$VEO Overview


Amoveo sentiment is down with 389 interactions.

Sentiment by last 24 hours:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 50 out of 100, and it's based on the number of positive, negative and neutral mentions of $VEO on social media.

Highlights about Amoveo on social media

389 unique individuals are talking about Amoveo and it is in most mentions and activity from collected posts. In the last 24 hours, across all social media platforms, Amoveo has an sentiment score of 50 out of 100.

On Twitter, people are mostly bearish about Amoveo. Trend were down about Amoveo. These sentiments are based on 41 tweets.

On Reddit, Amoveo was mentioned in 4 Reddit posts and there were 6 interactions about Amoveo. On average, there were more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit posts and more upvotes compared to downvotes on Reddit comments.

Related topics: bitcoin, snowflake inc, blockchain, nyzo, oracle, ethereum, bis, $bis, $aro, money, $vbk, $zano, ravencoin, gravio, 2015, augur, monero, github, wombat, #crypto, rwa, coinmarketcap, $veil, $loki, veil, decimal, cb, zano, swap, investment, $xhv, bittube, $blast, blast, billy, cardano, $eos, $poly, safecoin, safe safe, $rep, $tera, mixmarvel, $phl, $grin grin, dero, x42 protocol, $vx, $vite, facebook, meta, haiti, defi, numeraire, kz cash, kzc, aeternity

Social media posts


@dankrad Yesterday I installed an amoveo full node with a mining pool. It took less than 5 minutes. Verkle makes mining pool maintenance much easier.


Only less than 20 ETH worth on $VEO on sales at @Amoveox before 6.49 ETH per VEO 😳


The cost of Question Oracles on Amoveo blockchain was reduced by 30% and Exan.tech's Telegram bot for VEO wallet exchanged a total of 8.46 VEO last week. Read about other developments in this week's newsletter


VEO for Free! What? YES!


How the number of miners affects the price of any coin?


Community Newsletter #7: Mission statement and updates


You show up. Buy up all the weak ownership claims to land at low prices. Convince the neighborhood to switch to amoveo. Now all your weak ownership claims get converted into strong ones that are more valuable.

Crypto FROG

$CCX will eventually be $50+, 1 $VEO will eventually be more in USD than 1 $BTC. Hope this helps. ^^


Trustless decentralized exchange with support for Monero


Hey @CoinMarketCap When will you guys be adding QTrade to your platform? They have awesome projects like $BIS, $NYZO, $VEO, and $SNOW just to name a few. Some of which have the majority of their volume on this exchange! Lets get it added!


I auctioned off 100 Veo tokens (the market cap is currently around 8000). It looks like they are about $57 each. Giving Amoveo a market cap of about $452 000.


Here is a dominant assurance contract to raise funds for a project for Amoveo. 7FGyJKf4/4dRpAqNprNCKvniLLB7OLZrPseHYZ5glZY= This is for translating the Amoveo white paper to Arabic, and making a post on the Arabic bitcointalk.


How about a POW algorithm where you have to find a subset of the decimal of pi that matches a randomly generated value. So if the key we are searching for is "amoveo - $VEO futarchy", you would have to keep searching in the decimals of pi until you found that string.


New blog post explaining the Amoveo oracle. Written by Mr Flintstone who is an anonymous member of the Amoveo community. Lots of people have trouble with my explanations, hopefully this version is more clear.


The difficulty increased 10x for Amoveo today, and the block time is still fast enough. Amoveo is growing exponentially. Nodes are getting more stable, now they only crash twice a day instead of 12 times.


Around February 27, hard update number 29 will activate on the Amoveo blockchain. The purpose of this update is to change how channel ids work. This prevents a small attack, and it is necessary for sortition chains to be able to use the channel system.


Recent buys: $AERGO $EGEM $PHL Positions I have added to recently: $BIS $HYDRO $FTM Obligatory, gratuitous mentions: $NYZO $VBK $VEO


Amoveo made it to block 20 000. It was supposed to take 5 months to mine this many blocks, but since the hashrate keeps increasing, it only took 2 months.

Crypto FROG

Tradeogre is THE exchange to be on for micro/low caps. It’s quite astonishing really. Stex can eat a dick. CB is a wreck. Qtrade is nice, but anyone telling you they wouldn’t LOVE $NYZO $BIS $SNOW $VEO $PHL $VLS or $ZANO on Ogre is LYING TO YOUR FACE.


Augur Lawsuit, frontpage Coindesk. Amoveo mentioned at bottom of article


The STABLE act is good news for Amoveo. Now that governments are finally attacking the centralized/trustful crypto-assets, people will start using decentralized/trustless assets. Few understand that stablecoins built from derivatives (aka "synthetic assets") will win.


A few of the members of the Amoveo community who have had roles in making these first 2 months so successful: Sy, Mandel Hoff, OK, catweed, Iridescence, Jim Hsu, Pham Huong, Kassel, Batman, Gonzalo Thank you everyone. I am proud to be a part of this community.


Bitcoin uses leveldb or berkeleydb for its database. Ethereum uses leveldb or rocksdb. Amoveo writes raw bytes to files. These databases have a tree structure internally. We also need a tree structure to use merkle proofs. Layering the 2 trees is less efficient.


The Amoveo light node has been reorganized. Now it includes tools for custom p2p financial derivative contracts, including an interface optimized for stablecoins. A tool for asking the oracle questions. And more.


HitBTC hacked?


To the Amoveo community: Keep sending me your questions about how Amoveo works. Most of the documentation, and most of my popular tweets were inspired by these kinds of questions. Don't be embarrassed to ask, you aren't wasting anyone's time.


Daily updates and pics at this Facebook page - Lifetree Haiti July 2015. http://t.co/ZPgtRWKAgA


$VEO chart with a "F*ck bottom sellers" pattern 😳


Amoveo BitcoinTalk announcement thread.


I was wrong. Amoveo never broke. It is working better now than ever.


$VEO BTC pair launched on @AmoveoExchange


One thing I hate about cryptocurrency is how every community hates criticism so much. It is impossible to improve if you cannot admit to your shortcomings. If you ever mention some potential improvement, everyone gets angry and says "FUD". Even in Amoveo this is a problem.


Amoveo P2P derivatives are live on the testnet. This allows arbitrary pairs of users to make a new state channel together, to bet against each other on whatever they want. Uses encryption to maintain privacy.


Still holding full positions of $VEO, $NIM and $SNOW btw


@nikete @ESYudkowsky @robinhanson Failed projects: Augur, Amoveo, numerai… I wonder why they are simply ignoring experiments 🧪


New Blog Post - Amoveo Group - http://t.co/mge7fPMlIp


So I have bags of all of $VEO $BIS $NYZO $PHL $ARO $MCM $VEIL $VBK $LOKI $NIM now.


June/July Update - http://t.co/efzaG9Lm87


Amoveo - we were defi before "defi" was a word. Amoveo is a blockchain for financial derivatives, the basic contracts that make up defi.


Amoveo $VEO is on coinmarketcap.


Qtrade was the only centralized exchange that supported VEO. If you have coins on the exchange, you need to get them off. We have forums to help you with making a self-custody wallet, or using the Amoveo DEX to trade between VEO and other currencies.


@shadowbrypto Amoveo, nyzo , Zano , snow .. good old days


This Amoveo prediction market currently says there is a 70% chance that Coinbase will de-list chainlink $LINK before the end of January


Update 32 has been merged into master branch of the Amoveo code base. This is the "subcurrency" update, it will activate in about 2 weeks. Big change to the smart contract system State channels can be converted into a spendable form, even if their contract hasn't resolved yet.


@metaproph3t @MetaDAOProject Amoveo was launched in March of 2018 as a futarchy led project. We shut off our futarchy when vulnerabilities were found, and have a new futarchy mechanism in the works.


We created a series of brand ads for @landrovernwlondon @LandRover_UK A British icon, born in 1948 the Land Rover has seen the world’s wonders. The Defender 75th celebrates its legacy of adventure and thunder. #landrover #defender #specialedition


Today 2 people who weren't me used the Amoveo DEX to swap 0.015 BTC for 10 VEO. (about $57 per VEO) Here is my write-up of what happened, with links to all the txs and consensus state involved


@Brad_Laurie @zack_bitcoin Amoveo is a blockchain for financial derivatives, the basic contracts that make up defi. It’s likely to be the most advanced blockchain for financial derivatives that only few people on CT talk about.

Crypto FROG

Biggest non-BTC bags ATM : $RVN $DASH $VEO $POLY ~~


Opens CMC Sees $VEO $ZEL and $DERO all under $3M market cap Shakes head in disbelief Closes browser


A plan to maintain the climate so that humans can thrive. $veo And explanations for why our current plan will fail.


$VEO when blow-off top sir?


Current positions: $TUSD $USDT $USD (Trex) $VEO


Serious talking here. If you STILL don't have a qtrade account, move your ass and open one. With referrals availables every coin on there is gonna EXPLODE. Just buy $BIS $NYZO $VEO and $SNOW


Hierarchy makes people stupid. It is impossible for a human to consider any idea that threatens their ability to eat. When in a complex hierarchy, many types of ideas become too dangerous to be worth considering. Amoveo $veo futarchy will end the hierarchy, and save our brains.

Crypto FROG

You probably wouldn’t go far wrong just buying big bags of the top 5 volume coins on @qTradeio and just holding for 6-9 months. Easy multiple X gainzzz IMO. $NYZO $VEO $SNOW $BIS $PHL

Bullish Kid

A few thoughts on the $VBK launch @BittrexExchange from my ANN. Honestly hard to know how it will end up...not a fair launch is all we can say :D If you have another opinion let me know...just played with the idea in my head for some while and thats the result: $ARRR $VEO $VBK


Bought $BIS and $VEO Sold a bit of $BITC but convinced it can go higher. Trying to grab a few other coins to store and forget for a while $NYZO order book is just madness. That thing is gonna pump so fking hard when it get listed

AngerTrading 🧘‍♂️

Broke: Buying newly listed coins on Binance Woke: Buying gems on eg: $VEO & yes, that's my first realistic target for VEO, expecting bigger returns on this for sure #Altcoins #Cryptocurrencies


Amoveo Light Wallet Instructions and sending VEO


@dankrad Yesterday I installed an amoveo full node with a mining pool. It took less than 5 minutes. Verkle makes mining pool maintenance much easier.


Cryptotwitter: meet the brilliant nocoiner cryptographer @cetinkayakoc who's lecture on elliptic curves inspired me to write crypto software. Lately he is posting video lectures in Turkish. Amoveo is based on research i did in his lab. I can't thank him enough.


Sold my $XTL a few days ago to get into $VEO at 0.0078. Sold today a part of my $TUBE to get back into $XTL at 3.1sat and setting orders for $ARO and $SAFE this evening. Meanwhile i'm mining $BITC @ChooseBitCash and waiting for $ZEL to come back down into the 300sats to load back


VEO for Free! What? YES!


You show up. Buy up all the weak ownership claims to land at low prices. Convince the neighborhood to switch to amoveo. Now all your weak ownership claims get converted into strong ones that are more valuable.


The cost of Question Oracles on Amoveo blockchain was reduced by 30% and Exan.tech's Telegram bot for VEO wallet exchanged a total of 8.46 VEO last week. Read about other developments in this week's newsletter


No one has ever become poor by giving. -Anne Frank


The mystery miner from Kassel Germany made contact with me. It seems like he is a big supporter of Amoveo, and wants it to succeed. He says he wrote better GPU software, and he will release it in a couple weeks after mining more.

₡rypto Ma₡h ®

I get asked daily over discord what I'm up to lately so thought i'd share it with CT: Mined & sold big bags of $beam Mining & selling big bags of $grin Mining buying & hodling $bitc $vbk & $phl Buying moaarr $veo $xhv & $rvn dips Keeping tabs on $mrt Scouting for...


Community Newsletter #7: Mission statement and updates


CMC is calculating the Amoveo market cap now. #464 today.


This is the roadmap of what I plan to be doing for Amoveo in the coming months. It is a balance between boldly acting on what we know, and humbly seeking to learn what we don't know.


The P2P derivatives software in the light node now supports atomically combining a payment with a derivative contract. This additional flexibility increases the potential use-cases of Amoveo $VEO.


Trustless decentralized exchange with support for Monero


New listings! Amoveo (VEO)


How the number of miners affects the price of any coin?


Bring it on! Can't wait to see projects like $VEO @veloprotocol show the world what blockchain can do for payments. Cheap, fast, secure and no borders. #orbit #rwa #payments


Only less than 20 ETH worth on $VEO on sales at @Amoveox before 6.49 ETH per VEO 😳

Crypto Gatsby

If you are looking for a new low-cap account to add to your follows: @CryptoMach is great. Bought $VEO at $30, and sold at $1000. 33x in less than 3 months during this bear market. He's also been in $XHV, $RVN and plenty of other projects before they got big.

Dorothée Gilbert

Today I'm dancing at the London Coliseum, Amoveo from @B_Millepied with Audric Bezard for Russian Ballet Icons Gala. http://t.co/uUWKp7jtZh

About Amoveo

Amoveo (VEO) bills itself as a highly-scalable proof-of-work blockchain driven by its community and aimed at prediction markets, investment, insurance contracts, and various derivatives, such as stable coins. Amoveo has Bitcoin-like Lightning channels which allow users to transact faster and cheaper than on the blockchain. The price for opening the channel is reportedly less than $1 and the transaction time inside the channel is reportedly in the millisecond range.

  • Name: Amoveo
  • Symbol: VEO
  • Started At: 2/5/2019
  • Mineable
  • SHA-256
  • Platform
  • State Channel
  • Smart Contracts