Airdrop Overview

Saltwater Games

Sentiment score:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 11 out of 100, and it's based on the popularity of the coin on social media platforms. Saltwater Games have total followers of 264102 on Twitter.

Followers 264102 Top followers DeFi Dad ⟠ defidad.eth smolting (wassie, verse) palmer Ivan on Tech ? Building Moralis Bharat Krymo

Complete the tasks to qualify for potential airdrops and rewards. Follow step-by-step instructions and track task updates and statuses to become one of the potential recipients of the Saltwater Games Airdrop.

Reward Type airdrop Status confirmed

Activity Types Social Reward Date TBD

Tasks and activities for Saltwater Games
open Type: Social

1. Go to the website and log in with your mail:


2. Connect your X to get access to tasks:


3. Complete social tasks. You will get points for them, which will be converted into tokens. More points=more tokens.