Airdrop Overview

Nifty Island

Sentiment score:
0% 100%
Sentiment score is 195 out of 100, and it's based on the popularity of the coin on social media platforms. Nifty Island have total followers of 104412 on Twitter.

Followers 104412 Top followers Andrew Kang loomdart - Holy War Arc 6529 Udi | BIP-420 ? DCinvestor

Complete the tasks to qualify for potential airdrops and rewards. Follow step-by-step instructions and track task updates and statuses to become one of the potential recipients of the Nifty Island Airdrop.

Reward Type airdrop Status reward_available

Activity Types Gaming Reward Date 2024-12-17t19:34:00.000z

Tasks and activities for Nifty Island
closed Type: Gaming

Nifty Island has an airdrop campaign going on, during which we can play the game and complete tasks. We will get points for this, which will be converted into $ISLAND tokens in the future.


1. Go to the website and connect your wallet:


2. Fill in the information and create your profile:


3. Open the Airdrop tab. Here you will see a list of activities for which you can get points. The best option for earning points is a game. Install it on your computer and start completing tasks!