kind of threads. Mention #BTCZ in the #Reddit thread Community! Explain why you believe in this Project and #Decentralization ! โฌ‡๏ธ๐Ÿ”ฅโค๏ธโฌ‡๏ธ


@Cetoex Bitcoinz of course ๐Ÿ˜‹!!! #btcz $btcz #BitcoinZ #wbtcz

BitcoinZ To Mars!

$BTCZ First Halving in 2 days!!!!


$btcz @BTCZOfficial

EzzyG โ„ค

$BTCZ with the market cap of $QUACK would put 1 $BTCZ to $0.005698 That's an increase of 30.83x (2,983%) ๐Ÿ“ˆ #btcz #quack #BitcoinZ #RichQUACK

KuCat แ›ค




Lend Money

#BitcoinZ #BTCZ $BTCZ join us on discord!

Adapt Bitcoin

$BTCZ didn't give up Anti-ASIC war and came up with #ZHash. Let all its #EQUIHASH sisters bow down, includng $ZEC, $ZCL, $BTCP, $KMD, $HUSH


๐Ÿ‘ ๐Ÿ’ฐ Zero Currency is Generally Ranking! ๐Ÿ’ฑ ๐Ÿ‹

coti ๐Ÿ

Hi, @JimmyTrims I usually go to the Castlecroft branch. Would you be interested in trial of accepting #BitcoinZ as payment in one of your branches? I am not aware of any other barbershops in the UK accepting BitcoinZ. Could be a trend setter in the UK. $BTCz $BTCp $ZCL #ZHASH

LeverageX by Javsphere

Vote for Javsphere on CoinMarketLeague ๐Ÿ”ˆ Please help #Javsphere to reach more attention. Last week Javsphere reached the top 10 on @CML_Crypto. Each week brings a new voting round! Voting link below - thank you โฌ‡๏ธ

BitcoinZ Community (NOT GIVING AWAY ETH)

#bitcoinz $btcz Got Visit: - Share your BitcoinZ address in a short URL! โœ… Sign-up! โœ… Confirm! โœ… Share!


BitcoinZ 1-day activity: Current price: โ‚น0.009513 +0.5987% Current market cap: โ‚น113.16M +% $btcz #bitcoinz

Flux-Web3 Cloud

ZelTreZ has implemented $zel $btc $ltc $hush $zec & $btcz. Still to come are $eth & $rvn ZelTreZ release is May 31 Teaser video release This Weekend


#BTCZ is now listed on @TradeOgre, an exchange focused on privacy with no KYC. This complements $BTCZ, a privacy oriented coin, with zk-SNARKs proof of knowledge. Congratulations and LFG!๐Ÿš€๐Ÿš€ #ArmyZ #BitcoinZ


#BitcoinZ is now listed on $LTC / $BTCZ pair

Rok Mikuลพ

I paid for this vector images in #BTCZ I need those for my dog hotel! I'm gonna print shirts for me and others who work at hotel. #BitcoinZ will soon become payment for everyone to use it as #BTC Thanks again to @i7Bir for this great designs! Get in touch with him if you need anything โค๏ธ ...

Blue ๐Ÿ’Ž

@ezzyg_armyz Seeking innovation in the world of cryptocurrencies? Look no further than BitcoinZ ๐Ÿ’ก Join the movement and embrace the true spirit of crypto! ๐Ÿš€ #BitcoinZ #BTCZ $BTCZ

BitcoinZ Community (NOT GIVING AWAY ETH)

#bitcoinz $btcz Please Be Vigilant In Your Communications With BitcoinZ Community Members - We have been made aware that a scam via Telegram occurred on or about Feb 7 or Feb 8th involving a donation from an investor. Details are here:


BitcoinZ $BTCZ Equihash, Generally BitcoinZ coin is back to fundamentals


@ezzyg_armyz #BTCZ $BTCZ @BTCZOfficial The best crypto out there! It is everything BTC is, but better. It has its own blockchain, no pre-mine, virtually no transaction fees, nearly instant transactions.


@cryptoworld202 BitcoinZ #bitcoinZ #BTCZ $btcz #bitcoin2 #BTC


play games, do tasks, feel the joy, get the $BTCZ many things to do, and coins to collect...

Polarexpress Mai

$BTCZ @btczofficial #2mars #cetoEX Join the BTCZ army!!!


$html 5 and $btcz will show ther real power in a few months get a bag #mochosquote

offmylawn.btc ๐ŸŠ

@Brc20_News @Stacks itโ€™s sBTC but with liquid yield baked into it, similar to stSTX!


2/ @ZestProtocol, a DeFi protocol built for #Bitcoin on @Stacks, and its future $BTCz, a @babylonlabs_io LST. ๐Ÿ”—Their Galxe: OG + Ecosystem Enjoyer: 150 lapis ๐Ÿ”ท

Zest Protocol ๐ŸŠ

Bitcoin yield just changed forever. Early Access is open to $BTCz ๐ŸŠ๐ŸŽ‰ The easiest way to earn yield on your L1 Bitcoin ๐Ÿ‘‡

About BitcoinZ

Introducing BitcoinZ: Redefining the Future of Digital Currency

In a world where financial freedom is paramount, BitcoinZ (BTCZ) emerges as a beacon of hopeโ€”a revolutionary digital currency built on the principles of decentralization and community empowerment. Established in 2017, BitcoinZ isn't just another cryptocurrency; it's a movement aimed at democratizing finance and providing individuals with the tools they need to take control of their financial destiny. BitcoinZ is not another token or coin; it has its own blockchain, ensuring independence and resilience in the ever-evolving landscape of digital currencies.

Unlocking the Potential of BitcoinZ

BitcoinZ stands out in the crowded cryptocurrency space for several reasons:

Community-Driven Revolution: At its core, BitcoinZ is driven by its vibrant and passionate community. Unlike traditional financial systems that are governed by central authorities, BitcoinZ is governed by its users, ensuring that decisions are made with the collective interest in mind. This decentralized governance model not only fosters transparency and inclusivity but also empowers individuals to shape the future of the currency.

Feeless and Fast Transactions: BitcoinZ is committed to feeless and fast transactions, making it the ideal choice for everyday transactions. Whether you're making a small purchase or sending funds halfway across the globe, BitcoinZ ensures that your transactions are processed quickly and efficiently, without the need for costly fees or intermediaries.

Privacy and Security: Privacy and security are paramount in the world of digital currency, and BitcoinZ doesn't disappoint. With robust privacy features and state-of-the-art security protocols, BitcoinZ ensures that your transactions remain private and secure, protecting your financial information from prying eyes and malicious actors.

Innovative Technology: BitcoinZ leverages cutting-edge technology to provide users with a seamless and intuitive experience. From its ASIC-resistant mining algorithm to its multi-platform wallets, BitcoinZ is designed to be accessible to everyone, regardless of their technical expertise or background. With features like Reachability, Block data pruning, SPV proofs, and zk-SNARKs (Zero-Knowledge Succinct Non-Interactive Arguments of Knowledge), BitcoinZ offers unparalleled privacy and confidentiality, allowing users to conduct transactions without revealing sensitive information.

Wrapped BitcoinZ (wBTCZ) and Bridge Integration

BitcoinZ offers even more versatility with its wrapped version, wBTCZ, which is seamlessly integrated with the BitcoinZ ecosystem. Through platforms like the BitcoinZ Bridge, users can convert native BTCZ coins into tokenized wBTCZ on various networks, including the Binance Smart Chain (BSC). This integration expands the utility and accessibility of BitcoinZ, enabling users to leverage its benefits across different blockchain networks.

VaultZ: Empowering the Community

VaultZ represents a significant upgrade for the BitcoinZ Project, serving as the Community Fund for ongoing development and expansion. Implemented with the 2.05 version, VaultZ was overwhelmingly approved by the community with a massive 96% YES vote.

How Does VaultZ Work?

VaultZ operates on a sophisticated and democratized funding mechanism, allocating a minor 5% percentage of every block reward to support the Community Fund. This mechanism enables the community to vote on funding proposals, ensuring that the best ideas receive support and enabling the project to expand at a faster rate.

Previous State vs. VaultZ

Prior to the implementation of VaultZ, the Community Fund relied solely on donations from volunteer members. With the introduction of VaultZ, the funding system became more effective and equitable for all members. While investors are still welcome to contribute additional donations to the Community Fund, VaultZ provides a structured and transparent mechanism for ongoing support and development.

Is VaultZ a Dev Tax?

No, VaultZ operates fundamentally differently from traditional developer taxes imposed by other cryptocurrency projects. Unlike developer taxes, VaultZ requires community approval for its usage, including determining the percentage allocated to the fund. This democratic and decentralized approach sets VaultZ apart as a truly revolutionary mechanism for community-driven cryptocurrency development.

BitcoinZ: Paving the Way for Everyday Use

BitcoinZ does not seek to replace Bitcoin (BTC) but rather aims to be the cryptocurrency of choice for daily transactions. With almost zero fees, super-fast transactions, and a commitment to the core principles of cryptocurrency, BitcoinZ offers a real alternative for those seeking a decentralized and efficient means of exchange.

Join the BitcoinZ Movement

Join us on this exciting journey and discover the limitless possibilities of BitcoinZ. Whether you're looking to invest, transact, or contribute to the development of the project, BitcoinZ welcomes you to be part of a movement that's redefining the future of finance.

Experience the Future of Finance with BitcoinZ

Experience the future of finance with BitcoinZ. Join us today and contribute to building a more inclusive, transparent, and equitable financial system for generations to come.

BitcoinZ Roadmap: Exploring Use Cases with zk-SNARKs and Exchange Listings

As we navigate the future of BitcoinZ (BTCZ), it's imperative to identify strategic pathways that leverage the power of zk-SNARKs technology while also considering our presence on top exchanges. Here's a glimpse into potential directions our journey could take, each representing a unique use case:

  1. Smart Contracts: Revolutionize agreements and transactions with self-executing contracts, enhancing trust and efficiency in the BTCZ ecosystem.

  2. Real Estate: Transform property transactions by enabling transparent, immutable records on the blockchain, streamlining processes and reducing fraud.

  3. Accounting: Enhance financial transparency and auditability with zk-SNARKs, ensuring accurate and tamper-proof accounting practices within the BTCZ community.

  4. AI (Artificial Intelligence): Integrate AI capabilities to analyze blockchain data for insights, facilitating smarter decision-making and predictive analytics.

  5. NFTs (Non-Fungible Tokens): Empower creators and collectors with unique digital assets secured by zk-SNARKs, opening up new avenues for digital ownership and monetization.

  6. Healthcare: Safeguard sensitive medical data while enabling secure and efficient sharing among healthcare providers, ensuring privacy and compliance with regulations.

  7. Supply Chain: Enhance transparency and traceability in supply chains, enabling stakeholders to track products from origin to destination while combating counterfeiting and ensuring authenticity.

  8. Insurance: Revolutionize the insurance industry by automating claims processing, reducing fraud, and providing more affordable coverage options through decentralized applications.

  9. Media: Enable content creators to protect their intellectual property rights and monetize their work directly, bypassing intermediaries and ensuring fair compensation.

  10. Gaming: Create decentralized gaming ecosystems where players truly own their in-game assets, fostering a vibrant economy and community-driven development.

In parallel with these innovative use cases, we are actively pursuing listings on top cryptocurrency exchanges to enhance liquidity and accessibility for the BTCZ community. By expanding our presence on reputable exchanges, we aim to facilitate easier access to BTCZ coins, fostering broader adoption and engagement within the cryptocurrency ecosystem.

Maximum Supply: BitcoinZ has a maximum supply of 21 billion coins, ensuring scarcity and value preservation over time.

As we embark on this journey, let's explore these use cases with zk-SNARKs technology and continue to pursue strategic exchange listings, pushing the boundaries of what's possible in the world of BitcoinZ. Together, we can unlock new opportunities and pave the way for a decentralized future.

  • Name: BitcoinZ
  • Symbol: BTCZ
  • Started At: 10/12/2017
  • Mineable
  • PoW
  • Medium of Exchange
  • Privacy
  • Payments
  • BNB Chain Ecosystem